The Undefined Love

Chapter 134: 134

"Bro, are you real? You are telling me that your actions are being monitored by someone. I mean who have the guts to stalk your actions?" Rick was really terrified with the thought of it.

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It was not as simple as the words are making it seem. He was not someone whom anyone can afford to stalk. He was the great Wang Deming. His name enough to scare anyone who even dared to lift their eyelids at him.

Not everyone knew his great indulgence in the dark world in the last two years but his title as the young formidable tycoon is also enough to give them a a strong heart attack.

Deming didn't responded to his words, he was just bust looking at the beautiful picture in his phone and his lips were curled up in a sheepish smile.

Seeing his sheepish innocent smile which more looked like the smile of the college boy who has recently found fallen for his crush. His smile intrigued deeply in his heart.

He pussy-footed behind him, not to alert him and snatched away his phone from his hand.

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And the very next second he can feel a chilly arctic storm passed down his spine. But he couldn't help but to ignore the deadly glare directed towards him to satiate his thirst to calm his curiosity.

When looked down the phone, the screen was already been locked. He tried to power on the phone to only feel dumbfounded with the next thing that unfolded.

There was screen lock to crack to go in any further. That's not what made him surprise as it's very normal to protect your privacy, but the image that was saved in the background.

It was a picture of the girl who was extremely beautiful. A face full of innocent charm. She was someone that can be called heavenly beauty. Her sliver look was so enticing that would make anyone sober up to get her mere attention.

For one moment, he was charmed by her picture, forgetting that he was someone who was committed to a girl, whom he promised to love forever.

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He was still grasping the beauty from the picture, when a rough hand grabbed back the cell phone.


"Don't you dare. I will gouge out your eyes. Put your attention on yourself, rather than on my girl", his words was a death warning to him. He was a man too, and he knew well the expressions Rick was having on his face just now.

"Your girl? Wasn't she the one I have seen on some fashion magazines? How come she looks completely different in this picture?", Rick was confused. He has previously seen Jie and also heard about the love gossips that were happening in Country A as it concerned his friend. But he has never seen Deming mention about her too much.

Even since the last seven days, he has been here in London, he had never seen Deming calling her or receiving any call from her. He was just deliberately ignoring her calls.

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"You don't need to know much about my affairs. Just keep in mind, she is someone no one can afford", he said with a serious tone.

"Oh ooo...", Rick very well knew what his words were indicating and there is always many things which people love but can't have it. And to him, he already has someone in his heart. He reminded himself clearly.

At that moment, Deming's phone dinged with a text message. He was waiting for this. He tapped on the screen to open the message.

Looking at his phone, slowly and slowly his eyes got darken. Rick noted all his expressions which has turned a lot fiercer that before. No one will believe that few moments before he was mimicking a boy lost in love.

He came forward and sneakily took peek of his phone."Bro, isn't she the one I have seen before just now. But she is there with someone in his black Bentley. Boss are you sure, she is your girl from before. I think she ...."

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He didn't dare to finish his words any further. His words remained inside his throat when he made a contact with his deep blazing dark eyes.

"Sorry, Sorry. I didn't meant to offend you but these pictures seems to say so. Look at this picture, how tenderly he is wiping off her face. With so much care, as if she is a porcelain doll under his care", he remarked at the pic in which Yuzhe was wiping off Lifen's face with his handkerchief.

"And this one, he draped his suit jacket on her shoulders. Look at his gentle gaze. It's the look which my eyes hold when I am with my girl, Lorraine", he remarked at the picture in which Yuzhe was leading her towards his car while draping his jacket on her shoulders.

Rick's words were pricking Deming's heart with jealousy. After knowing that Yang Yuzhe was intervening in his matters so actively, he asked his men to keep an eye on him. Little did he expected, he will find her with him. His grip tightened on his phone and then....


The phone was thrashed shattered on the floor.

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