The Undefined Love

Chapter 135: 135

The next morning, Lifen was sleeping in a bedroom which was designed in a contemporary British style but still retaining some Chinese fragrance. The soft, warm, soothing sunlight grazing inside just to wake her up.

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"Good morning to the yet another day of my life", she said while sitting up in the bed, rubbing her eyes like she always did and welcoming a new day with new surprises.

When she looked at the clock on the nightstand near the bed, she didn't disappointed herself. It was 7 a.m, that means she was on time. She quickly got out of the bed and went straight to the washroom.

It was not the first time here. She had been her before too, so this room and the bathroom was already stuffed with her essentials. She was quick in brushing her teeth and freshening up.

She casually put on her another formal outfit that was already prepapred, a white bishop sleeved blouse and black knotted plazzo teaming it up with black block heels. She put a thin layer of makeup as always that only included a moisturizer with right SPF, a little eyeliner which enhanced the beauty of her eyes accordingly and her deep formal maroon matte lipstick that gave a perfect definition of her independent look.

Getting ready she make quick points of the agenda for the day, on which she made one thing her top priority. "I should get soon a good place for myself", making a note she walked out of her room and down to the dining hall.

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She was thinking of preparing breakfast for two, but as she reached the dining hall, sweet aroma of food reached her nostrils and she can feel her stomach grumble with the sense of delicious aroma.

"Whoa! Brother Yuzhe. You are incredible. How can you be so damn perfect? I must say you are setting a quite high bar for perfect men in this world. Your girlfriend would be very lucky to have you doting on her", she said stepping into the kitchen, putting her hands on the slabs and sniffing the delicious aroma of pancakes which were in the process of getting ready.

Seeing the girl buttering him up early in the morning, he let out a low chuckle, "Really? Then be my girlfriend. You would become that lucky girl"

"...", her expression turned a little confused for a moment but in the other moment she brushed her off the silly thoughts and took it as an early morning joke. It was often to see Yuzhe joke around her often.

"Hahahaha, that's not funny. I will be beheaded in the next moment if your crazy fans comes to know about it. I would be on the top of the target list especially of that hot actress. She will just let her million fans bury me alive", she said with a giggle.

Being such a legendary figure of both medical world and business world, he was a man who had many girls fangirling around her. He was not that famous in Country A as he had not been there after getting recognition internationally but he does he would be at the similar par as Wang Deming.

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Yuzhe didn't mind Lifen's straight rejecting words. He always had an idea that it would be easy for him make her feel his sincere feelings for her. But he also knew it would not be impossible too, it will just need his time and sincerity in his heart. And he has enough time.

They went to dining table and peacefully had their breakfast. At the end of their meal, Lifen looked up at Yuzhe. She was just planning to present her words in a right way so that he accepts it any rejection.

Yuzhes knew what was brewing in her mind. He knew that from the yesterday night when she readily came to his place without showing any reluctance. She was planning this whole time.

"I was trying..."

"Are you again planning to look a place for yourself? I will not approve this time, no matter how much you try to persuade me", he said as stood up and pressed a switch on the left of the wall.

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Soon a maid came, picked up the plates and brought them back to kitchen. The mansion do have a lot of maids but they won't come unless they will be called out. Yang Yuzhe prioritizes his personal space without any interference.

"But Brother Yuzhe, you know I like to live alone. I can be here as a burden on your shoulders. You already care for me so much. I want to be a little more independent, she said while walking along with Yuzhe to the living hall.

"No", came his strict voice.

"Please..."she said with her eyes full of hopes. It didn't go futile. It always worked with him, he can never ignore her eyes full of hopes. He just can't.

"Okay, but this time I will find it for you. And you can't refuse to that or else I won't step back to call Grandpa Li", he said maintaining his serious posture.

A winning smile spread over face as she heard Yuzhe accepting her request once again. She can't oppose him. She knew well how much she cares for her. He was always there to help her and to care for her.

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At this moment, Yuzhe's phone rang making his mood sour. He doesn't like any disturbance during his time. All his employees knows it well.

Knowing the fact that their boss hates to get disturb early in the morning, someone still called him, it must be important but still he rejected the call.

The phone rang again. This time he picked up the call, "Speak".

The call was from his secretary. Hearing the next words, his eyes turned a bit cold but suddenly, his lips curled up slightly giving off a light of confidence.

He was waiting for this. It's the time to get face to face.

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