The Undefined Love

Chapter 147: 147

After leaving Deming at her apartment's parking lot, Lifen shrugged off his thoughts which were some where making a hitch in her heart.

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'Lifen, you have your work. Focus on that and shrug off the irrelevant thoughts for now", she said to herself as she made her way to her studio.

"Good morning, Boss!", came Erica's sweet voice as she stepped her foot in the studio.

"Good morning to you too. Now quickly give me a brief heads up on every aspect related to the fashion week. We are already near our deadline and I think we have almost done with every preparations", she said as she walked towards her cabin while responding to everyone's polite morning greetings.

"Yes, Boss. We are all prepared, only some minimal touch-ups are left and it will hardly require two days at most and we still have ten more days in hand", Erica said with a satisfying grin on her face.

All her employees are very much happy with their humble and kind hearted boss's leadership skills. She never force anyone to over exert themselves instead she always encourages them to give their best to the work. She never being bossy, always share their work load and treats every employee with care, just like her family.

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"That's great then. We will wrap everything today and then it will be a paid holiday for everyone for one whole week. What say?", she said sitting on her cabin chair.

Erica was happy about and she quickly went out to inform everyone about the plans and the good news.

Hearing about the whole week paid holiday, the employees started to work with full enthusiasm and spirit.

Soon it was afternoon, there was a knock on Lifen's cabin door and in came her secretary with her lunch.

"Boss, here is your packed lunch. We got everything done. And this is the file of all the designs which we will be showcasing at the even. It's almost done, but still it needs your approval ", Erica said as she placed the lunch on the side table and then placed the file in front of the desk.

"Okay, I will see it. And what about the models we have hired. When are they coming today?" she asked without lifting her head up from the document she was currently reviewing.

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"They are on their way but it will be a little delayed because it's raining heavily outside and they are struck", she informed.

Lifen lifted her head to look out the window to only find the it was really raining and the weather too seem quite cold. So the weather forecast do came true. Unintentionally she remembered her morning encounter with Deming.

He has told her that he will be waiting for her. No, it would be really insane if he will be waiting there at this moment. He won't be, after all he was the great CEO Wang, who will never take his health foolishly.

She said and again started flipping the files. Erica too retreated from the cabin, to make sure everything is working on track.

An hour passed, but still Lifen was flipping the same file. Here concentration was long gone.

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Somewhere in her self was saying her, in fact urging her to make her more. It was giving her the strong hints that Deming was still waiting at her place. But that really sound so insane.

Someone with even one percent of sanity will not do it. But then again, we aren't talking about any person. It was the Wang Deming in question, even his 0.001% of sanity at time becomes unpredictable and hazardous.

Frustratingly, she slammed closed the file and picked her phone to dial a number.

"Hello, I am the owner of Flat number 201, Wing Four of Sky Arcs Apartments. I have moved yesterday. Can you please help me check if there is a tall, handsome Chinese feature guy waiting in the parking lot?", she asked with utmost manners which somehow shocked the security guards.

"Okay Mam, hold on for some minutes. Let me check, since it's raining so hard I don't think there is a possibility", the security guard answered as check the cameras.

"No Mam, there isn't anyone there", the security guard added when went through almost all the cameras.

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"Oh", Lifen paused, somewhere feeling good but at the same time a little disappointed, "Thank you for your efforts".

She was about to hung up the call when the guard quickly added, "Sorry Miss, there seems to be one standing just down Wing four. But it hard to tell what he is thinking at this moment. He is almost drenched in the rain but still isn't moving".

She knew it. This man was really insane. What is he thinking out there. Don't he have enough money and even a car out there to protect himself against the rain. But still there he is....what the heck is he thinking?

She quickly got out of her cabin. If she is correct, it's already been almost two hours since the rain got started and he is there standing making himself drenched. How childish one can be?

"Erica, I will be leaving now. The files are almost done and only need some of my signatures, but at this moment I am in quite hurry. So send the files at my place tomorrow morning, and I will do it", she said and readily left the studio.

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