The Undefined Love

Chapter 148: 148

Lifen sped all the from her studio back to Sky Arcs Apartments, only to find Deming still standing there. No, he has moved to a place where the rain can get more access on his body.

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What's going in his evil brain? Or had he gone all insane?

Seeing her car arrive, Deming gave a known smile to her. To which Lifen's only reaction was a soft lip mumble saying, 'YOU ARE INSANE'.

She went to park her car at her designated place and then stepped out with her clear umbrella.

She came to him and then hoisted the umbrella a little higher to match up with his height but he was too tall.

Deming was all time only staring her pretty beautiful calm face, which has came to his dream every night. His only destination, his only fate.

Seeing her strong efforts to shelter him under the umbrella, he gave out a small chuckle and reached her hand to help her with it.

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Feeling his touch on her hands, Lifen instantly flinched away. "What are you...", she was about to ask him but before she could complete her sentence, he answered.

"Was trying to help you", his voice was shivering.

Only then, Lifen noticed that he was shivering from cold and his face was too getting pale. "Are you crazy? It's raining so hard and still you are standing here. What are you trying to do now?", she said while looking at him.

"I said before, I will be waiting for your return", he said softly. His voice was hardly audible but still held his strong sense.

"And I said that weather will be changing in the afternoon. And whatever reason, don't you have a car to take shelter? Have you run out of all your money?", she rebuked him but her tone was slightly sarcastic.

"I had the car but my mind ran out the ways to show you my sinceri....", and then his eyes suddenly became unfocused, his tall muscular build leaned on her frail body making her trip slightly backwards.

The umbrella was too long blown away, now draining both of them equally.

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"Hey?? Are you fine?? Deming???" she asked nervously supporting his muscular build.

But Deming didn't responded. Instead his head got buried in the crook of her neck, and his hand loosely folded around her waist as if to grab some dependable support.

She could feel his shivering bidy against her. She tilted her head to look at his face only to find that his lips slightly opened to breathe heavily and his eyes lightly closed as if losing consciousness.

Seeing him in his condition she panicked. Quickly, with the help of the guards she took him to her apartment and too called a doctor.

"Thank You for you help", she thanked the guards who helped her to carry Deming to her place and then closed the the door.

She went back to her room. On her bed, Deming was lying all unconscious, with her clothes all soaked. She needs to change them but how can she?

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Her face unknowingly flushed red. 'I have to do it anyhow, or his condition will only worsen. I am just helping the person who is sick', she said to herself as she walked inside her washroom.

Stepped out from the bathroom with a unisex bathrobe. Obviously she won't be having any pair of pyjama set for a male.

Looking at him and then thinking about changing his clothes was only making her more and red with embarrassment. She shook her head in denial and then opened the drawer of the bed side table.

'Okay, this seems perfect', she said after putting on her eye mask.

She changed his clothes, making him wear the bathrobe. Saying that it was hard will be an understatement. Only now she knew how heavy he is, seems like his strong builds are not false.

After done with him, she too went to washroom to get rid of her soaked clothes.

Soon after that doctor came and prescribed some medicines that will help to lower his temperature and also asked her to use the method of cold compress.

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Next morning, Deming's eyes flutter and soon a cool soft fruity smell of flowers entered his senses.

He slowly opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar room. When tilted his head, he can see the beautiful bloomed plumeria flowers in the balcony, automatically making his mood lighter.

'But wait, where am I', he thought sitting up straight on the bed. He looked around but there was no one, he could only hear the water running in the bathroom.

He looked at himself and found he was wrapped in a bathrobe. On the side table, he can see a bowl of water with wet washcloth. He closed his eyes to remember the last event where he met Lifen and then fell unconscious.

A bright morning smile spread over his lips, "Whoa! finally I am with her. This must be her room. My plan didn't failed".

He was boosting himself for the success of his plan when the door of the washroom got opened. He looked in the direction, his eyes widen and jaw dropped.

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