The Undefined Love

Chapter 149: 149

The whole night, Lifen sat beside Demingon the chair, changing the wet wash washcloth over his forehead. Only in the morning, he blazing temperature got reduced that made her sigh in relief.

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Then only she took a short nap, putting her head down on the bed. She was truly exhausted from the work in her studio then handling him all night.

Though she can't deny the fact in her heart that she somewhere felt satisfied.

When in the morning, sunlight kissed her tender skin, she woke up feeling her body muscles a little uncomfortable from the weird sleep posture. She shrugged it off and checked his temperature.

The fever was long gone and from his expression, one can say that he was sleeping soundly and comfortably.

"I should take the bath first. Since he is still under the influence of the medicines, he won't be waking any time soon", she mumbled to herself as he went to proceed with her bathroom necessities.

But little did she guessed that when she will be done will all her stuffs in the bathroom and will step out, she will find him sitting on her bed all sobered and upright giving off his dazzling contented smile.

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Since she hasn't thought that he would woke up so early in the morning, she was only in her black bathrobe. She has planned to get dressed in her closet room as she always does.

When Deming heard the bathroom door slid open, he looked at the direction to grasp the breathtaking view. He has expected her beautiful and pretty face but never thought that she would be looking so sizzling hot.

To him, her tender body was wrapped in the black bathrobe. Though the robe was knee length hiding everything to make her comfortable in front of his eyes but still it can't hide her her beautiful pale while skin underneath.

Her long slender legs came came to his view. Her face was bare without any makeup but still it looked like her skin was beautiful carved with every makeup one can do.

The thing that was giving her the look of enchantress of beauty is her wet dripping long mid back length hair which was partially wrapped with a towel, leaving few strands on her round oval face.

Lifen was too dumbstruck with his expression but she can't give in to face embarrassment in front of him.

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"What? Haven't you seen me before? Pull your jaw up or some poor abandoned flies might get doomed to enter it", she said as she walke brushing off his eyes.

Deming could only blink his eyes coming back from his trance.

"Good morning!", he said sheepishly and scratched his head. "And thank y...", the moment he was about to complete the word 'thank you' she vanished inside the closet.

Seeing her out of his sight, he slapped his head at the back and rebuked himself, "What were you planning, Deming? Stick to your damn plan if you want her back in your life. This is the only way you could get a chance to repent your mistakes".

After some time, Lifen came back to the room in a cute rabbit sweatshirt and long loose pants. Her hair was still wrapped and she walked to her dressing table to blow dry it.

Looking at her now Deming smiled and mumbled to himself, "Again she go, from hot sizzling diva to small cute rabbit. Only my girl has this interesting supernatural power".

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"Huh? Did you say something?", she asked looking at his moving lips.

"Huh? Nope...I mean yes. What did you do to me last night?", he said, cross folding his hands over his chest as if trying to hide is bare muscular chest which never came in anyone's view.

"...", Lifen paused the blow dryer looking at his reflection through her mirror, with an expressionless face.

"I mean, I do wanted to get invited by you but I never thought you would do such thing to me. Now what will I do? Who will take my responsibility? What if the mews get out in the media, my company stock and my heart will only....", he said and then completed the sentence under her breath that only he could hear, 'RISE'.

Hearing his words, Lifen turned abruptly, "Hey, wait! Hold the strings of your perverted thoughts ".

She paused and then inched slowly towards him, only to stop at a half arm distance from him, "I didn't do anything to you. P.L.E.A.S.E.!! I have much better things to do in my life. I..."

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Before she could complete her sentence, he looked at her face with a serious expression, making her stop her words in between, "You didn't do anything to me?", he asked in a stern voice.


"Really? Then how did my clothes get changed? How did I got into your bathrobe that hat such a beautiful flowery scent?", he asked raising his brows.

"Yes, I have helped you change them because you were completely drenched yesterday. And you were also having burning temperature. I didn't have any ill intentions regarding you", she said which seemed very cute to his dark eyes.

He wasn't able to control himself looking at her cuteness which was dripping with her sweet innocence. He extended his arms to grab her hands when she wasn't noticing and tugged her on the bed or one can say on his lap.

"Shhhh....", he said putting his cold slender finger on her lips, "It doesn't matter now. You have to take RESPONSIBILITY", staring deep into her hynotising eyes.

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