The Undefined Love

Chapter 150: 150

Looking at her cuteness, he wasn't able to control himself anymore. For once he can ignore his manly urges, when she is looking hot and sizzling but in front of her cuteness he always lost everything even her sanity.

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So at this moment too, he lost his rationality to think as he pulled her to bed which made her trip over his lap. After several seconds, he came to his senses and hastily blurted out, "That doesn't matter now. You have to take the RESPONSIBILITY ".

Sensing the proximity with him, Lifen instantly leaped out of his lap. She straightened up ger sweatshirt and then gently tugged her hairs back her ears, "What Responsibility? What for? You are a grown up adult and I am not your guardian who is bound to take your responsibility ".

He dipped his head a little down and gave out a chuckle, "Oh really...then you are accepting that something did happen between us, last night?"

He slowly raised his eyes to look at her and there she has again transformed into his cute little wild cat.

"...", she got struck for a moment then again blurted out, "Who said that? Don't make your own stories?"

"Huh? You just said that in indirect words", he said as he stood up walking in her direction.

"...Just sit down on the bed. You are still weak", she said as she walked backwards.

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"So you are concerned about me. That means you take my responsibility, isn't it?", he said in a seductive tone and then pinned her lock between himself and the dressing table.

"W-Why should I take the responsibility when there nothing happened between us? You were not in the condition?", she said in a stuttering tone.

"So, you wanted something to happen?..."

", not at all. You are just making stories out by your own perverted brain. Stop that and if you are so fine then you can leave. I will pack up your medicines", she said as she tried to escape from him.

But he didn't budge, "I am not going anywhere. I will stay here, in this house, with you", he said as he walked back to the bed.

She followed just behind him, "Wait, what do you mean by that? No not at all, you are not staying here. This is my house, not yours".

"Yeah I know this is your house and that's why I will stay here with you. Or there is one another option too. You can come to my place, if you want to. But I prefer here", he said as he once again looked around the room.

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"Huh? And why would I choose any of the options?", she said folding her arms on her chest.

"Because I am sick. You have to take care of me", he said with a pouting lips.

And there Lifen got lost in the trance. Her heart was screaming, "So cute".

"Did you like that?", he asked suddenly.


"So you liked that. Okay I will do it more often for you", he said with an expression as if making a note in his mind.

"Think whatever you want, that won't become the truth", she said as she turned around to leave the room.

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"Where are you going?", he asked but she ignored and left the room.

'Where did she go? She didn't ask me to leave, so that means I can stay here with her. Whoa! my plan is on the right track. But what should I do now? Should I go after her or should I stay here and wait for her?' he kept talking inside his mind.

'No, I should wait here only. Remember Deming you are sick so pretend like a sick person or else she will kick your ass out. Now wait here for her', he said as he comfortably tugged himself in the bed.

After about 15 or 20 minutes, Lifen came back to the room with a tray in her hands.

Seeing her return, Deming shut his eyes closed and pretended to sleep. "Here, get up have some breakfast first. You have to take your medicines too", she said standing in front of him but his didn't showed any movement.

"Hey...Are you listening, get up fast", she called a few more times but he didn't moved at all.

"Was his temperature came back?", she thought as she pace beside his side.

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She carefully placed the tray on the side table and placed her palm over his forehead to sense his temperature. It was right. 'Then why is he not waking up?', she thought to herself.

She somewhat get tensed. She gently caressed his face, "Deming, are you fine? Should I call the doctor? Wake up for the breakfast ", she said in her soft voice.

Deming opened his eyes and grabbed hers palms on his face, "I would love to wake up every morning like this. This the world's best alarm for me which would definitely made my day" , he said with a wide smile on his lips.

Lifen flinched from his grip, "You were faking your sleep", she asked in a rebuking tone.

"Not at all. I just got hypnotized by you soft loving voice", he said as he tried to get up on the bed. He pretended to struggle which obviously led to Lifen's help.

She then handed him the bowl of congee, which she has prepared for him, "Have this first, then you have to take the medicines too"

"Can you please help me with this. I am feeling weakness, so I might just drop the spoon or the bowl. Please!!" he pouted his lips again. Basically again because he knew, Lifen liked this expression on his face or it might become her weakness, same as her cuteness is his.

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