The Undefined Love

Chapter 165: 165

It was already dark outside. The sky was like thick black bed of forest with a lot of fireflies twinkling around. Soft breeze were calming people mood. Though it was cold but it was bearable.

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The room was dark inside and the only sound that can heard was the sync breathing of teo people.

The sweet soft fragrance of plumeria flowers were smoothly drifting inside the room making the two people sleeping inside more cozy and comfortable.

The man sleeping sleeping under the duvet shifted a little to make himself more comfortable but suddenly felt another body beside him shifting more closer to him as if trying to grasp the hold of warmth her body was losing suddenly.

His eagle eyes got open fully alerted. Gaining the past memories of morning back, his eyes got a little calm as he turned to look at the beautiful woman sleeping comfortably beside him.

There was a faint moonlight coming inside the room which making their facial features quite visible.

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She was facing towards him. Her one arm underneath her head while the other was holding him across the chest.

Looking at her calm face and the way she was comfortably sleeping beside him made his heart flutter. He so dreamt of this situation.

Suddenly some mischievous glint came across his eyes. He twisted his flat posture slightly to turn around to face her too and then parting his body a little away from hers.

As expected by him, her brows instantly furrowed as she moved more close, snuggling into his chest. She slightly rubbed her face on the clean, soft fabric of his t-shirt making his lips curl into a contented smile.

"I so love you my Little Cat. I will strive all hard to get you back even if it take me ages. We will be together like we are now", he took a deep satisfied breath in and wrapped his arms around her petite figure, keeping her close to his chest where his heart was doing somersaults.

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When he felt her body moving under his embrace, he knew the she was now getting awake from her dreams. He quickly closed his eyes pretending to be asleep.

No matter, how much Lifen struggled to get out from his embrace but still his grip around her remained firm yet gently. At last she gave in and dropped down the thought of getting away from him. She didn't wanted to wake him up when he was sleeping so soundly.

Only she knew, how she felt when she saw him in that condition. Her heart has dropped down just by the mere thought that she was going to lose him. That he will no longer be around her in her world. Though he wasn't there with her but still she was comfortable when thought he was living somewhere away from her all safe and sound.

Even now when she thinks of that scene where he was fainting and breathing heavily, she felt goosebumps all over her skin, sending shivers down her spines.

She popped her head up to look at his well defined face which was glowing under the shining moonlight.

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Seeing his perfect features she can help but gently touched his sharp nose. Then slowly her fingers moved over his eyes, trailing his cheeks and then stopping over his lips.

"I so missed you. I can't tell anyone this but I have never forgotten you. You were always been in my memories giving me smiles and tears everyday", she said softly.

Hearing her confessing that she missed him and remembered him every day, his lips turned up slightly in a faint smile which wasn't got noticed by her.

"I don't know whether I will be able to forgive you for what you have done or not. But one thing which I am confirmed about is the that you have broke my trust. The trust is the most fragile thing in this world world. Once broken it can never be like before and with that I can never be what I was before. I am not the same as before and will never be", she added and closed her eyes dropping a tear from the corner of her eyes.

"We don't have to go in our past. Let's start over. I know my previous actions are unforgivable but still I don't think I can't deserve a second chance", his sudden voice startled her as she opened her eyes in an instant.

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His one palm came up to caress her cheeks as he said, "No matter how much you change, my heart will only love you. Please give me a second chand to prove myself to you".

Lifen stared into his eyes, giving some thought to his words and then she suddenly spoke, "You still not know many things about me and right now I don't intend to reveal it to you. I am not as simple as you think".

Before she can put a full stop to her words, he spoke up, "It doesn't matter to me. As long you are the person in question, I will love you. And I never force you say anything that you don't want to. I only want you to be my side and allow me to be at yours".

He paused and again asked, "So can we start over again?"

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