The Undefined Love

Chapter 166: 166

Its been five days after that night where they both have finally settled their past. It can't be said settled since Lifen still can't feel that there can be future for them together.

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As said earlier, she won't be ever let go the things that Deming did with her heart. She just can't even if she tried hard.

She sometimes feel weird that how much his presence affects her both in good way and bad way. If she knew her heart correctly then she can easily say that in her life the most happy moments and the most worst moment has come only because of him alone.

The beautiful phase of her life was the time of her childhood in which Deming was present beside her and the worst moment of her life was the moment Deming had crushed her heart mercilessly.

After that night, she thought hard and decided that for the one and the last time she will give a chance to him to prove his sincerity, though she feel it.

She was first hesitant because of his relationship with Jie. She can't be a relationship breaker. The mere thought of breaking anyone's well going relationship fills her heart with immense guilt.

But when Deming reassured her there is nothing going on between him and Jie, she decided believe him and try out with him.

Gaining her approval, Deming was on cloud nine. After feeling this unbearable pain for such long years, he has got a chance to be with her and love her proudly. He promised himself to cherish her with his life.

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Since that day, they had been like the normal couples in a relationship. He tried to make her more and more comfortable with him. Though he had flirted with her every day but he never made a move on her as he was scared to scare her.

They would cook together in the kitchen becoming a little bit touchy that too when initiated by Deming.

He never want Lifen to initiate anything. He would always be one to adjust around her as he can't see her getting her uncomfortable. He wants to be as patient as he wanted him to be.

Everything was going fine till it reached the last day of the allotted holiday, Lifen has given to her employees. She was getting more used to his presence around her. The care he was offering her every day was make her heart feel at ease.

"Ummm...I will have to go back at work tomorrow. So I won't be at home", she said while flipping the page of the fashion magazine.

Her back was resting on his chest while both were sitting beside each other in the living room. He was working on his laptop with one hand wrapped around her casually wrapped.

"Hmmm", was the only reply which she got from him. She expected a little more from him. She turned her head slightly to find him busy with his laptop.

She detached herself from him and pouted, "I said I won't be at home all day. Don't you think that you should say something to me in that regard?"

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Deming didn't responded to her as he haven't paid attention to it so he just hummed in response.

When after few minutes, he didn't heard her or feel her he lifted his gaze from his laptop and looked at her face which was not less than sullen kid.

"What happened love?", he asked placing his palms on her cheeks to cup them.

"Nothing ", she said and then busied herself with the magazine.

"Tell me" , he insisted only to gain a glare from her.

"You didn't responded to my question previously, so what's there to tell", she snorted.

"Oh is it like that. I am sorry but I was little occupied with the work back in Country A. But you should understand too. If I didn't divert my mine from you then I won't be able to have self control around your cuteness", he said with such seriousness that Lifen wasn't able to shrug off his words.

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Her cheeks instantly turned red. She coughed and said in a humble voice, "I said I won't be here all day with you as I have to go back to work".

"Huh? But how will I be here all alone then? I will get bored and will miss you terribly. And you know we have just started dating, how can you live me alone like that?", he pursed his lips feeling injustice.

Lifen squinted her eyes, "Hey wait a second. Why do I feel like I did something wrong to you? You are behaving like we haven't started dating rather are newly weds where the husband is leaving his wife alone on the second day of the marriage", she folded her arms across her chest.

Deming simply leaned a little forward towards her and left a sweet quick peck on her lips.

"You are so cute that I can't help myself. But your idea is not bad. If it makes me as your top priority and curry all your attention towards me then I can marry you at this very moment", he said and stood up.

He then made stand on her feet too, "Let's go then".

"Where?", she asked all confused.

"Ofcourse to register our marriage! I will ask my secretary to make the things fast", he said as he pulled out his phone, fiddled it for some second and was ready to make the call.

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"Ho ho...wait, hold on! Are you crazy"

"Only for you", he grinned widely.

"Let me complete, Deming", she demanded seriously, "I was just kidding. We can't get married like this. At least not until, you know everything about me".

Deming was about to say something when his phone dinged with a text message.

Before he could look into his phone, it was taken by Lifen, "Let me check if you haven't made any silly moves with your secretary in secret to get the marriage register"

But the next second her eyes lost it colour and she handed the phone back to Deming, "I am sorry. Do your stuffs. I will go and make some tea".

She left and walked to the kitchen leaving Deming confused.

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