The Undefined Love

Chapter 171: 171

The sharp clanking sound of the vase striking the floor drew the attention of Deming towards Lifen.

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He was still in a kind of inappropriate position with Jie.

Earlier, when Jie suddenly appeared outside Lifen's apartment behind him, he was annoyed not wanting to deal with her there. He asked her to leave without even asking the reason of her sudden appearance.

But Jie rushed to cling on his arms coquettishly, "Brother Ming, I have all the way from Country A to London to meet you. But here you are not even giving me a glance".

"Enough Jie. I never asked you to come here and why are you behaving like this. You clearly know that there is nothing between us barring the care which I have promised you years ago", his tone was full of annoyance.

"But...", she tried but cut off in between.

"Leave. I don't want her to appraise us in a relation which we never held", he said creating space between them.

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"Relation we never held? Really? Then what was between us before that accident? Wasn't that the mutual feelings we held for each other? But her presence for mere three to four months replaced your feelings for me. But how should I change my heart?", she said laughing hysterically, her face full of pain and distress.

Deming didn't bat an eye to her words or the expressions she was showing on her face. In these past two years, he has known that Jie wasn't like someone she pretends to be. He thinks she has become like this because of him.

But again still he held the guilt of giving her hope of their relationship. He had no right to make her wait all these years for him. He can't repeat the mistake of breaking someone's heart. This was something taught him.

"I already made it clear to you. I even apologized you. And you need to understand this clearly, my heart only has her. No one can get there", he said looking at her in her eyes as if preparing her for the near future when he will not hitch claiming this in front of the whole world.

Jie looked at him in disbelief. She wanted to make him feel the guilt of loving someone that's not her. But no matter how much she stared at him, she couldn't find any trace of the guilt.

Feeling defeated she nodded her head and said, "Fine...fine, if that will give you happiness then I will never object this. But at least fulfill the promise you made to me. You promised to take care of me. Then at least can you please a little less indifferent to me. I know you won't accept me as someone like her but at very least let me and the people feel that I am someone you really care".

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Hearing her words, Deming didn't responded but then after some time said plainly, "I will fulfill my promise to protect and care. That I will do. But it won't change the fact that my care for you and Lifen will show the difference like day and night".

"Okay. Then I won't disturb you"she said and turned to leave but suddenly body felt weak and she collapsed on the ground with a thud.

"Jie?", he called as he reached her, "What happened to you suddenly?"he asked with concern.

"I am fine. I think it all due to jet lag. My body just feels a little dehydrated", she said weakly.

Noticing her semi-conscious condition and weakness, Deming quickly supported her up and brought her in the apartment.

Placing her on the sofa in the living hall, he went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for her. Sensing his eyes not on her, her lips curled up in an evil smirk.

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When Deming come to her with the glass, she took it and drank it in one go. "I will be fine, Brother Ming. I think I should leave now", she tried to stand up but stumbled back on the sofa.

"It's okay. Wait for a bit. I will ask someone to come and pick you up", saying this he made a quick call to his men to send a car with driver.

After few minutes his phone buzzed with a text informing the car is downstairs in the parking and the driver is waiting there too.

"Okay, I have called someone. He will take you back to the hotel. You should ho and rest. Let me help you to get to the car", he said and help her stand up , leading her towards the main door.

She hummed and took is support but suddenly said, "Can I use the washroom first?"

Deming nodded and took her to the washroom. She went in alone while he waited in the bedroom for her to come out.

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After few minutes when she didn't came out, he knocked at the door, "Jie? Are you fine? Jie? Jie?".

He called but got no response. He hesitated first but then opened the door only to find her drowned in the bathtub, unconscious.

He quickly went to her and patted her cheeks to wake her up. She didn't responded.

She was all wet so he thought of taking her out first. He slipped his arms around her shoulders to pick her up but suddenly her eyes got open and she said dazedly, "Ahhh! You came for me Brother Ming. You love me right. You care for me then why are you rejecting me for her? How is she better than me? Is she a good kisser?"

She was babbling nonsense but Deming give any regard to her words. He was trying to get her out of the bathtub.

All of a sudden, Jie grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards her, pressing her lips on his forcefully.

It was so sudden that Deming wasn't able to dodge it in time. Till the time he realized it was too late as he heard the thud of the vase hitting the ground. And then came her tear filled defeated eyes in his view.

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