The Undefined Love

Chapter 172: 172

As their eyes met, Deming understood she has taken everything wrongly. It wasn't her fault. They were still in the phase where he was trying to build the trust within her which he has once broke.

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He quickly pushed Jie away from him and straightened his posture to look straight into her eyes, "Lifen, listen to me first".

"Scram off!" she roared.

"'s really not what you are seeing. Let me explain...", he tried to explain as he walked to her hurriedly and grabbed her palms into his.

But Lifen shrugged off his hands away with a single flinch, I don't wanna hear your bullsh*t. Get out and do your stuffs at your place. Get outttt. Now!".

The tears in eyes were long turned into ice specifying that she has again hardened her heart against him. Her eyes was giving off a look of disgust to him.

"There is anything going on between us, Lifen. I was just helping her out...", he explained.

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"Helping her out by making out in my bathroom. Wasn't it enough to mess with my heart once that you have come again to destroy me", she asked with a snort.

Her accusations agitated him too. He knew that she was mad at him due to scene she came across before but how can she accuse her with that? Didn't she knew by now that he is only capable to love her, no one else.

How can she belittle his love for her?

His eyes got darkened as he moved to her, "Little Cat, do you really think of accusing me like that? Only you on this whole earth has the ability to accuse me for the crime which I haven't committed"

He paused as he extended to grab her chin with his fingers, so that she could directly see into his eyes, "But every boon has it own curse too. You can accuse me for everything you want but in return you have to let me explain my side too".

Hearing his words, Lifen looked into his eyes. Why his eyes seem to be so sincere? Why every time she look into his she seems to lose everything?

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Taking her silence as his opportunity, Deming didn't waste any time and explained the whole scenario to her.

"She collapsed and you took her in because you wanted to help her? Then what about the kiss that was happening a few moments before? And if she was that weak to collapse then why is she looking so energetic now? Just a kiss and she got the energy back. Impressive!! Your kiss really held power, Mr.Wang", she made the comment mockingly.

All this time Deming didn't paid any attention at Jie. When he turned to look at her, Lifen seemed to be right in her words.

She wasn't looking weak at all. Was all this her plan? He looked at her with a death glare, "Was all this your plan?"

Jie shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, "What should I say? I came here to meet you because I missed you. What do you think? What plan? Should I say something, but Brother Ming I don't know what to say?"

Hearing her words which was clearly framing him into everything, Deming eyes filled with hatred. He can't believe Jie would do something like that. He looked back at Lifen, "I don't know what should I say now. I can give any proof to you but there are my words. Will you believe me?"

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She slowly came out of the bathtub and came to cling back at his arms, "Brother Ming, I don't think she will believe you now. It's okay we can...."

He pushed her hard and the next second she stumbled to fell on the floor hard, "Ahh!! Brother Ming it hurts".

"Enough of your crap. Get out and dare not to come again. I have enough of you now. I have always ignored your dirty tricks because I thought you are just acting childishly and will soon understand but at this moment...huh...I think I was so damn wrong about you. I have already explained you that I will fulfill my promise to take care of you but not on the cost of my love. No never. I love her and no matter what tricks you play, I won't give up", his tone was all cold.

"Brother Ming", she yelled arrogantly, "you can't insult me like that and that too in front of her".

Deming didn't bothered to look at her anymore. He took out his phone and called his men, "Come up and take away Ms.Long"

Within five minutes, Jie was out of their sight and house. She had never been so embarrassed and it was the first time Deming has talked to her like that.

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After Jie left, Deming again turned to look back at Lifen who was just staring at him trying reveal something from his eyes.

"Will you believe me? I know it's hard for you to believe but will you still choose to believe in my words?", he asked persuading her with his eyes.

Lifen remained silent and was just looking into his eyes.

"Say it. Will you?", he asked again.

"I don't know. I am really confused. I want to believe your eyes. The words they are screaming . But if I do so, then I would be doubting my own eyes", she said and turned her back towards him.

Deming hands went limp as it fell off from her shoulders.

"I think I need some time and space to be sure of it", she continued, "Let's talk about it another time. I am too tired today. You should go now".

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