The Undefined Love

Chapter 180: 180

A girl was peddling her bike feeling the cold breeze that was continously ruffling her loose hoodie. The hood of her dark hoodie was complimenting the darkness of the night.

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In the midst of darkness, her eyes was glistening with simplicity and naivety but the way she was riding her bike in dark was also radiating confidence she was holding in her heart. The independent aura that always make her stand out in the middle thousands of people in the crowd.

Soon she pulled her bike at the entrance of small house which named on plate as Zhao's House.

She has always read this name before entering the house when she visited her in earlier days. So this time also the name came out of her lips out of habit and her lips curled up mischievously.

She made her bike stand behind the tree near the entrance gate as she pussy-footedly slipped inside, silently opening the metal gate.

She didn't move towards the front rather walked towards the back of the house. Looking up she can see up her destination inside a window of the room which was already switched to the complete darkness.

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The room was on the first floor and she was sneaking inside the house without getting any permission so it was better to climb up the wall with the support pipe digged alongside of the wall.

She climbed up the wall very efficiently as if she was a pro in climbing up the walls. It was something close to the truth as she has often done this in the past too.

When got inside the room, she can easily identify the bed in the middle with a figure lying being bewitched into deep slumber.

It wasn't complete dark inside as the lights on the lower corners of walls were on to guide the person in the darkness.

She stood still to watch the girl lying so peacefully without bothering the surrounding around her. Her lips tugged up in a smirk as she spontaneously cooked up the plan in her head.

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She walked slowly towards the bed and slipped into the blanket, right beside the girl.

Slowly and slowly she slipped her fingers on her neck giving her the feeling of cold but gentle caressing. The other girl smiled in her sleep feeling the gentle touch but suddenly her brows got furrowed as if she has discovered some weird fact on this earth.

Her eyes got shot open in revealing fear. Behind her, Lifen's was controlling her giggle hard which was threatening to come out loud. She knew the girl has already woken up but her mischief wasn't over yet.

She gave some warm breath on Guang's collar from behind, increasing the level of her fear.

Guang was feeling terribly scared. Who has suddenly intruded into her room? That too in such a deep night? What are his intentions? Is he a thief or a kidnapper? If he is a thief, what is he doing with her inside her blanket? He should be robbing the house not her.

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Several questions were running in her head. It never crossed her brain that this person behind her wasn't a thief or even a man, it was her friend who has come up with a mischief just to surprise her.

"Who are you? What do you want?", she asked stuttering the words out. She was about to move away from the person but suddenly felt a grip coming down, tightening around her waist, making her unable to move.

Lifen didn't speak rather pulled up her phone to turn on first recording, "Ms.Zhao, how can you forget me? I am your stalker, a die hard lover of your beauty". The words the came out of the recording was of Lifen but the voice was of some man. It has been changed using a voice modulation application.

Life has come all prepared for the mischief.

"M-My stalker?", she gulped down the saliva that has accumulated in her throat "What do you want?", she asked in a low voice which was pointing out her fear.

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Lifen tried hard not to laugh at her friend's condition. She again turned on another recording on her phone, "I never thought I would confess this soon. I want you all for myself. I want Ms.Zhao, you to be mine. Mine alone, my dear Guang. But before that I would let you call your best friend and family".

The recording paused and again continued, "I know you won't be calling your family but your friend. And there too you haven't got any choice since your one friend has run away. So it only leaves you Ms.Zhang Daiyu. Feel free to call her and let her know you will be leaving with me today night itself", at the end of the words the voice gave off a hysterical laugh giving her goosebumps all over her skin.

Guang didn't gave any other thought and frantically dialled Daiyu's number in hope that she could save her from this psycho.

The first attempt went futile as no one answered. The second and the third also went same. On the fourth attempt, the call got connected and came the drowsy raspy voice of Daiyu, "Hello? Who is this? Don't you have time to look at the clock before calling someone at this hour?"

Guang's lips twitched at the girl's useless words but she can't rebuke her at this moment. She gritted her teeth as the words come out, "Daiyu, it's me. Save me from this psycho. Come fast at my place. Fast...", and the words remained incomplete as the phone was snatched away.

And next what Daiyu heard was the voice that had threatened Guang, "Don't dare to make a futile attempt of informing the police or even any one else. If you want to meet your fried for the last time, come alone that too within ten minutes. Come from the back door". The call got disconnected, leaving Daiyu wide awake and horrified.

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