The Undefined Love

Chapter 181: 181

After exact ten minutes, the two people heard the metal door opening slowly. Though the sound was very light still in the pin drop night silence, it was heard very clearly.

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Lifen's lips curled up in a knowing smile. She knew who has arrived there.

Guang too felt a relief in heart thinking someone has come up to her rescue. Though she knew with Daiyu's silliness, it won't be any help to her. But she will be having someone by her side in this situation makes her feel a lot better.

Entering the metal gate, Daiyu slowly and slowly walked towards the back door of the house as she was asked before.

When entered the house she can feel the darkness and extreme silence inside. Did something already went wrong? Was she got late in arriving here? Why everything seems so silent inside?

She quickly pulled her wrist up to her eyes to look at the time on her watch. She was exactly here in ten minutes as asked for. Suddenly she was reminded that Guang was alone at home as her parents has left for her grandmother's house.

She slapped her head hard for forgetting such an important information. "I should have not left her alone her. What a bad friend I am?", she rebuked herself for her insensiblily.

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The back door of the house open into the kitchen. Daiyu picked up a sharp knife that has been placed in the wooden knife holder in sense to protect against the intruder.

She climbed up stairs to reach Guang's room. She can't delay it more. She has to go and save her friend from that psycho intruder.

She opened the door of the room and got inside . The only medium of visibility inside was the moonlight and the tiny bulb fitted inside the wall in the lower section close to the floor.

"Guang! girl are you alright", she asked walking inside. She can only see the figures on the bed, one holding the other in the its arms firmly.

"Daiyu, I am here but can't say whether I am alright or not", Guang's voice came out shakingly.

She tried to release herself from the grip of the person lying behind her, but one moment it got loosened and the other moment it tightened around her waist again.

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Daiyu can see her friend struggling under the intruder's grip and how intimate the one at the back was holding her girl in his arms. Seeing this her blood boiled and she charged forward towards the intruder with sharp knife she was holding, " better let go her", she yelled.

But the time she got near tthe bed, her hands halted as if she has seen a ghost rather than a human.

What's this? The person behind wasn't a man, but a woman. But she clearly remembered that she hear a man's voice earlier.

Seeing Daiyu charging towards them, Guang has long closed her eyes expecting for the worst but when after several minutes, she sensed she opened her eyes waiting for the worst.

But when she looked at her surprise she asked in confusion, "What happened to you? Did he hit you? Are you fine?"

"He is not he. He is she! I mean she is he. Ahh I can't explain anymore", she said still in daze.

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Guang was unable to get a single letter in her whole sentence. Sensing that this girl was still not getting the situation seriously, "Daiyu, can you be a little mature in such situation. Can't you sense the severity in this situation. I am trapped in this man's grip, my psycho stalker and is almost getting physically harassed here but you are still standing there like that".

"Your stalker? Is the person behind you your stalker? You never told me that even lesbians are into you", Daiyu said each words widening her eyes.

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking here?", she said in a baffled tone.

At this time, Lifen can't control herself as a small giggle left her lips making the Guang understand the words Daiyu has just implied.

"What the heck! You are a woman", Guang exclaimed in shock and flinched under the grip.

This time the grip didn't tightened around her rather let loose and retreated from her waist.

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Guang quickly stood up and straightened herself next to Daiyu and looked at the slender woman lying on her bed in the black hoodie and skin fit jeans.

She leaned towards the side table near her bed and quickly switched on the lights. Sensing Guang's intention, Lifen flipped herself on her stomach and digger her face into the pillow so that her face doesn't get revealed.

"Who are you? Woman show your face", Guang said sternly.

"Yeah or else we are going to report you to the police", Daiyu added.

Lifen again chuckle on the pillow. Her chuckle was familiar to both girls but still they can't put a finger on it.

"Girl, I am back", came the pretty voice and giggles of the girl which made clear to them that it wasn't a dream that they are dreaming but actually, they are having her in front of her.

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