The Undefined Love

Chapter 182: 182

Lifen digged her head into the pillow, so that she can save herself from the wrath of the girls for the time being.

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She knew well that she had already dig her grave and soon was going to strangled by her girlfriends but she really loved the reactions she got from them. It was hilarious the way they reacted thinking her as a man.

When both girls heard the pretty soft chuckling voice of the girl, they couldn't suppress the gasp leaving their lips.

"Huh? Lifen?", Guang was too surprise to word out other than these words.

But Daiyu was different. She always get over energetic in these kinds of stuffs. Hearing the voice and confirming the girl lying on the bed was none other than her long lost friend, she pounced on her back making the girl groan in sudden pain.

" really has audacity to come back", Daiyu yelled sitting on her back and giving light punches on her back as punishment for staying away from them without having any contact with them.

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When Lifen went abroad, no one knew where she went. They knew that she was going to study abroad with the scholarship but when called the university to know about her, they were informed that the student hasn't signed up for any program.

They have asked Aunty Wu for more than billion time about her, but never got any satisfying answer. They even search every college in France but there wasn't Lifen anywhere.

Think of it your dearest friend left suddenly without any saying any goodbye, not even made any efforts to contact you in two years and then suddenly come up one night playing mischief, trying to make you forget that she has left once. What would be your action?

"And above all that you are hiding your beautiful but shameless face. Come on, be quick and show us that petty pretty face of yours", Guang added as she took a chair from the study table in her room and sat down to enjoy the view of getting her friend punished.

Lifen lifted her face and looked at Guang pleadingly, "Hey girl! Why are you sitting there? Come up and help me first or this bully nursery kid on my back is going to suffocate me to death".

"Ahh!! so you still remember us. But why should I come up to help that too going against my own friend", Guang asked amusingly.

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"Huh? Because I am your friend too. And..", Lifen's wanted to say more but Daiyu didn't gave her any chance. She pinched her cheeks firmly but with care only to make her unable to speak, "Who said we are your friends? I don't know you anymore "

"Hey hey, you both can't be like that. I am still your friend. How can you treat me like that. Furthermore I was paralyzed, how can I make you both suffer knowing about my state", Lifen said acting all weak in another second.

Listening the new information about her suddenly and then sensing her wrong position over Lifen's body, she cautiously jumped off.

Guang was too taken aback by the sudden big information.

"What? You got paralyzed! How?", Daiyu asked in concern.

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Guang too quickly got ip and sat next to Lifen making her sit properly too. She then asked, "What happened? Get up, let me see if you are fine".

Lifen sighed in relief, seeing her friends getting normal from high voltage anger. "Fine...I am all fine now. Don't panic. It was a temporary paralysis that lasted for four months", she said making them a little calm.

But still their curiosity doesn't subsided. Daiyu asked again, "If you are fine, we won't ask you again. But first tell us, what led you to that condition?"

Lifen was doomed. If they knew the reason which led her to that condition then it would be bad. She quickly diverted her eyes from them, " it important. Let bygones be bygones. Let's live in present and in present I am all fine and healthy, standing in front of you two. Enjoy this moment. Live this moment",she said as she braced herself.

And in the next second there was a firm soft grip on her arm. Guang held her and then turned her body to face her into her eyes.

"Don't you dare tell me it was because of that crazy man", she asked and paused to get Lifen's disapproval but she doesn't got any, which proved that it was because of him.

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Daiyu stepped closer to get the truth curiously but doesn't budge in between to avoid the intervention.

"So it was him. Tell me what happened on the day of his engagement. Because after that day, you disappeared ", Guang asked sternly.

And her expression was telly she wasn't going to take no as her answer.

"Fine I will tell you but believe me it wasn't his fault. It was all me. And even we are in a sort of relationship now", she said and witnessed Guang and Daiyu's eyes getting widen in unimaginable shock.

They are dating! But...But...

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