The Undefined Love

Chapter 188: 188

"Then who holds the maximum shares?", he asked lazily not giving much interest to the topic.

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"The shares are divided between five more stakeholders. 7% is under Jixing's Fashions, 10% under Shengyan's Vogue, 39% under the Li's and the remaining 39% under our Wang Corporations ", informed Qi Yuirong looking at the information displayed on her working tablet.

"Problem?", he asked straightforwardly not wanting to speak anymore. He lazily picked up the file presented in front of him started tossing and flipping the pages looking uninterestedly at figures.

One of the employee who was feeling a envious looking at the lady's confidence in front of their cold, overbearing boss stood up intentionally to gain some good points, "Sorry but I ,personally think that Ms.Qi hasn't understood the real motto of our organisation. Wang Corporations are born rulers. We have all resources to buy the shares of other stakeholders and become the sole owner of the mall. Won't that lead us to our goal?"

The employee was very much confident with his logic but little dod he know that speaking without having knowledge will definitely mark the eng of his good days in Wang Corporations.

Qi Yuirong looked at her colleague shooking her head in disdain.

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Deming narrowed his eyes as he looked at the man who was internally boasting himself for is useless words.

"Is that so? Then what are you doing here? Wasn't this place out of your league? Outtttt....go and settle your account with finance department ", he sneered.

"President...But...I...", sensing his bad days coming the employee started sweating profusely. Wanting to grab the only twig that could save him from drowning, he started apologising to the devil but the words never came out of his lips.

"Are you trying to say that a loser ruler like you, don't need your pay from our department. That would be completely okay too. We will just donate it to some NGO under your name. What you guys say?", his words were more like order as he looked over every face present in the room.

Everyone in the room had sealed their lip not wanting to get punished for another wrong word.

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"Continue", the air in the room was already bone chilling but when the stern command roared in the room, it dropped the temperature tenfold.

Deming didn't bothered to waste any more time at the useless guy. He has to finish everything fast so that he can have some time to prepare his plan to coax the girl in his heart.

"President the the other two brands of Juxing and Shengyan are working under the wings of Li's from the last three years so it indirectly makes Li's the strongest shareholder with 56% shares. And if we are properly informed then Li's would never sell their shares as their product lines are full flourished in the mall", Qi Yuirong continued as ordered by her boss.

Li's were ruling the fashion market since ages and it will truly be tough to bend then. And above all Deming didn't wanted to drag the matter for too long so he pondered about it for a moment.

"If can't own them, we can still make them agree. Just fix an appointment with them, so that we can clear these things in one go", Deming said as he stood up and left the room without giving or letting anyone give another word.

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At Fashionista mall,

Lifen is strolling around with Guang and Daiyu, in search of the dress which could go perfectly on her at the Li's anniversary event, but couldn't find any.

She gave so thought and got an option to get one of her own brand dress but again as the event will also be about her introduction as the new CEO of Li Corporation, she can't wear the clothes of the brand which is yet not included under the wings of Li's.

At this moment she got a call from Erica, informing that as per her orders the GLIMMERS were informed about their presence in Country A.

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"Boss, as per your orders we have informed them. They didn't responded instantly but just now I hot a call from them. Their staff are requesting to meet you there. The place and time will not be a problem on their part. How should we respond to their request?", Erica asked.

Lifen pondered for some moments, then looked at the duo who were still busy in deciding dress for her, then said, "Okay, fix an appointment for them. Tell them to meet me at Fashionista mall, sharp at...", she pulled up her wrist to gaze at her plain, a little low key Tiffany & Co. watch then continued, "Ummm tell them to come here by two".

Erica nodded out of habit although her actions won't go noticed by Lifen and took the orders accordingly to make the appointment.


When GLIMMERS were informed about the appointment, the staff ran to notify their CEO who was already been very depressed for not be able to get the invitation for the Li's event on the weekend.

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