The Undefined Love

Chapter 189: 189

At the Delicacy food-court of Fashionista mall, a fair lady was sitting on the table and waiting for someone to arrive. Frustration and arrogance was something easily visible on her face.

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"Do I seem that useless to you all? What were you thinking by fixing the meeting according to their demands? I am waiting here past half and hour and still no one has appeared. I am giving a last warning to you, if anyone didn't appeared here in the next five minutes then....then you are fired", she yelled at her secretary who was standing obediently slightly behind her, causing others to look at her in strange way.

Sensing her sudden outrageous action which was completely new for the outside world, she quickly gave out her pretentious ,innocent and high class lady like smile.

"But Mam...I...I will just call and ask them straight. Just give us a little tim...", before her secretary could complete his words, she casted a glare at him telling to instantly stop his words.

The words were halted in his secretary's throat but the mind cursing against his boss wasn't. He was internally cursing Jie's low wit, her professionalism, her lack of knowledge, her unhealthy behaviour around her staffs and ever her existence on this Earth.

How was the thing that hard to understand that if you want profit from others then you have to work for that accordingly and even at times have to bend your ego and arrogance.

He quickly made an international call to the Erica was at the airport ready to board the plane to Country A. She was moving with hasty steps because he has arrived quite late for the flight.

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When heard ringing the of her phone, she ignored it without even glancing at the name of the caller.

But the phone rang again and again because of the desperation of the person on the other side. The job and living of someone was on stake.

Ignoring the calls again and again, Erica moved towards the ticket checking counter, handing the her passport and flight ticket to the attending staff.

"Sorry Miss, but you are late. The flight just took off a few seconds before", the attending staff of the airport informed her.

"Huh? Really? But I almost ran to here at time", Erica sighed with exhaustion. Her body dramatically got still as if missing the flight gave a huge shock to her.

The attendee at the counter could only smile at the girl's cute reaction.

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Retracting back to the reality, Erica asked again, "Did the flight really took off without me?"

It wasn't odd for Erica to react this way. To her it was her first flight which was taking alone that too to a different country. She had already planned all day, the way she was going to enjoy herself in Country A.

Now she was almost heartbroken . The pain she was experiencing now was much worst than any pain she has ever encountered, even worst than the pain of heart break she experienced after her breakup.

She dejectedly walked aside from the counter and took her phone out which was going on ringing continously. Her mood was already dampened from wasn't able to catch the flight and the call from these annoying of GLIMMERS didn't do any good.

She picked the call reluctantly out of her last professionalism provocation and her voice fought to be as soft as her heart could allow at this situation, "How may I help you Mr.Pei?". Her tone pretended very much to be soft but still her irritation can be sensed from it.

"Oh Ms.Erica . We have called you to ask the confirmation about the appointment which we have got earlier in the morning. You have set it at sharp two but it's already two forty and no one has arrived to attend us from your side", his tone full of desperation for life.

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Erica sighed as she responded, "Our boss is there alone, only to attend an event for which she was invited. We have very much tried to arrange this appointment because of your continous request. Since our boss said she will meet you there, she surely will. She is a person of high ethics and professionalism. You have to be patient and try to understand her troubles too", she paused.

Her words were clearly indicating the reluctance of meeting the people from GLIMMERS. Also boasting up the mightiness of her CEO, Ms.Li Lifen from ELEGANCE.

She again continued, "It's okay. Give me a moment, I will call her and once again confirm the your appointment ".

She made a quick call to her boss which got connected on the second ring, "Boss, I missed my flight", she lamented deliberately ignoring the main reason for making the call. She also faked some sobs.

"Fine fine don't cry like a kid now. I am not there to console you. It was just a flight, you can always book another one", Lifen said chuckling at the girl's kiddish behaviour.

"No, Boss. I won't get another one. All flights are already full packed. I think I won't be able to reach you now", she sobbed a few times and again continued, "Boss, I really miss you".

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Completing her words she started to sob again.

"It's okay, dear. Don't worry!! I have a way", she said as she looked at her watch to get time at her watch

"Just wait at airport and I will ask someone's help to get you on another flight taking off for Country A. For now I will disconnect the call", Lifen was about to disconnect the call as Daiyu and Guang waved to her to come fast.

But before she could disconnect the call, Erica got reminded of the call from GLIMMERS. She hastily worded out, "Wait Boss. I almost forgot the the main reason for calling you. It was because of GLIMMERS. They are waiting for you at the food-court, where you have asked them to wait. What should I tell them?".

Lifen's lips curled up into a smirk, "Tell them, Patience makes the fruit sweeter! I will definitely meet them and I am already on my way there".

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