The Undefined Love

Chapter 191: 191

With the childish prank in her head, Lifen had already guided the two girls to the table which was just across the table of Jie.

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She swept her gaze on her once and can she was was truly looking pretty. Though her arrogance had tried hard to hide behind her fake innocence, it left some of its traces around her air. She was thinking herself all mighty with her staff standing behind her and the manager attending her personally.

But what made Lifen was not the funny behaviour of the manager rather the inaudible mumbling of her secretary who was continously cursing her and rolling his eyes on her. "Sighhh is this the way her staffs treat her", she said in a voice which was fairly audible to both the girls.

Instantly, the two girls followed her friends gaze. "What are saying?", nudged Daiyu as she realized she was commenting on that pretentious b*tch.

"'s nothing. Just realized that employees sometimes do bad mouth their employers", Lifen replied as she averted her gaze towards them with a smile which was still plastered on her cherry lips, "Okay now let's go get something. I also have some meagre things to attend after this".

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The two nodded. "Yeah we should actually move our tired asses now, since we are no princess like her for whom the attendants will come to serve on their knees", Daiyu mocked was ready to stand up but before she could, Lifen pushed her down on the chair to sit back.

"It's okay. You two can sit, I will go and get your favourites", she said as she stood up.

"Ahh so blessed. I am so blessed to have a fried like you. I feel so lucky, first the dress and now your care. I think the love you are showering on me can satiate all my worldly desires now", Daiyu said resting her face on her hands and looking dreamily at her doting friend.

Guang choked air of her lungs and frantically patted her chest to prevent from getting suffocated. While Lifen spat out mouthful of blood after hearing her words.

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Worldly Desires! Was her desires so handful that it got satiated just like that.

Lifen lowered her head as she said, "Do you really think so? But what will happen to your future. Has your body got satisfied in the years when I wasn't present? You have to tell me the details afterwards. For now tell me when am I seeing faces of my godson".

Her words were very much audible to Guang too. She has just recovered from Daiyu's earlier words, now came another set set of words that too from an unexpected person. She can't help but think she could die in any moment from a severe heart attack.

The words which previously came from Daiyu was somehow expected as she was the girl who never thinks before speaking but Lifen wasn't like that. She was someone who can never make such comments such words before. One could clearly see the western culture has truly influenced her life a lot.

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Daiyu worked a little slow as she realized the meaning of Lifen's words after quite a long time. Understanding her meaning she widened her eyes and looked at her, " do you mean by that? I am not that shameless. I should be you who have been satiating your desires and now pushing it over to me".

"Is that so but your words earlier made us think that it was you who have attended all her worldly desires", Lifen chuckled as she looked towards Guang only to find her looking at her strangely.

"What ?" she asked.

Guang gave one more strange look to her as if pondering on something in her head and then gave out a laughter replying, "You have changed a lot. And let me add you have changed for good".

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Her words Lifen to smile too. But someone beside them was rolling her eyes. "You two are ganging up against me. Now you will have to pay for this", she paused to think for a punishment for them and then continued, "Now I will not pay a single cent from here on. You both have to bear my expenses for today. Hmph".

Her silly words made them laugh even more. "Fine fine we can atleast do this for the sake of your future children. You should eat plenty to strengthen your body for it", she said and turned to leave to get their favourites.

She insisted to go alone and bring everything but Guang insisted to tag along.

But who would have thought that they are leaving behind a time bomb which would be already exploded till the time they return back to the table.

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