The Undefined Love

Chapter 192: 192

When Lifen and Guang left Daiyu at the table, they have never expected this scene to appear in front of their eyes when they return.

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The table on which Daiyu was sitting before has become like a weak tree who has recently experienced a strong storm. Everything including the salt and pepper containers, tissues with tissue-stand, glasses which were previously served with water and the cold drinks which there just ordered were all smashed on the ground.

The people sitting around were long stood up to enjoy the free fund entertainment sponsored and created by an not so infamous young lady of Zhang family, Ms.Zhang Daiyu and the movie is starring the most famous pure, innocent princess of the country, Ms.Long Jie.

Everything was completely changed in the environment. No one can tell what brought down the strong facade held by Jie this time revealing her true self in front of others.

But if someone reverted their gaze from the lead actress to Daiyu, who was still sitting on her chair with a mocking smile on her lips. Her smile will confirm the reason for all this well happening drama.

"What's happening here? It looks like a storm has just arrived and left", Guang remarked looking at the scene presented in front of her.

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To her remarks, she would have never thought of hearing a giggly chuckle of Lifen. "I don't know but we will be enjoying this for sure. Let's wait for sometime and look over the main highlights, then we will proceed there", Lifen replied focusing on the scene revealing in front.

Her alienated words can only make Guang more and more mystified.

In front Jie was fuming with rage and looking at Daiyu as if planning to swallow as whole. " did you just call me?", she asked in a voice full of anger.

In regards to her question which seemed nonsensical to the girl whose eyes and facial expressions were cheerfully mocking her, Daiyu said with a smug smirk, "What? Don't say you didn't got my words at first? Please it was already so clearly heard by everyone".

She paused and her expressions turned a little severe, "I described you with the word that truly described you. A stingy V.I.X.E.N!! Have you heard of this word for the first time? Don't worry you will hear it everytime we meet from here on".

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"...", Jie has lost all her words to counterattack the girl. She has dared insult her publicly.

"You dared to insult my friend on my face, when you are such a pretentious b*tch. These people would have seen you as pure as lotus but here you are more and more ugly and stingy, that even a Rafflesia will feel insulted if compared to you", Daiyu spoke as she stood up and folded her arms around her chest.

The secretary who was standing behind was feeling so joyous at heart but his heart won't fill up the stomach of his family. So he has to walk up to support his boss.

He walked towards them to them to support his boss but at the right moment, his mind betrayed him and his inner thoughts took over. He should have tried to stop the girl who was choking the prestige of his boss, but his words got directed towards his own boss.

"Boss, I think we should get back to our table. The CEO of ELEGANCE would be arriving soon. We can't let her see all this. This deal is really important for GLIMMERS. We should....", before he could complete his words, he got a glare from his boss.

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"Get lost", she yelled giving him goosebumps out of fear of losing his job.

He quickly took a few steps backward, supporting the last thin twig that could save his endangered job.

Jie reverted her gaze back at the daring girl who had dared to insult her like this without fearing the consequences it will lead. This could only mean that she knew the real current situation between her and Deming.

She looked around only to find the scrutinizing stares of the people around her. She knew she had pulled an axe on her own leg but there is no turning back now. She could only use the white lotus trap to get the people back at her side. She thought in her head.

"You called me vixen. You insulted me like that. For what? For that girl who have become a third wheel in my relationship. For that girl who has snatched away my fiancee. Is she that good in your eyes?", she proceeded with her plan.

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Daiyu shook her head and looked away. Such a b*itchy girl she is. She still haven't hot enough.

Hearing Jie's sudden words the crowd around them started murmuring.

"Oh did you hear that. The news wasn't fake. The ideal couple is now no more ideal".

"I guess it's all because of that girl who have become a third wheel between them. She must he been sum sort of sl*t to attract the King of our country".

"Look at her friend. She is still defending her friend's bad deeds".

The people were busy gossiping when a sound of tight slap rang in everyone's ears making everyone gasp in shock.

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