The Undefined Love

Chapter 222: 222

Deming first wanted to leave the party after hearing everything. He was feeling that suddenly the book he was reading for the whole year was not the book he thought. It was something that he couldn't think of.

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It wasn't that he was upset with Lifen having such a formidable suddenly background. But the thing that pained him was the fact that how well she hid her identity from him.

Did she never think of him as someone whom she can trust?

Was that Yuzhe more trustworthy than him? Has he really failed in her love?

And above all, now with such a formidable identity, will he be left behind?

Since she has trusted Yuzhe more than him to reveal her identity to him,. Will thag mean that he was no one to her and will remain no one to her in the end too?

Not to forget that the old elder Li still holds grudges against him.

Will she accept him or will she just mercilessly reject him for bringing her so much pain in the past?

These questions were making him feel so sick.

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Everything was going on in his head while he was downing glasses after glasses of wines. First he thought of leaving everything to deal afterwards as he got almost tipsy due to the affect of alcohol.

But again how can he leave like that? He had seen her in the evening. She looked so beautiful. Without knowing her identity, several families were thing of asking her for their young sons and grandsons.

And now since her identity is revealed, she has captivated everyone around her. No one will leave the opportunity to be close to her. Then how can he leave her in such situation where his position in her life will be endangered.

So he decided to face her and make everything clear today itself so that, he could book an appointment in National Marriage Bureau as soon as possible and get themselves officially tagged with each other. 

When passing through the hall, he caught a glimpse of Lifen smiling to someone. He followed the gaze length of her eyes and spotted an unfamiliar person holding her with her hand in his, while giving a full seductive smile to attract her.

Looking at those eyes, his aura got completely changed. He has forgotten everything that happened before in the party. He forgot that now with Lifen's own identity, she can't get so easily endangered. 

The only thing that left for his eyes and his mind was the man who was kept her hand in his. He could see the forced smile and irritated gaze of Lifen.

His eyes darkened instantly with killing intent.

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He didn't know  who the person was. But he was certain that he was someone not from Country A.

But what that hell matters to him? 

His blood boiled when witnessed Lifen reluctance under his grip. He really tried to calm himself down so that he didn't rush all the way to them and punch the guy hard on his nose.

Clenching his fists tight he walked to them. And after hearing those nerve wracking words, he couldn't hold any longer and twisted his wrist making him realise the sin he has done by spelling those words for his woman.

Feeling the agonising pain in his wrist, Gao Ren straightened himself to leave but not before giving his warning words to them, "Mark my words, she will be mine today or later. It's all decided and you have no idea about it".

His words was like the claims of mad person to Deming's ears but Lifen felt a little weird hearing his firm words. She was in her thoughts trying get the better through his weird words when she felt herself being pulled to some direction.

When snapped back go her present, she was already brought to a secluded place inside the banquet hall. When she looked around, she found she was actually brought to the balcony at the back of the hall.

She looked at Deming who was now dangerously close to her with his warm breath near her face. Their eyes met and everything seems to get lost around her.

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Only their hard beating heartbeats could be heard in the pitch black silence of the night. 

The only thing they get at this moment was staring deep into each other's eyes and sought every answer they want from each other.

After God knows how much time, his cold geartbroken voice tore through the silence to reach her ears.

"Do you think me that unreliable, Little Cat?", he asked solemnly. His eyes were boring deep into hers, sending sharp electrifying currents down to her heart.

"...", before she could find words to answer his first question, another question popped out.

"Have I really lost my chance to be with you? Won't you believe me even for a minimal percentage?", he questioned as his eyes showed the pain he was suffering in his heart. The fear of losing her.

He maintained his deep gaze on her face intensifying it with every passing moment.

Lifen bit her lips in order to control the fluttering ripples his gaze was making in her heart, "I..."

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Again before she could speak her words, Deming said more persuading tone, "Little Cat, believe me, I was just there to help Jie. There was nothing like what she presented. Please consider it..."

She couldn't take the pain in his eyes any longer. It was peircing her heart equally. Before Deming could finish his words, he was taken by the bold move Lifen played on him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him a little downward at the same time, tip-toed a little to match his height.

She brushed her lips lightly against his jaw line giving a very light touch. Her action left Deming astounded.

But before he could register what happened with him, the heavenly touch left his skin. He looked down at the woman who was still staring deep into his eyes.

He was about to ask her what was that about? Was that their parting kiss? The only thought pierced his heart like a sharp pointed dagger.

But right at this moment he felt her lips moving again, as she mumbled, "I love you!".

The words were so light that he almost took it mistakenly as an illusion. But Lifen's next actions sealed it to be true.

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