The Undefined Love

Chapter 223: 223

Deming was already taken aback by sudden kiss, Lifen had given him. He wasn't able to frame the things properly that were going around him.

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His head has become a big mess and so was his heart. The alcohol is his system also wasn't doing any good to him. 

He was taking the things happening around him as an illusion that was as sweet as honey  but more hard to believe like oasis in the desert. 

Was that their parting kiss? Has everything being over between them? The only thought of this made him feel the piercing jab of the dagger into his heart.

His eyes got intensely fixed on Lifen as if trying to find the hints to prove his thoughts wrong. She can't end it like this.

Panic was written all over his face. A fear to lose her was squeezing his heart from inside making him feel the pain ten hundredfolds.

But soon he saw her lips moving trying to say something, "I love you". The sound was so soft that if he hadn't noticed her lips moving then he wouldn't have heard it too.

It wasn't like her voice was too soft to hear but actually his system has become so in messed that he wasn't able to hear it properly. If he hadn't followed her lips, he wouldn't be able to know what words she just spelled.

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Did she really said that she loves me?

Yeah she has just spelled those beautiful three words. That means that she has forgiven me.

Several thoughts crossed his head.

He was about to ask her that what does that mean but then he realized that it isn't needed anymore. Her next actions confirmed everything.

She again leaned forward, tugging him a little down to press her lips but not on his cheeks. This time she has pressed it on his thin pair of lips which were trembling from the confusion before.

She has thought to brush it lightly to confirm her sincerity. But the moment she was about to pull away, Deming held her wrist firmly so she can't pull away.

"Not yet Little Cat. My heart isn't confirmed everything yet. It needs more. Just a little more", he said in intense need while breathing softly over her lips.

Deming let go her wrist as he slides his one hand to her waist while the other goes to her semi-bared back sliding warmly up to her nape, holding her head in position.

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He tilted her head a little so his lips gets paired with hers in the most intimate way, making the gaps lessen between them.

As their lips got connected, Lifen could feel the urgency and anxiety of Deming's heart. She can hear the loud anxious heart beats of his heart as if it was screaming for calmness.

Compared to her soft kiss, his kiss was more rough. He immediately opened up her mouth assault it with his deep affections.

His fingers traced her neck, following her straight line of spine and then back all the way up.

It was dipped in need, affection and anxiousness.

At this moment, the only thing that her heart asked her to do was to calm him down anyhow. The only way this could happen is...

She encouraged the kiss and the kiss soon got deepened. Their lips started moving in synchronicity.

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After satisfying his anxiousness and sensing Lifen getting out of breath, Deming let go her lips. His put his head leaned on her, breathing heavily he said, "Thank You, Little Cat"

Lifen was too catching her breath that she has lost in their heartwarming passionate kiss before, "For what?"

Deming smiled satisfyingly as he caressed her cheek with his hand, "For everything. For giving me another chance to prove my love for you. For forgiving me and accepting me again".

She backed a little, holding his hands and looked into his eyes, "There is nothing to prove between us especially your feelings for me. My heart knows it. Just let my heart feel it and similarly let your heart feel my love for you too. The language of love can only be understood in that way. There are no other way to feel it's sincerity".

Deming nodded then moved his fingers through her hair. His heart was feeling so emotional that it doesn't want to let her go or even her touch.

"So now that means you are my girlfriend, Ms.Li?", he asked raising his brows.

"Ummm...", Lifen pondered for some moment then saying cheekily, "And who said so?".

Deming tapped his two fingers on her forehead. Squinting his eyes, he lightly pinched her cheeks, "Our passionate moments a minute ago confirmed it. Do you want to confirm it again?"

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Her cheeks instantly flushed red. She avoided his eyes and chided, "You are such a pervert. Who wants to be your girlfriend? Hmph!"

Seeing her get embarrassed on such a small talk, Deming chuckled. He gently pressed a small kiss on her forehead, "You look so beautiful. I think I should make plans to hide you away before anyone come in your line of sight. In that way whether you accept me or not, I will be the only man available for you". Lifen blushed hearing his sweet words.

While they were enjoying their little cozy moment, Elder Li was searching for her granddaughter. He had asked Huang Fei to bring her to him so that he could make somethings clear to her.

There are so many enemies around her. She can't be so easy going now, when her real identity as his biological granddaughter is revealed.

And there is that Wang brat too. He has to ask her to maintain her distance with him too. He can't let that arrogant man to get near her.

He had seen him earlier. He is still the same, arrogant and egoistic. He has to warn her to stay away from him.

He can't let her get tricked again by the same person.

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