The Undefined Love

Chapter 224: 224

Deming and Lifen soon returned back to the party after their little passionate moment. But they didn't returned together. It occurred to Lifen that their togetherness at this moment can grab many unwanted attention and assumptions.

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Lifen has appeared first followed by Deming after few minutes.

She has requested him to keep this as their little secret as she still needs some time to sort all this out with the people around her especially with her grandfather.

As she reached the hall, she got herself a little busy with people around her. She was obliged to take initiative in the talks with the guest and make herself more comfortable which will definitely lead to harmonious business relations in future.

From time to time she would look in the direction of Deming and the moment she looked at him, she could guarantee that his eyes were on her all the time.

This would only make her cheeks go more and more red and she would readily advert her eyes from him making him smirk with smug.

Though she wasn't intaking any alcohol but still her cheeks made everyone feel that she was really good with alcohol tolerance.

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Suddenly Yuzhe came from behind making Lifen excuse herself from others. Leaving everyone after such a long time, she felt grateful to him, "Ufff really, you saved me from them. I was feeling so sleepy just now. They weren't talking business rather was interested in my interests and introducing me to their sons and nephews ".

Yuzhe chuckled and said adoringly, "LiLi, you have become such a beautiful woman and that too with such a high background, ofcourse they would coax you to their family".

Lifen's lips curled a little up but wasn't a smile it was her sarcastic expression towards those people thoughts as she subconsciously looked towards a particular direction saying, "By the only thought of this, I doubt they have to face serious consequences ".

She knew the level to which Deming could get possessive. She has just experienced a few minutes teaser. He can even punish a person for having such thought crossed their mind. Especially now when he was already so insecured.

Yuzhe knew about whom she was implying and he felt a pang in his heart. But his expressions didn't change even for a slightest bit.

He just put a smile and then spoke, "Okay LiLi,  I think I have to leave now. I just came to bade farewell to you and then inform you about something ".

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She reverted her gaze back at him as her eyes asked him what's the thing he wanted to tell her.

"I have decided to move back to Country A. So maybe after this week or by the end of next week a branch of Yang Corporation will be brought here. But it won't be announced officially yet. We would process the response first then will confirm to stabilise it here", he informed her as if discussing this with her was really important.

He have thought of never returning to this country again as it would only bring him the pain. But at this moment, the pain he will get is not his priority. Anything that is important to him is her safety.

He can't leave her after knowing how close danger could get to her11 after her identity being revealed.

Listening to his words, Lifen blinked her eyes trying to process the information then suddenly her lips curled up in excitement, "Brother Yuzhe, you are coming back to the country. That's the best thing I could hear. Grandpa Yang will be truly happy and satisfied knowing your decision. He so wanted you by his side".

She was still beaming in happiness of such a good news when Huang Fei approached her from behind and ask her to accompany him as the elder wants to see her for something important.

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Lifen nodded and asked Yuzhe to excuse her. She then followed Huang Fei upstairs.

When reached upstairs, she saw her grandfather waiting for her in a room. His expressions were very serious.

"Grandpa! You called me. Is there something wrong", Lifen asked as she looked at Elder Li.

The Elder shook his head and then gestured her toward the couch across. She nodded and got to take her seat.

"LiLi, there are somethings that I need you to comply with. It's for your own safety as you know, the people around you will surely change after tonight. You need to be protected from now on. Your safety should be your first priority", he paused as he waited to get some expressions from her.

But her expression didn't change because she was already expecting this from her over-concerned grandfather.

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She nodded obediently and the elder continued, "So from today you will have your own personal bodyguards who will accompany you like your shadow. And there are will be some anonymous guards too who will be secretly protecting you without your knowledge ".

Lifen wanted to oppose such exaggerations of security around her. She wasn't the President of the country who need to be protected with so many people and there wasn't any enemies that dangerous around her.

But still she knew that her words regarding this will not be paid any heed even if she tried to speak for it so she didn't wasted her energy and nodded in acceptance to let her grandfather be happy with his preparations.

After explaining the arrangements regarding her security, the Elder made some notes on their business rivals and partners too. Lifen thought that that was the conclusion but she was so wrong in that.

Suddenly her grandfather looked at her getting more serious and said solemnly, "And LiLi, there is one more thing which is most important".

"...", Lifen looked at him anticipating his next words. By some reasons, she was feeling that the next words of her grandfather were not going to simple as it was in the previous point.

"I want you to stop seeing that brat right from now. Destroy all your feelings for him, right at this moment ", the elder said more like an order which he didn't expect her to defy.

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