The Undefined Love

Chapter 236: 236

Back at Li Villa,

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The table for breakfast has already been prepared for the guests. The chefs has prepared has prepared several dishes as there were guest present today along with the old master and young mistress.

They have paid special attention to the dishes as one of the young man who has come ,is claiming to be the future grandson-in-law of this household. It wasn't a small talk. 

They have heard  the determined words of the man and has also heard from the maids that their young mistress haven't denied his claim on her.

Though they have an air that the old master still not favors him but they knew well if the man has got the heart of the lady, the old man will sooner or later will agree with their relationship.

The style of breakfast was Cantonese. It included several dishes including  chrysanthemums tea, zongzi with savory fillings of ham and eggs. Boiled rice noodles with additional ingredients like soyabeans, fried peanuts, fine thin sliced chicken and chopped scallions. 

Wontons was prepared in a fragrant watery broth with large  variety of fillings such as vegetables, ground pork, shrimp, fish and mushrooms.  And tofu pudding was also prepared as per the choice of Lifen. 

The chefs from the kitchen were very expectant to serve these dishes today.

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Soon everyone come at the table to have the breakfast. The table wasn't the big one but was enough to accomodate at least eight people. The elder sat on the top head seat of the table. 

Lifen took her seat next to her grandfather, while Yuzhe took the other next seat next to the elder.

Erica was thinking to seat next to her boss, it would be her death wish if she went to seat next to President Yang. She won't be able to have the breakfast peacfully beside him and seeing the dishes on breakfast she was growing to feel famished.

But before she could get to the seat she felt a cold gaze creeping up her spine. She tilted her head to look in certain direction and found the source from where the chilliness was directed to her.

She cursed her stars in her head and went to take the most haunted seat for her on the dining table. Her expression was not less than of the kid who has been pushed into the haunted house alone.

Lifen have seemed to noticed her expression and was about to ask Erica to come and sit beside her but at this moment the chair beside her was being pulled and Deming came to sit on it.

She looked at Erica and can only feel that 'Devil really knows every ways to be a true devil'.

Everyone waited for the elder to have the first bite and then following the suit after that.

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Lifen too picked up her chopsticks to have her share but suddenly felt that she was missing something.  She looked sideways only to find Deming staring at her.

She raised her brows to ask him, "What? Aren't you going to eat? Weren't you famished before?"

Deming gave her a innocent smile as he said loud enough to let everyone hear, "I will wait for you to finish first. Then you can feed  me after".

Feed him?

What does he mean by that?

The elder too looked at the unreasonable man. Yuzhe squinted his eyes on him but didn't said anything. 

Erica who was just picked the rice noodles with the chopsticks lost her grip and the chopstick fell on the floor. 'Did this boyfriend really needs to say such sweet talks in front of so many people?' She thought in her head.

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Lifen blinked her eyes and turned to look at her grandfather. Giving him an innocent smile to him, she again reverted her head back to the man who has caused such tension in the atmosphere.

"Deming, hehe why are you cracking such bad jokes at the breakfast table? Use your hands and quickly have your breakfast.  Quick! ", she said.

Deming always loved this expression on her face where she can't show how irritated she was getting but rather has to pretend to be normal.

He then lifted his hands up to show then innocently said to everyone, "Little Cat, how can I? My hands are clumsily wrapped by the bandage. Do you think I can have all the food on my own?"

Then he slowly lowered his head and whispered in her ears, "And it really hurts too!"


Didn't he say he was fine earlier? And he even said that they are just minor scratches?

Li Liaoyuan couldn't take anymore. His eyes squinted on him as if he was analyzing him intensely. "You really know how to give absurd reasons. Is my granddaughter going to tag along with you to feed you all your three meals? Do you take her as a freelancer? She has company to run."

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Deming was only waiting for this. He has purposely made the old man to flare up. He again gave a devilish innocent smile as he said, "I know grandfather.  I know but what to do. Even I have a company to run"

He paused for few seconds, then after pondering for some time he again continued,  "There is a way we can deal with this situation. How about Lifen helps me with my work and I will too help her with all my heart. In that way it will be easy for both of us".

Lifen was speechless.

"And what made you think that I will give permission for such absurd thing?",  Li Liaoyuan said as put down his chopsticks down and pointed his fingers at Deming. His boice was calm but it never hid the warnig behind his words.

Deming smirked as he folded his arms over chest. "You won't be able to stop it even if you want to".

Lifen looked at both at the person who was continuously taking the decision for her. Did she really have her rights to know what next she was going to do?

Li Liaoyuan looked at devil arrongant man and just by a look, he knew there was really something substantial cooking up in his head. But still he won't accept that he can't change that, so he asked, "What do you mean?"

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