The Undefined Love

Chapter 237: 237

Deming was already planning to use one of his cards to make himself stay with Lifen. It doesn't matter to him whether he has to overwork his hardwork in Wang Corporation, but at this part of time he doesn't want to miss any time that he could spend with Lifen.

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Even if he has to stay awake the whole night to complete his work he will do.

But at this moment he need to make sure that he doesn't lose the most precious jewel of his life.

He put on a smirk as he folded his arms over chest and challenged Li Liaoyuan, "You won't be able to stop it even if you want to".

Lifen looked at both at the person who was continuously taking the decision for her. Did she really have her rights to know what next she was going to do?

Li Liaoyuan looked at devil arrongant man and just by a look, he knew there was really something substantial cooking up in his head. But still he won't accept that he can't change that, so he asked, "What do you mean?"

He just smiled as he typed some keywords on his phone. Then said, "You will know soon but first complete the breakfast. The chefs really worked hard to prepare all this and food really looks delicious "

After creating such a suspense, how can anyone has the appetite but still they had the meal. Erica was the first one to stand up and grab a piece of zongzi. 

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But after having the first bite she looked at everyone and got embarrassed facing their stares.  Lifen too tried to ease the environment as she said, "Yeah actually we should eat now. I am so famished". She too stood up to get another pancake for herself.

After having her breakfast she looked at Deming thinking the hard time that she has to face now. It would really be awkward for her if she has to feed Deming with her hands.

Deming sensed her awkwardness too. He too never intended to show off his love in front of so many people.

Love is not to show off. It was just to feel in heart.

He was just taking the  former step that would shape further steps of his plan and would present it in a more attractive way.

He gave her an understanding smile and then picked up an apple from the fruit basket, "It's okay. I think I can have this for the breakfast. "

Lifen too sighed in relief as she thought she was saved but it was too early to think so. Never estimate the boundaries of devil's devilishness.

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Soon a guard came running from outside with a perfectly wrapped file in his hands. "Master, someone from Wang Corporation has come to deliver this file. It's in the name of the young mistress", the guard said.

Lifen tilted her head to look at the man who has suddenly exploded a bomb over everyone but himself was smiling from ear to ear as if he has won his first battle solely with his own merit.

She tugged his sleeves from under the table, so that no one can notice her small interaction with him, "What's in the file? What absurd are you planning now? Can't you let me have a  little peace even for a day?"

Deming looked at her face, paused his eyes on her eyes.

Lifen thought that he would be answering her but to her surprised he shrugged his shoulders in innocence. 

She squinted her eyes on him as lightly clenched her teeth. Her look was much similar to a little cat that was ready to scratch someone with her claws.

Li Liaoyuan looked at the man and then gestured the guard to bring the file to him. 

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Getting the file, he flipped the pages after pages to study is clearly and with it's each flipped page his brows were getting furrowed and eyes were turning a shade darker.

At the end of the file, he stood up agitatedly and slammed the file on the table, "What nonsense is this? Do you really want to make my granddaughter a mere assistant at your office? How dare you forged my granddaughter's signature"

Lifen was baffled at her grandfather's words. She looked at his furrowed brows and then picked up file to take a look. 

Since Erica was very carefree around Lifen and Lifen too never minded her professional etiquette when alone, she quickly hopped to her boss's side to look at the papers which had made the old grandfather so agitated. 

Looking at the papers, Lifen's eyes widened too. She has almost forgot about the existence of this contract. She never thought that Deming would still preserve this.

Before she just mentioned this contract in front of her grandfather to make an excuse on behalf of Deming. She never thought that Deming will actually bring it now.

When she left the Wang Corporation before, she never thought of the annulment and Deming too never mentioned about this.

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She never thought that he would use this now and that too in this way.

Deming looked at Lifen and again feigned innocence as if whatever is presented has nothing to do with him and was enforced by the Almighty God.

Lifen didn't know whether to laugh on her stupidity or cry for her present situation. She wanted to slam her hand on forehead in frustration. 

This man really knows how to get on other's nerves. And apart from that the smug expression on his wasn't doing any good to her. She wanted to cry out loud and punch him hard.  

Closing her eyes, she said with exhaustion,  "Grandfather,  this signature isn't forged. I have signed it myself when I started working as his personal assistant two years back".

"LiLi how could you sign such an absurd contract? Haven't you seen that there is no way of coming out from this contract? What were you thinking while signing this?", Li Liaoyuan said in his temper.

Two years back, Lifen has signed the contract deal with Deming in order to find Wu Yifeng. According to the contract she was bound to be his personal assistant for five years and for annulment there was no proper terms. It was only written that the breach or annulment of the contract will always be compensated in terms accepted by the Boss, i.e Wang Deming.

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