The Undefined Love

Chapter 238: 238

Two years back, Lifen has signed the contract deal with Deming in order to find Wu Yifeng. According to the contract she was bound to be his personal assistant for five years and for annulment there was no proper terms. It was only written that the breach or annulment of the contract will always be compensated in terms accepted by the Boss, i.e Wang Deming.

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And now he is using this contract in such a way. She knew it was just to weird way to tell her grandfather that no matter however he tried, he won't be able to take the decision for their relationship.

But wasn't  this just a way to dig a grave for her? How was she going to handle the things now?

She knew that Deming won't be asking her to really work for him. He just want to make sure that no one tries anything on their relationship which really given him fear to lose her.

Li Liaoyuan said calming his nerves a little, "Okay fine...fine just tell me the terms for annulling such absurd contract.  I will pay any amount to you".

Deming just let out a chuckle as he said,  "Grandfather, do you really think that your grandson-in-law lacks money. There is no amount of money or anything that could buy my time with her".

"Then are you planning to make my granddaughter to work under you",  he yelled as he slammed his hand down on the table hard making the dishes rock on the table.

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The man gave a look of nonchalance in front of his agitation as he stood tucking his one hand in dress pant's pocket. 

"Nope, she is there to rule over me and my life. How can I make her work under me? You really took me too much high profile. I would love to be  under her care and control",  Deming said each and every word like it was the only truth that exist in his life.

Erica blinked her eyes unable to to believe her ears. To her this was similar to the dialogues she has heard on the dramas online. While watching such dramas she often thought that this kind of love only happens in the running pictures and can never become reality. But today hearing such words live, she felt that she might have misjudged the reality.

The old man looked at Deming like he  had suddenly grown to have three head on his shoulder. Though he doesn't wanted to admit this but now seeing how much this man is planning just to be beside Lifen, made him feel his sincerity and love for her.

"You...", Li Liaoyuan wanted to reason out more but he didn't know what more to say.  This young man really made him speechless. 

Lifen was also touched with Deming's words but still since he wasn't making it easy for her. She too will not let it go so easy for him. 

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She quickly masked her real touched expression as she said, "Sorry, Mr.Wang! I doubt that this contract is still valid".

Deming has caught Lifen changing her expression moments before. But he chose to play along with her . "How so? It's been signed for whole five years and as far as I know still there is 2 years, 7 months and 19 days are left".

"Ofcourse there is no problem in the tenure of the contract.  But it about the reason for which this deal was signed. I have signed this to find Brother Yifeng. You have assured me that you would help me with that but still he is missing that means it's not under your capability.  So it's better to drop this contract here only", Lifen reasoned out as she handed the contract papers back in Deming's hand.

"You have really underestimated my capabilities, Little Cat!", he said.

Lifen was jolted at his words, "What do you mean?"

"It exactly meant the same as I said. I thought you trusted me with this matter so I pull all my forces into this matter. But I think that was just my wishful thinking",  he said as he gave her the look of the kid who has not been praised by his parents even after scoring the highest in the school.

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"You mean you have found Brother Yifeng? Is he alright? Did he returned back to the family", Lifen instantly got overwhelmed with the piece of news.

She has searched all ways through which she could trace Wu Yifeng after he got missing that year but still using all her powers and connections she wasn't able to trace him. 

The only way her path of search didn't crossed was the underworld. So when Deming offered to help her in search Yifeng, she instantly accepted the offer and signed the contract with him.

She has heard from Huang Fei that Deming has got his connections in underworld too.

"Of course I found him. How can I not? After you left, I have got enough time and plenty of connections to find such a small piece of news. He was already brought back, two years ago", he said as looked at her joyful expression. 

If he had known that this could bring such a big smile on her face then he would have brought Yifeng all the way to London when he went to meet her there. Even if it would be a great difficulty in bringing him there.

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Lifen quickly turned to face her grandfather,  "Grandpa, I will first go and meet Mumma and Brother Yifeng and then head to the company. I just want to go and meet them first".

Li Liaoyuan didn't disapprove her request . He knew how much attached she was with that Wu family. She has spent her ten years of life there and has thought them as her family.

Lifen smiled as she said, "Okay I am getting late. I will take my leave first as it's the first day of me being the official CEO of the company ".

She has already taken her steps to leave the dining hall when suddenly she remembered something. She turned on her heels as said, "Mr.Wang, about the contract. I won't deny that but you have to comply with some of my conditions too. Kindly ask your secretary to take an appointment an let's meet officially to discuss these terms".

She gave a thanking smile to him and quickly left for her room.

Deming wanted to say something to her as an expression of unknown tension covered his face. But before he could, she already got disappeared. 

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