The Undefined Love

Chapter 242: 242

Lifen had her talk with Mother Wu.

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Since her new life has got started, she can't think to look back or had hope to live her previous life again.

She knows that the life has its phases and everyone has to live each and every phase with full dedication. Nothing is constant and life has to go on. 

Once you get through one phase you can't turn back and get to it again just because you want to live it once more or wants to erase the mistakes you have done there.

Time can never get back once lost and you can't hold time for yourself. The only thing that's in your control is to make memories,  lots and lots of memories. 

Memories that can make you feel happy, satisfied and loved as well as gives you advise about how to walk further ahead in your life.

Memories that can make you understand that whatever happened was necessary to bring you where you are now.

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Lifen smiled as she looked at the house and the cafe where she had made some many memories, some good and some very much emotional. Her lips curved up in a heartwarming smile that showed the satisfaction she was feeling in her heart.

She never regretted her time here. It was the place that gave her so much warmth and care and also the love she has lost at very young age.

Lifen turned to leave with Deming when she asked,  "I heard what you have done for my second family. I won't say thank you to you because it was as per the deal we have made. For sure I will comply with the contract but I have a request".

Deming turned to look at her as he said, "Thank you??  Don't you know thank you has become very outdated now. And who needs your 'thank you' when there is many much useful things you can offer".

There was  his signature devil smile on his face as if he was openly challenging her innocence with his eyes and smile and asking her to think somethingoit of her innocence.

Lifen pursed her lips looking at him. She folded her arms over her chest as she said in much strict tone,  "Deming, I am serious now.  Will you take my words seriously now?"

"Okay! Tell me your request and I will take it as an order", he said while giving her a smile which was demanding her to say that she like his words. 

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"Fine...I was saying you know everything already. I have to be work for Li Corporation. You too have a company to run. It can't get this way anymore. I would work on the work you order me as per contract once I get off off from my company. Can you...", she said making him understand but before she could complete,  she saw his expression getting darken.

"Little Cat! Do you really think that I will make you work so hard. That thing was just to keep you close to me. I don't want you to overwork yourself. Even if I have to dedicate my twenty hours of the day just to lessen your burden, I will do that", he paused as he looked into her eyes and held her gently from her shoulders.

"Sweetheart! I just want you to depend on me for small things. I won't say that you have to lose your power and strength for doing that. I would never ask you for that. I would love you more when you will fly more high with your dreams. But please let me handle small things for you. I want to a part of your necessary life. I want to be the man there, always supporting you", he said. 

His eyes confirmed the sincerity of his words. Lifen was touched by his words. 

"You asked me why I started to like Bubble Tea. It's because it makes me feel your presence around me when you have left me. Now you tell me, will you accept my request?", he asked her while looking straight into her eyes.

There were tears in Lifen's eyes but it didn't rolled down her cheeks because Deming wiped it off before it could  roll down.

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She nodded, "Ofcourse.  Your request is an order for me  too. How can I not accept it? ". They shared  a warm hug to each other. 

At this moment they heard someone clapping behind. Lifen instantly deatached herself to turn around to look. 

She didn't knew the people who were looking at them. They were three boys and a girl that seemed to be University students from there looks and stature.

The group of four approached them with a praising smile on their faces. Lifen was baffled looking at them. By their expression it seemed like they know her but she was sure that she didn't know them at all.

"Ma'am! You may not know us but we are great fans of yours. We have been following you from the day we have known you. You have left such a impression on us that we bacame fan of your charm and ELEGANCE ", the girl in the group spoke up.

Lifen look at the young girl's excited expression. It really felt like she was overjoyed by her presence in front of her. "Sorry but I don't remember getting myself so famous that soon. It was just last night. I haven't thought people would follow me this soon".

At this moment the boy in the group come up while shaking his head in denial, "No Ma'am it's not from the last night. Don't get us wrong but we have been following you from a lot before. It was from the day when we saw you at Fashionista Mall"

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"At that time we didn't knew that you will be leading the fashion industry of our country.  Yesterday we came to know that you have become the new CEO of Li Fashion Brand", the other boy said with glittering eyes.

Lifen looked at the group and smiled, "Really? I became famous way much before. How did I haven't got any idea of it".

"It's because we thought to play along with our goddess...I mean we thought we should too keep you identity secret so we didn't let anyone know about it", the girl said with her dreamy eyes, "We have even created a fanpage for you!"


When did she got such an honorable title?

The words of this group of youngsters really made Lifen stupefied. 

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