The Undefined Love

Chapter 243: 243

The group of youngsters that have come up were the same group of the IT geniuses that had seen her in the Fashionista Mall and her bideo with Long Jie.

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Lifen was stupefied about the fact that she has got such young fans. She just looked at them and can feel the warmth they were having for her in their hearts.

"Guys, I really feel honored that you support me in such way and has tried to help. Really!! I didn't even knew that I got such lovely girl as a fan",  she said as she looked at the girl who was still looking at her with her dreamy eyes.

Hearing her idol compliment her as 'lovely', the girl jump in delight.

In the sense of overexcitment, she roughly grabbed the guy's arm who was standing bside her and pinched hard.

"Did you hear that? Did you hear that? My idol complimented me as a 'lovely girl'. Now you know why she is my goddess because she actually is a goddess with her words and attitude", she said to her friends with a smug face and then turned to look back at Lifen.

The boy who has been pinched got an ugly expression on his face but he didn't flinched from such a deadly attack .

How can he present himself to be weak in front of the woman he idolise? It was againshis newly grown manly ego.

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Lifen noticed his ugly expression too. His efforts to suppress it made her chuckle.

"Ma'am! My name is Wen Ruo. You can call me RuoRuo. It will definitely sound extra sweet in your voice. These are my friends Jiang Chen, Qin Lei and Fang Bojing", she said as she introduced everyone to Lifen.

"It was just our luck or we can call it our fate that we have come to Yanzhi University and found you here, otherwise it won't be possible for us to get to talk to you. We are Computer Science students from Jing University. We don't know whether we will be able to get such a good chance another time or not, so can we take photograph with you? Please ma'am", RuoRuo requested blinking her puppy eyes. All her words came out in one breath making her a little breatheless.

Lifen looked at them and gave a  warm smile nodding, "Sure!! And there is nothing like you won't get a chance to meet me again. It will be my pleasure to see you guys again. You can come to visit me".

They never thought that their goddess, the new heiress of Country A's fashion industry would be such an easy going person. She doesn't carry the arrogant air around like other rich socialites do or look down on the people around her.

This made their heart increase the respect for her a hundredfold.

They quickly went to get photographed with their all so perfect goddess. 

While adjusting the camera, they remembered that there was still someone behind them. And he wasn't someone ordinary to begin with. But who could blame? 

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To every fan, his or her idol becomes the most important focus and other goes blurred around. So it was very normal to miss him  behind when faced the personality whom they admired.

Bojing who was handling the camera, quickly nudged RuoRuo to make her realize the one more formidable presence around them.

But RuoRuo shrugged off his nudge and concentrated her eyes on Lifen. Bojing really wanted to pinch her hard like she did to him before to bring her back from her deep dreamland.

Though RuoRuo has ignored nudge, but the other two guys has noticed it.

They turned to look at Deming who was standing behind them and quickly said.

"Mr.Wang, it will be our pleasure if we could have you too. You have inspired the youth to become successful with their own merit and then lead the industry swifty and efficiently single-handedly", Jiang Chen said.

But Deming shook his head as he looked at the smile on Lifen's face. It was good to see her like like this. This was her small moment, how can he interrupt her?

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The group took few pictures with Lifen before deciding to bade farewell to her. RuoRuo was still reluctant to leave her.

She quickly added, "Ma'am, I so wish to be boy. In that way, I would have confessed my heart feelings to you and asked you to be my girlfriend and have chased after you for the whole life".

At the girl's sudden confessing words, Deming's ears stood on alert.  But her next words made him a little relax. 

She then looked at the man standing behind Lifen and gave a smile, "But still I am happy that you got the the best man of the country.  I could say it now, he is more fitted with you than any pretending bi*ch".

Lifen raised her brows at the abusive word the girl has just used. Sensing herself wrong, RuoRuo quickly said, "Oops! Sorry I got excessive emotional. But believe me you look good together. This is what truly called 'match made in heaven', not the one the blind people mentioned earlier. Hmph! they don't know anything".

Deming was feeling a little complacent hearing the girl say the ear-pleasing words but still he can't let his guard down now, especially after knowing that his woman can even attract young girls towards her.

He came forward towards Lifen and wrapped his arms protectively around Lifen, "Thanks, girl! I appreciate your words and you also made me realize something. Now we have some work  waiting for us, so..."

The group nodded in understanding and bade farewell. 

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Lifen turned to look at Deming. There was a contented smile on her face, "Now I know why celebs are so willing to be in the entertainment industry.  They might be loved with the feeling of such lovely fans around"

Deming tapped her nose, "I like this smile of yours. Maintain this everytime and you will get more and more people to follow you".

Lifen nodded and added quickly, "Okay now we are getting late. You should head back too. I have brought my car and I will go myself. So be quick and go back".

Deming was reluctant to let go her. He wanted to wanted to go and drop her himself but Lifen's next words instantly made him change his mind.

"Go and earn more for me. That way I can spend more of your money and live more comfortably. Won't you do that for me".

While saying this, Lifen especially gave a cute look and she knew he won't ignore her words after this look.

Both headed towards their way with their cars. 

Lifen was driving her car when she received a text message. She smiled at the sender and then replied, "Heading to the Li Corporation.  Will be waiting for your arrival!!"

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