The Undefined Love

Chapter 254: 254

Sensing his eyes getting a shade darker with every passing second with true desire and his fingers gliding tortuously upward, Lifen gulped down the lump of saliva that she never knew she was holding in her throat.

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She was so lost in his deep dark brown eyes that she didn't noticed when he pulled her more into his body leaving no gap between them.

She only realized it when felt his warm mint fragrant breath coming too close over her face. She hurriedly squeezed her hand inside between them as she pushed him a little back, creating some good safe distance between their bodies.

Her heart was already thumping a lot faster and louder than before. Her breathing has also turned a little messy because of the sudden nervousness, this devil has caused her.

Seeing her in such condition, Deming's lips turned into a smirk as he asked,  "What's wrong Little Cat? Is there something wrong?"

He took a small step forward towards her but she firmly placed her palms over his chest feeling his firm muscles. She wanted to praise them but at this moment it wasn't the right time so she said in a hurried tone,"We don't have the whole night. Just go and get freshed first  I will go and cook something simple. That's for what I am here today. For dinner".

She reminded herself more than informing him and searched for the kitchen rotating her eyes around the place.

Deming didn't say anymore. He just gave a last look to her with  a nod of agreement and then walked in the direction of the stairs to get to his bedroom for getting fresh. 

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Lifen thought he was already gone but suddenly she felt his warm breath over her ears, "Walk towards your right and you will get the kitchen, you are looking for. And one thing more, though we don't have whole night but we have got enough time to prove you I am not as weak as you take me as. Wait for me to prove it to you slowly".

His words were so slow and light that it made her heart clenched tight. She was feeling both the anticipation and nervousness. 

When she controlled her thumping heart and turned to look at the man who has caused the wave of nervousness inside her, he was already gone. There was no sign of him downstairs.

She quickly shrugged off the tempting thoughts from her head and walked to the kitchen to cook something. Wrapping apron around herself she tried her hand on some simple dishes.

She wasn't very good in cooking but her skills can't be called common too. She loved cooking but only to try new flavours. But today wasn't any  day to expriment so she kept the dishes simple.

Soon two serving of dinner was prepared. She led them on the dining table. She went back inside the room to bring the Quesillo she has prepared as desserts when she heard her phone ringing.

She put down the plates down on the kitchen slabs to pick up the call. It was her grandfather. Ofcourse she was expecting the call, since it was already time to reach home, but she still hasn't. 

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"Hello, Grandpa", she greeted as she received the call.

"LiLi, you aren't home yet! Was there some plans?" He asked. The voice of her grandfather wasn't anxious rather it was cool as he felt relieved since she wasn't home. This was a little odd for her.

"Actually I was on my way home but suddenly I shot plan with...", she paused with hesitation but shot it out, "with Deming".


"It's just a dinner nothing else and I would be back after that ", she said in one breath thinking that her grandfather would flare up if not got good reasons for being with Deming at this hour.

But the reply wasn't as she expected it to be. Something was really off but she can't point it out at this moment. She heard her grandfather say solemnly, "LiLi, I am sure you know what you are doing and I believe you".

His words were more like the traffic signal which has turned on with all three lights at the same time.  She didn't understand, was her grandfather really upset for abruptly going out with Deming? Or he wanted her to take her nice time to judge her decision? And the last for which she has got just a minimal amount of vibes... Was he all good, seeing her with Deming now?

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She was dwelling with these questions after the call was hung up when suddenly she felt some feathers smoothing her ears.

She turned to look and it wasn't any feather but the feathery kiss that she got from the man who had disappeared into his room to get freshed.

His look made her previous thoughts run out of the window. He has come all same like she has last remembered him coming after a deep hot bath.

His skin was flushed a little red, giving him a little s.e.xy enchanting look while his lips looked so kissable. It was looking extra soft to resist. His broad shoulders and taut muscles of abdomen was slightly visible from the thin fabric of white semi translucent shirt making it more irresistible. 

The only thing that was going through her mind was to have the feeling once while kissing those irresistible pair of lips.

When she realized her shameless thoughts, she chided herself for being such a outlandish pervert. "How can I get so shameless? It seems I am really getting the bad influence of the devil", she chided herself inwardly.

Guessing her internal thoughts, Deming felt an ego boost up. 'It really felt good to get appraised by your woman. So damn satisfying, enough to make anyone's body react', he remarked inside his brain as he looked towards his south.

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Shrugging of his body reactions as he has especially took essential measures to not  frighten the girl. He had purposely wore extra loose joggers since he was expecting this.

Lifen was still avoiding her eyes to go around his tempting figure when she felt his fingers lifting up her face while drawing hef chin upward, "There is nothing to get embarassed, Little Cat. I am all for you to ogle. Only you have that real right to look at me that way".

His words instantly made her face go flush red.


Back at Li Villa, 

The old man was pacing back and forth in his study. His face was all clenched tight and brows were furrowed deeply.

"They really dared to keep their eye on her. This time I won't let them harm her. Deliver my messsage to them 'This time I won't let them come near her. The girl for whom they are looking was dead in that deadly accident ten years back which were  caused by them . The girl who is here now, is my granddaughter.  And I won't let them take her away. We are Li's and not that easy to trifle with'."

Huang Fei nodded his head and then added, "President I have increased the number of bodyguards around her and Young Dr.Yang has also sent some of his men to guard her. Is there any more orders. Next time we will know straight away before they even come in a range of 10 kilometers around her". 

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