The Undefined Love

Chapter 255: 255

"President Li you can be rest assured. This time they won't be able to harm her. And at the first place we can't be sure if they were actually the one we are thinking of. Because the people our men caught were all anonymous and also there skills were very much inexperienced ", Huang Fei added.

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The old man nodded in understanding but his brows were still furrowed, "Still Huang Fei we can't let our guards down. Last time we weren't aware of their plans but this time we know that what they want". He got back on his seat while clasping his hands on the desk.

Huang Fei looked at the old man and said with slight hesitation,  "With all due respect,  President I wanted to suggest something"

The old man nodded to gestured him to continue.

"It would be good if we seek some help from Mr. Wang too. His power alone will be enough to deal with this problem and he seems to care for Ms.Li too".

As he completed his words, he earned a glare from the old man. "I am enough to protect my granddaughter. There is no need for involving an outsider into this", he snorted.

Huang Fei nodded. No can get through the stubbornness of a child and the oldies. He knew that it was not like the old man really despises Deming.

In actual sense, to some extent he admires the capability of the young man who has achieved such a  great success in the business world at such a young age. And was even capable to dominate anyone who tried to stand against him.

It was just like the overprotective father who will consider no man to be good enough for his daughter. The old man was so protective towards his granddaughter that to him all man around was not good enough for her.

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After done with a heartful dinner, Deming drove Lifen home.

When the car reached outside the Li's Villa, he turned to her side and said, "It would be better if you could shift somewhere alone near my place or it would be even better if you come and live with me. That way you won't have to think about the curfew for returning home".

"It's not a curfew. I, myself don't want to stay out much. It's my own rule to return home back before 11. So....", she said but paused  when  followed Deming's expression getting a little disappointed. 

"But I think, living alone is not such a bad idea actually", she said as she lightly patted over his palms.

Deming smiled and then added, "Yeah actually in that way I will have more time to show you what capabilities and strength I hold and also what effect I have on my devilish Little Cat, who loves to toment".

"Tsk ...tsk..You are such a pervert. Can't you think of something else", she punched on his chest.

He quirked his brows up as he fluttered his eyelashes innocently,  "How can I be a pervert? It's you who has clearly taken my plain words in some weird direction. I just said capabilties and strength. It's you who is thinking it in a perverted way"

"Huh? Are you calling me a pervert then?" She asked with wide eyes and pointing a fingers towards herself.

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"Not at All. How could I say something that gross? I just tried to make you understand that it's me...ME who has turned you into a pervert ", he said while his lips curved up into a wicked smile.

"Youuuu....", she started punching him using both of her hands.

He really knows how to play with the normal facts and words. And everytime it was she who was left speechless. Even when she tried to tease him, it's her who at the end gets teased.

It can only mean one thing, 'Devil is born to torment others not the other way round'

"Okay fine think whatever you want but I am not that way. It's your mind that goes after absurd things everytime. Hmph!! I am leaving ", she said as she got out of the car.

Deming couldn't help but laugh at her words. She was just so 'cute' to him. He wanted to protect her cuteness and everything about her. 

Rotating the car back to the direction of his place, he picked up his phone and made a call. His eyes getting a little dark. But still his face was all calm like the sea before the storm.

"Get someone investigate something for me", he said and then cut off the call. 

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There was something that didn't went unnoticed from his eyes. Something that was making him rageful inside.


Next day, Lifen got up as usual to get ready for her office. Done with her breakfast with her grandfather, she picked up her Bentley's key and headed out. The atmosphere at the table was weirdly calm. Neither her grandfather initiated any talk nor she knew what to say. Just a formal greeting was all.

Last night she has asked someone to drop her car back, so the car was already back in her garage. She raked her phone to give a call to the person who has brought back her car.

"Hello Good Morning Mr.Ke !", she tried to give  a polite greeting as the call got connected.

"Sorry Miss! Mr.Ke... he is still unconscious ", the person from the other side informed.


Lifen was a little taken aback by the information. "What happened to him?", she asked in a slight worried tone.. 

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Mr.Ke has been working for Li Corporation for more than 20 years now. Though he was someone from lower management panel but still every employee was a  family to the larger tree Li Corporation.

"He has been admitted to the First Hospital last night for an accident", the person on the other side infotmed.

Last night? How can that be possible? Wasn't he the one who brought back  her car?

Did he met with an accident on his tour back? 

She looked at  a distance, her eyes laced with sorry. "Thank You. Please look after him, I am on my way there", she said as she hung up the call.

She was about to get in her car to make her way towards First hospital when she heard her grandfather's firm voice, "LiLi, don't bother with all these stuffs. Look forward to company's affair. I will visit Mr.Ke myself. Your focus should be only on the company ".

Lifen turned back to look at her grandfather who had asked her to ignore the employee severe state.  Why is he asking her to be indifferent like this?

Does that mean, he knew everything about Mr.Ke's accident? Then why  he didn't mentioned anything to her earlier?

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