The Undefined Love

Chapter 275: 275

Hearing Deming so happy after mentioning about the problem, Lifen felt a little odd. 

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Is his mind working properly? People often sympathize or try to solve the proble if other mentions it but here he sounds so happy as if he has won an empire for himself.

"It's nothing like that, Little Cat. You might have taken my tone wrongly? How could I be happy when my woman is in some trouble", he said trying hard to wipe the happiness his voice was full of.

It has been a while since it has become his habit like this. He can't hide the real emotions of his heart from her anymore. It was similar like sun can't hide its warmth and light from the sky.

"It better be like that or else...", she warned him in a dangerous tone which he knew was just to feign the fact that she has found out.

"Fine, my lady's order is the rule that no one can defy", he said in a senior tone but she can visualise  him laughing internally.

"Now tell me what's troubling you. I will sort it out for you", he asked and she can feel that this was really nothing for him. Just a gaze from his cold hawk eyes was enough to make everyone kneel on their feet and surrender their powers to him.

He was the person who doesn't need to prove his power from time to time. His normal and formidable actions were enough to speak for them.

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"No, no there is no need for you to jump into this. The matter is simple and I can handle it myself. So don't worry", she said.

"...", he pondered for some time and then said, "Fine since you want so I won't meddle in between but if you need any help just remember I am still waiting for you to ask me yourself. I am being patient fo you so I want you to always seek me to lean on".

LIfen could feel her heart getting warm with his words. She nodded his head even though she knew he can't see her. 

"Okay, what about your lunch? Have you eaten?", he asked while signing the files his secretary has brought to him. 

"Nope, I think I will have to skip it today. I have something important to work and complete everything as soon as possible. Daiyu has already reminded me nine times to be on time, I can't delay it so...", her word were incomplete at the end as her eyes got focussed on something in the file she was putting her sign.

Deming's pen halted. He words getting firm, "There is no way you are going to skip your meals. Never do that, you are already so lean and petite. Are you planning to get disappear in the thin blow of air".

He paused for few seconds and then continued,  "I will adk someone to deliver something of your taste in the next thirty minutes, complete it or in the another eight minutes, I will be there to feed you myself".

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Lifen pushed her chair a little away from her desk as she looked at her reflection on the french glass windows. Was she really that lean that she  would be blown away in the thin air? 

She shook her head, but still hummed in assurance. 

Deming was satisfied with her reply. Disconnecting the call, he quickly asked his butler to prepare avocado egg rolls and deliver it soon to the Li Corporations. He also mentioned him that it should be delivered within next fifteen minutes.

Qi Yuirong who was still standing in his cabin waiting to retrieve the files and bring them back to the departments that required it was dumbfounded with the entire exchange of conversation she has witnessed.

Her expression at this time resembled to the kid who has got revealed to a  deep secret his parents were hiding from him. She can't believe her ears. She has never seen her boss being so patient and compassionate towards anyone, not even to Ms.Long whom the considered as his girlfriend. 

She never knew that this devil was capable to hold such feelings towards anyone. With his conversation, she can make out that it was definitely some woman on the other side. She so wanted to know the lady who has the power to turn this devil into such a gentle being.


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Lifen was back at engrossing herself to work. After exact fifteen minutes, there was a knock on the door. 

"Come in", she responded. 

Erica came in with a bag in her hand, "Boss, there is something Mr.Wang has asked his butler deliver to you".

Lifen knew what was inside but still she was shocked. She looked at her watch. It just have been fifteen minutes, she had disconnected his call and the food was already sent her so fast.

She gestured Erica to place it on the table near the sofa as she stood up closing the files. 

"Boss, will you mind if I opened this box for you.The delicious smell coming from it is making me drool", Erica asked with her eyes which held true expectations. 

Lifen looked at her, smiled and nodded, "There is nothing to mind. Come and accompany me. It must be too much for me to complete it alone".

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She didn't needed to be told twice. She was already making herself comfortable. The roll was really more than enough as if he has already predicted that there would be someone accompanying her having it.

Just as she completed her lunch, her phone rang again. This time she first tooka  look at the contact name. It was Deming.

"Completed everything?", he asked.

"Yup, just finished everything. I loved it and Erica too became a fan of it", she said.

"You shared it. It was for you", he said in a little disappointed tone.

"You made it?", she asked being suspicious.  Why would he say that it was for her to finish alone.

"Nope. I asked the chef to prepare it. But it was for you. In that way you would get a little more plump. You are so thin, I am getting a little concerned with your appetite ", he said so normally as if it was the real fact accepted by the whole world.

Hearing his words, Lifen's lips twitched.  What did he take her for? Did he see her as a pig, to whom he has to feed in such great amounts?

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