The Undefined Love

Chapter 276: 276

Lifen again looked at her reflection on the French glass windows. She was not at all thin, in fact her figure was great. She was neither to thin nor too plump. Her body has perfect amount of muscles and curves at right places. "Hey! Don't you feel you are talking about some other girl because I am sure that I am not at all thin", she said with twitched lips and eyes narrowed. Erica who was gobbled last piece of avocado egg roll can feel her boss's eyes getting a little darker. For the first time she felt the drop of temperature around her. She didn't know what suddenly made her boss go angry. She stared at her to see the next change of reactions. "Why would I talk about some other girl, when I have only you in my life. This was definitely about you. I feel you are really too thin and should get at little more plumper. That way…", before he could complete his words, he was cut off in between with her harsh tone. "Enough! If I am really that thin, then go and search for someone who has got a good body physique according to you. Don't come to me. I will go and look for someone who is mre handsome than you. Goodbye!", she said and without waiting disconnected the call leaving Deming in bewilderment. Seeing her boss so irritated for the first time, Erica had an urge to laugh. Really! Her Boss also was no different from other woman. She too can get jealous and irritated when her boyfriend points out something wrong on her face or figure. All women are same, kind of self-conscious about themselves around the people from whom they want admiration. She looked at her boss who has an expression of the kid who has just got compared to someone by his parents. "Boss, is there something wrong?" she asked as she looked at the sulked expression on her face. "No there isn't. I have so many work left. I will complete what I can and for the rest, help me get it delivered to my home", Lifen said as she went back to take her seat and resume her work putting her phone at silent mode. Erica nodded and then took permission to leave. When Lifen was almost done with her work, she stretched a little to make her muscles relax and then took a look at her watch. There was still some time left as she has decided to look rest of her work at home. Till she was working, she has forgotten everything even her conversation with Deming. But now since head was back from the word the conversation was reminded to her. Thinking it now, she felt an urge to laugh. She really behaved so childishly before, getting irritated so easily. She took her phone and as expected there were many missed calls from one particular number. She thought of calling him back and then laugh along with him over her childishness, but then went against this idea. "He is at fault too. Doesn't he know, no one can talk about woman's age and appetite? He better gets to learn that now. Hmph!" She picked the phone and called Erica to her cabin. "Erica, these files are done but still send them to Vice President Huang and request him to check it once. And the remaining two files, send it to my home. I'll see it afterwards. For now I am heading off. Call me if something urgent shows up. Okay?" She said as she picked up her jacket and bag to leave the office. The girl nodded when something surfaced her memory from before, "Oops! Boss I almost forgot to tell you" Lifen turned again to look at the girl. "Earlier, Ms.Long Jie of GLIMMERS has called to ask about you. Since you were busy, I asked her to call later. But that thing wasn't odd. The thing that seemed odd to me was her attitude. She was like a cat whose claws were been snatched away from her". She paused as she remembered the phone call. She was really taken aback when the call ended. It wasn't at all like the previous times. She looked at her boss who was smiling as if the weird attitude was already something she was expecting. "Boss, if they call again, what should I tell her". "Tell her the deadline won't be changed. So prepare everything fast and clear the mess", she said and turned on her heels to leave the cabin, waving her hands to girl who was all confused with her words. She was in a good mood but to her oblivious, someone was making everyone's life hell somewhere else. _____ At Wang Corporation' Everything was fine for the last few days. Since their CEO was in good mood, the employees too had nothing to worry. They were all feeling relief until they enjoyed their lunch in the afternoon. But the moment the employees returned from office canteen, they can feel the dark clouds to devil's wrath hanging over their heads. There was a sudden notice from the Devil. Notice 1: "Senior staff meeting on Screening the internal company data in next half an hour after lunch" Notice 2: "Everyone is required to submit their updated works before the day ends or else submit your resignation letters to the HR Department" Notice 3: "The employees who were already having pending work for the last three days, 10% bonus from this annual salary will be deducted. The three sudden notice left everyone's jaw dropped on the ground. There was definitely no one left after the three swords for slaughtering was rained. The maximum fatality was caused by the strike to the last and the final sword, 'BONUS WAS DEDUCTED' Everyone instantly gazed at a particular woman who might have known the reason of their suffering. Feeling everyone's gaze directed towards herself, Qi Yuirong mere shrugged her shoulders innocence. There was no way she knew the reason of the Devil's sudden wrath. The last she met him. He was so kind and compassionate towards someone. Then suddenly this…She really knew nothing. Her Boss really had bad mood swings!!

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