The Undefined Love

Chapter 284: 284

The grip of Deming's fingers was increasing around the wrist of Su Yan, as if his strength was determined to break the bones. The palm of his hand has already turned white like a clear sheet of paper from the sudden blockage of blood circulation in his hands. Daiyu's eyes got widened when got the air of aggression in the cold aura of the man whom she had called arrogant moments before. Even a panic shiver ran down her stiff body frame when remember the possibilities of being in place of Su Yan. She has called him arrogant mindlessly and even said that she was willing to introduce Lifen to some other man who would be far better than him. She so regretted it now after sensing the dangerous aura in the air. She wanted to chop off her tongue with her own hands for suggesting something like that. She would not have felt like this if Lifen would have clean break with this man. But she knew very well, her friend was so dumb to do that. That clearly meant that she has deliberately tried to introduce her to other men when she was already committed to one. And the one wasn't someone simple. He was the one and only 'Great Wang Deming'. Though Su Yan was not in his clear senses, he can still feel the killing grip on his wrist. It felt like, his wrist was going to break at any moment. Not able to take it anymore, he winced in pain. His other hand voluntarily moved to remove it away but his strength was of no avail. All this stunts without any intent has garnered the attention of several audiences. The people was full of shock. Some of them has never thought that they would be lucky enough to witness such a high voltage drama at the end of their day. The have recognized the man the moment has entered the club. They never expected this 'Black Drunkard Club' to be so much classy and fancy that it could attract the attention of the young billionaire CEO of the country. "Little Cat, I never thought you really meant the words you said earlier", his voice was dangerously low. Except of the people standing close enough to him, no one heard what he said. They wanted to know it but there was no way they could. As his said that he was about to twist the wrist but Lifen sensed his move before. With a panic filled voice, she hurriedly said, "Deming, he is Guang's boyfriend. Let him go. What are you doing?' Deming didn't believe her words in one go. His grip remained firm on the wrist which has now started to swollen, as he looked into the eyes of his woman to seek the confirmation which would never be false. Seeing her unwavering eyes, he knew that her words were definitely true. He wanted to smile but his anger hasn't yet subsided. Deming reverted his gaze back to man who was on the verge of losing consciousness due to the unbearable pain he was going through. Instantly his gaze filled full of disdain. He let go his wrist with a jerk making him lose his already wavering footing and stumble backwards on the couch. At this moment a fat bald man came rushing from outside. Looking at his hurried steps, it felt like he has been summoned by the King Yama and if reached any late, he would be directly sentenced to death. "Mr. Wang, my humble greetings! I am the manager of this club. If I had known that you would be arriving today, I would have arranged something special and the best of this club. My apologies. May I ask what can we do for you", the manager said in maintain his composure. His whole self was freaking from inside which was clearing visible in the way he greeted. But who was here to blame. His actions can't be blamed. It was his first time coming face to face to the man about whom he has always read in newspapers and magazines. He has only heard about his ruthless ways. The manager was praying his stars internally that nothing wrong happens or he would be doomed to rot in the hell. Deming didn't look at the man who has introduced himself as the manager. His eyes were fixed on the face of the woman. She has clearly shown the signs of panic before but now standing like she didn't give a damn. When everyone around was shivering looking him like this, only she was standing there remaing unfazed. For the first time, he wanted her to fear him. He wanted her to fear him in the situation like this so that this situation never reoccurs in the future. He wanted her to imprint in her senses that 'she was his and only his' like 'he was hers'. When Deming didn't reply for quite some time, the manager gave out an awkward laugh. "Hahaha…it seems like Mr. Wang didn't the sincerity of my words. My apologies again but we are really sincere toward you Mr. Wang . To let you believe that we would like to sponsor your time here. Your drinks and snacks will be on this club tonight" Hearing his words, Daiyu rolled her eyes. 'Did this fat man has got such a fat brain? He was going to sponsor the man who can sponsor the whole country. Didn't he felt that his words might offend the man who has come today accompanying all the traits of Devil', she commented internally while shaking her head at the dump manager. This thought really crossed many other minds in the club. They really thought the manager has lost his senses. Some even think that with the infamous ways of tyranny, the manager would be lying inside the grave tomorrow. Instantly eyes holdind pity got directed toward the fat manager. Deming let out a loud chuckle startling the whole crowd including Lifen. Next came his cold voice, "Since you are so sincere then I have a special request" The fat man instantly felt satisfied. He thought the fish has taken the bait and was now inside his net, under his control. He quickly said, "Sure! Sure! it would be our pleasure" But the next moment his face lost all the colors when heard the decree issued by the Devil. "Turn this whole club into ashes!"

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