The Undefined Love

Chapter 285: 285

"Turn this club into ashes!", Deming said without taking any considerations of the people around. The manager agape in horror. He could not believe his ears. "Sorry, Mr. Wang! I think my ears aren't working right. I heard something, 'club turning ashes'. How could that be a request?" He just thought that he has got the fish into his net. How the fish has leaped out of the net to swallow him? Maybe he had mistaken a whale to be a dolphin, whom he was planning to use for attracting the onlookers.  Before he has thought the appearance of such a -all- time trending public figure would definitely be used to attract more people to the club which will mean a good hike in profits. But not in rarest dream he would have thought that it will be the end of not only his plans but also the existence of the club. He lips were giving as silly smile making his face look more comical. He was still thinking that the previous words were just some kind of joke on which soon everybody will start laughing but to his dismay no one laughed. And the man who has passed this merciless decree, was standing all majestically as before. Like he never said anything to ruin anyone's source of fortune. Though the air conditioning of the club was good but still he was sweating out of mental stress. He turned his head around, wiping off the sweats from his forehead, thinking he would get anyone's support but he forgot again no one will dare. There was only pity in their eyes. Losing all his hope he could only try to persuade the devil himself. "Sorry Mr. Wang if my staffs did anything to upset you. If you want, I will replace everyone but please don't give such a horrific punishment". "Huh? Replace your staffs! But I don't want that. I just want this club to demolish ", he said with a dangerous air. His eyes were still raking the expression on Lifen's face which still didn't fazed. "But … But that's the source of income for us. How could we survive in that case?" the manager tried again. But sudden a sharp fearless voice rang tearing apart the dangerous air. No one has expected this. "Hey! Don't you think you are crossing your line of being unreasonable?" And for the first time in the entire evening, a smile played over devil's lips. But the smile held making expressions. It represented his upper hand as Lifen at the got bent towards this topic. Second it was for the mockery towards the people and the manager who still didn't knew what was happening. And the last was the evidence showing that game is yet to end. "What unreasonable, Little Cat? I thought I was playing along with you. You come here to look for someone better than me. So I thought of ruining that unreasonable thought of yours by being a little unreasonable too. It's a game of being unreasonable", he said maintaining a deep eye-lock with her, Challenging her! Everyone around was shocked with the sudden revelation. Lifen was still not that exposed to the public so they were unable to recognize her. But the only fact that the CEO of Wang Corporation was chasing a woman was enough to earn millions. Seeing the things getting unfold at such a slow pace, Daiyu gestured a waiter and asked him to bring a glass of soft drink. Since the waiter has seen her coming along with the woman who was this close to the CEO, the waiter didn't take her request lightly. He quickly rushed to bring her a glass of soft drink she requested. Getting her requested glass, Daiyu slumped down on the couch beside the dozed of Su Yan to enjoy the scene that the playing. She had a feeling that this would take time to end. A distant eye looked at his carefree actions and let out a smile. He was too sitting on his chair at the counter and was enjoying the side he never thought ever existed. Lifen narrowed her eyes at the man who was still staring her like she was some painting put inside the museum, for him to watch. She narrowed her eyes at him as she said, "Ahhh! I thought you already had a woman in your mind and would love to play with her" "Little Cat! Can you explain what has gone wrong earlier", his voice was clearly irked. Just a single statement and he was enraged. This showed who really had the upper hand in this game. Lifen raised her brows as she asked, "What? Did I say something wrong?" "…", Deming didn't say anything. He just waited for her to complete. He himself didn't know why he was so patient around her. "Like really, I would like to meet that woman. She must have a beautiful figure that was made for CEO Wang to praise. Not too thin to get blown in the thin air. Right?" she said remembering what he said to her in the afternoon. Hearing her words now, Deming somewhat understood what may have gone wrong. Realizing it, he let out a thunderous chuckle which seemed odd to everyone. They have expected him to lash out in anger, but he was laughing as if he has solved the puzzle he was working using all his brain and skills. Even Lifen was also taken aback with his sudden change in demeanor. The anger which was clear in his eyes before was now nowhere to be seen. He took his steps towards her with a smug face. Standing just in front of her, he swiftly sn.a.k.e.d out his arm around her waist while his fingers lifted her face a little up to match his eyes, "Are you jealous, Little Cat?" Lifen looked around. Every eyes around them were fixed on them with an expression of incredulity. She tried to push his arms away feeling embarrassed, "What are you saying? Who is jealous? Let go" But to response to her resistance, his arms only tightened around her, "Of course you were jealous. It looks like I still haven't made it clear to you. Don't worry today it will be as clear as crystal"

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