The Undefined Love

Chapter 301: 301

In Old Master Li's Study room. Two men were sitting in their own domineering postures. Cups filled with teas were already being served but weren't touched yet. The only thing that can be pointed in the air was the silence and the attitude of arrogance eluding from the both. Deming has never taken the old man as an easy one to trifle with as he knew the older the person gets in the field of this two faced people the more he learns and experienced in carrying a fake mask over their faces. He has always known the more this old man is being low profile the more secrets have in his chest. And he was so right about this thing. The first fact that has intrigued him was the way he has sealed the identity of his own favored granddaughter. It was like he wanted Lifen, his granddaughter to be dead in the eyes of the world. And now, he has come to know one more secret. He was just amazed to know this man sitting in front of him might have the number of secrets more than his age. "So what brought CEO Wang to visit this old man. I doubt our conversation could ever bring something good or healthy", Li Liaoyuan said more in a way to remind him that he still has the power that was none less than him. "And most importantly, I think my granddaughter would like if at the end it was you who got lost". He slowly picked up the cup and took a sip of the tea. Hearing the old man's narcissistic warning, Deming let out a soft chuckle, "That's true! Your granddaughter does care a lot for me. So for the sake of her you can definitely go easy on your grandson – in – law. Won't that make her happy?" "You are not my grandson – in – law yet. And the future can't be forecasted with 100% confidence", the old man hasn't missed the real meaning behind his words. Since the old man's words was intended with the aim to mock Deming. He has too retaliated with the intention that mocking him only mean mocking his own grandson – in – law and Lifen's choice. "How can you be sure. In this world people do go for a secret marriage. And you better known to you than me, of what things I am capable of", his tone was deliberated to give different picture in which the couple was eloping from the eyes of the old man. "You…you better not use your daring guts with my granddaughter", Li Liaoyuan snarled slamming his hand hard on the arms of the sofa. "Sooner or later you have to give your blessings to us. So it would be good for you to be prepared", Deming said nonchalantly as he picked up the cup and took a sip of the tea, "Grandfather I think you should drink Chrysanthemum tea. I have heard that they are quite helpful in sore throats". "Go straight to your point. What brought you here?" he asked under his gritting teeth. It's always been like this. Deming has only been the one who can make him lose his calm composure with just few words. The only one who leaves with no reasons left. There was no doubt that he has got everything that can make the old man accept him as a perfect match for his granddaughter. But it's rightly said, one's first impression matters to great extent. And the same has happened here. Li Liaoyuan has seen the worst side of him with Lifen. "I never went off the track grandfather. It's that you have started it first then how can I let you down. Now since you are asking me to be on point then I am more than pleased", suddenly his aura got changed. Even the old man was surprised to look how fast it happened. "I want to know why Lifen have undergone a critical surgery when she was only eleven years old and that too a fatal one. Why all the records regarding her surgery is being destroyed, even to the extent where I can only get a scratch of it using all my powers". Li Liaoyuan didn't reply to his question, nor was shocked to face his questions which confirmed his doubts of deliberately destroying the evidence. He knew that one day, Deming would come to know about all this since Lifen has decided to be with him. But he didn't expect this to come this fast. He narrowed his eyes as asked, "You have made your men look into her past. Didn't you feel my granddaughter might get offended if she gets to know that you circulated spies to look into her past?" "It doesn't matter. To me her safety matters the most and I will do whatever it is needed to protect her. Even if she gets upset about this, I can't help it", he said firmly, "So can you now tell me the answers to my questions" "Why should I? I am not liable to answer you", the old man snickered. "Okay then I think I should go and try to find the one who can help me find the answer. How about Lifen herself. That way she would come to know there are people tailing down her even though she doesn't have any known enemy", Deming said as he put down the cup and stood up to smoothen his already perfect dress shirt. The old man's brows instantly got furrowed and eyes got a little tensed. The reaction which was expected by Deming the most. He can tell by the things unfolding that Lifen was still oblivious to most of the facts going on in her life. This old man has really protected her well. "You aren't going to do any such thing", Li Liaoyuan said in a dangerous tone. He would never let Lifen know anything about all this. Her life being in danger will not be that shocking to her than the people who are behind this. He can't let her or anyone know this. He looked at Deming as his brows got a little relaxed but it was clearly to mask his real thoughts within. "Young boy, you have really got the guts to blackmail me under my own roof. Though I am not liable to give you an explanation still I will give you one because of LiLi. She is still young and I want her to live her life carefree without any fear" "…", Deming waited patiently. He didn't say anything in response to the old man's word because at this moment he only wants to know the secrets of her life that was endangering her present. "She has got into a planned car accident", the old man said trying to keep it brief but little did he expect the latter part of the story will become much easy for Deming to predict and will also open his gateway to other secrets.

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