The Undefined Love

Chapter 302: 302

Hunter has informed Deming about Lifen's one year records being missing. There has been a trace in the records of the hospital but nothing substantial to know the reason behind her admittance in the hospital or the treatment she has undergone in that span of time. And with such perfectly sealed information, the only person who could answer his question was the one who had erased it. "She has a car accident", Li Liaoyuan said trying to keep the information as brief as possible. He did not want to let anyone know the depths of this matter, especially Lifen. It will only bring the worst past out making things more and more complicated. Something struck at the back of Deming's head. She has got an accident that too in the same year when the little girl he knew from childhood, Long Jie also survived from the one. What a pretty coincidence! But it shrugged off this thought thinking the most important thing at that moment was someone has tried to take away the life of the girl wo have become most precious to his heart now. "Who was behind this?" Deming asked with a dark and gloomy voice. Like the moment he will get to the identity of the person, he will get on his way to massacre the whole clan without thinking of the giving any attention to the people who will come in his way. "It was an accident. No one was there in particular", the old man tried to ignore the doubts that were bubbling in the young man's brain but he didn't know there wasn't any doubt rather the confidence. "Don't compel me to use the worse side of mine to know all this when you can easily let me know everything", his hands got clenched at the side. He still can't get off with the fact someone tried to harm Lifen, his girl. According to his sources, there were no activities of her for one year that can easily make him know how fatal was that accident. Li Liaoyuan squinted his eyes at Deming as he snarled in a low voice which didn't masked the anger and something more in his voice, "Do you think I am afraid of you? I am talking to you in such a calm way because you are someone my granddaughter care for" "Same with me Grandfather! I am being so polite to you because I am your grandson – in – law and my girl loves and cares for you, otherwise you too know it well how my personality is around", he retorted in the same cold manner which the old man has given to him. "It was an accident and accident never comes giving prior notice. She got all well in the two months. That is the only information you can get from me" the old man said taking the last sip from his cup. Deming just looked at the man who was making all his efforts to bring him at the edge of losing control. "There is no record of her for one year in both of her identities except for some traces of a critical surgery she has undergone. You mentioned that it was just an accident for which no one in particular was responsible. Then what made the doting grandfather to hide his precious daughter from the eyes of the world" "Who said I was hiding her? I never attempted any such thing. It was just to fulfill her wishes. She was just a child at a very young age who lost her parents. When I was away for work she has to live all alone in this huge mansion. No able to look at her loneliness, when she asked to live with Wu family I agreed readily. That was it. You mind is reading too much into a plain information", the words were so calm a composed that no one can point a finger telling that his words were a façade to hide the real truth within. The story was good and well presented. Deming took in all the information but the word that caught up his thoughts wasn't the well - presented story of the old man. Lifen has also lost her parents at a young age. The accident was eleven years ago, the same year when his little girl also got into when. His little girl has also lost her parents when she was ten years, and Lifen too lost her parents at a young age. Why there are so many coincidences that are getting hard to ignore? He was lost his trance when the old man stood up, smoothening the creases of his dress and sleeves. "Now it's already quite a while since you arrived. I think you should get going, after all you are the most successful CEO of our country and the economy depends greatly on your caliber", Li Liaoyuan said as he gestured towards the door. Deming gave a last meaningful to him and nodded, "Thank you for your time grandfather. It was a good time where I got to know so many things. Since you are too getting old I won't be bothering your rest and will take your leave." Turning on his heels, he left. He knew things weren't as simple as it was presented but he also knew how stubborn this old man can get. He had seen his stubbornness when he tried his efforts to get the land of Berlin which was registered under Lifen's name. So there was no need to waste his time here when he can use it somewhere else. And also there was something else that he wants to clear now. So many coincidences are getting revealed in front of him. How can he ignore when he himself think the similarities between .… He paused his steps when reached his car. 'No, it's not that simple. My paths were deliberately getting crossed with her from the moment I returned back to the country, whether it was because of land in Berlin, or the revenge for Jie. Lifen was always been there. Even my heart yells the similarities between her and my little girl. Is there really any connection or… I need to check for once'. He said to himself and got into the car to drive his way.

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