The Undefined Love

Chapter 303: 303

"Boss, here are your tickets and please check through the arrangements. Though I have been in London since birth but I have never been to North Devon and have a feeling that my arrangements won't be that perfect", Erica said as she entered into Lifen office.

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She has lived her whole life in an orphanage until Yang Yuzhe found her and helped her get into the college seeing potential in her. He has also helped her get to Lifen when she was starting her studio, appointing her as her assistant."There is no need Erica. I am already having loads of work and not concerned about such things now. If you want you can too tag along and see later if your arrangements are perfect or not but for now I don't think I have time to look into such details", Lifen said looking deep into the doc.u.ments which has already been lined up like a mini pillar on her desk."But boss…", Erica was really concerned. She wanted to go along with her but knew too well that she has be here in the absence of Lifen so that she can look at her work and inform her at the right time. "No buts Erica. Now go and check if Vice President Huang is busy or he can spare some time for me", she said putting her long well designed signature at the end of the page and then keep it aside with bunch of separate files.Erica nodded and left.Soon after there was a knock at the door. "Come in!", Lifen gave out the words and the dood got opened."President Li!" Huang Fei came in to greet her."Uncle Fei! I have just asked Erica to check your schedule to see if you were free or not. I was about to come and meet you, there was need for you to come here", she said as she immediately got up from her chair and gestured Huang Fei towards the sofa."It is my duty", Haung Fei has always been very respectful towards Lifen though she has always addressed him as Uncle. Even after getting to the post of Vice President he never forgot the real reason for which he has got this position. He wasn't a Li by blood but his upbringing was definitely under Li's. He knew well how be upright and repay pay people's kindness."Uncle Fei, I won't start the same topic again. Because I am really running late with my work. So it argument will be pending until the next time we meet. But for now I really need your help. I will be leaving for London tomorrow. It was suddenly decided as my friend has got some issues there", Lifen purposely avoided the fact that she was going to help her friend out from a forced marriage as she was well accustomed with both her grandfather and uncle.She knew well how peculiar they will get if they knew for what mission she was leaving and even there was chance for not getting allowed to go at the first place."I have yet to inform grandfather about it. But for now I need your assurance that you will help me out this time. I have already tried my best to complete most of the work. Please look after the remaining procedures", Lifen asked politely. Given to her position even if she hasn't requested, the Vice President was responsible to take her orders and execute i.But being bossy was not in Lifen's nature. She has always believed if you want one's true love, respect and support then you have to offer them the same."There is no problem. You don't have to stress yourself so hard. You can always delegate your work to your subordinates. This is how the organization structure works" Huang Fei knew well. This young girl has always been very independent. No matter how tired or exhausted she would get, there is no way she will let others to do her work.Even with so many maids and servants around she has always been very well – mannered, sincere and down to earth child never throwing any tantrum. Her nature can easily draw her to everyone's good side."I will definitely when there will be need after all they have their work too. I would never let them work late just to get my work done", she said.Huang Fei could only nod to her words, knowing how her brain function. Though she works for success of the organization but there is no way she would let her people and employees suffer for the materialistic money. To her emotions always has supreme power over money.________Deming has come to visit Murphy. It has always been so many days since he had returned from Berlin but still he hasn't come to meet him.On the call last time he remembered Murphy said he has something important to inform him yet he never come to meet him. Even he has given an application asking for a long leave using all the years of his work when he used to work non – stop."Murphy, oops Uncle Murphy since you are on your special leave it would be better if I call you uncle. So how was your trip to France and then Berlin", Deming asked as he moved around the kitchen where Murphy was busy cooking his meal."It would be enjoyable if I don't have to attend work there" he said as he flipped the pancakes on the pan."If you really wanted that from your life why haven't you got married. If I remember correctly, there was a beauty from two years ago who wanted to stay beside you", Deming said thinking of the Jie's older cousin from two years back."If only I have not turned this old looking after your tantrums and mischief for more than half of my life, then surely I would have someone by my side. But Almighty God has presented you to ruin that dream of mine", Murphy said pushing all the blame on the shoulder of the Little Brat, he has seen to grow so successful."Fine …Fine, it's my fault. I won't mention this again. Now tell me what important thing you were intending to tell me on the day of Li's Annual Anniversary Party?"Murphy hands got halted. He knew sooner or later this will surely come knocking is door.

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