The Undefined Love

Chapter 331: 331

Soon Lifen and Daiyu reached the resort which was booked for Guang's wedding. When they reached there, they were being welcomed by the Zhou family. Since they knew that Lifen was no ordinary person anymore rather a rich heiress who was running a big Corporation on her own, there was no way in which they would think to offend her. In the past they always considered her daughter Guang to be a useless fellow who never made any good acquaintances in the city. They always expected her to make friends from the rich family so that when time comes they can get suitable help. But Guang never considered their words seriously. To her, friendship should purely be friendship, not some type of business deal through which she can expect something to receive. It should be a selfless relation in which the only thing one should expect must be love, care and sincerity. Her family always despised her thoughts like this because it never came to their use but now finding that their daughter having such a big fish in her net, they were overjoyed. They never thought that one day the poor girl would turn into a rich heiress. Looking at the turn of events in this way, they really believed the tale of Cinderella becoming the Queen of a kingdom wasn't false anymore. Miracles do happen and you can never judge a book by its cover.  "Ah Lifen, you have come. We never thought you would be able to make out some free time for this wedding as you are now the CEO of such a big organization. But it seems like my precious daughter does matter to you a lot", an old man in his 50s said showing most of his white glittery teeth. He was Guang's father, Zhou Chang Hai. Daiyu's lips instantly got twitched when he heard his extra sweet words. What precious was he talking about? Even a blind person would be confident that he never treated Guang as his own daughter. There was no means left in which he had not tortured her mentally. And now he was becoming sweeter than honey. Did he really think that he can fool us that easily? "Uncle Zhou, I never felt that Guang has ever been that precious to you all. I mean look she has always been us and never mentioned any good memory she shared with you all. Not that she ever cared to share any complaints too. But we can always feel her", Daiyu said with an expression clearly challenging him. Zhou Chang Hai's expression got ugly when he heard her but he couldn't say anything to her now. She was having someone powerful standing by her side, whom he can't dare to offend. He laughed awkwardly and looked at both the girls. "No, I think you must be mistaken. Guang has always been precious to me. She was a very good child from a very young age, quite sensible one and always best in academics. There might be no sweet memories because we did not got much time to spend with each other" Lifen nodded to his words in agreement. She was satisfied with the words Daiyu has used earlier. It was like she had expressed the exact words which Lifen wanted to present. "It's okay Uncle Zhou. We know. Daiyu was just expressing the words she felt. There was nothing personal", she said as she wrapped her arms around Daiyu and gave an understanding smile to Guang's father. Nothing personal!  If this wasn't any personal attack, then he hasn't encountered any personal attack in his whole life. But in no way he could say all these words loudly. "Ahh! Is that so. Hahaha ... I thought you took me wrong", showcasing a pretense laugh he asked the servant to take their luggage to their rooms. "Now you should go and take some rest. It must be a long journey for you two". "It's okay Uncle. We are fine and are quite excited to meet Guang. Please tell us in which room she is staying. We go and look for her", Lifen said with her eyes going all around the place. Many people were around but her friend was nowhere to be seen. "Yes sure, sure. I know you three are best friends and will ask about the moment you will arrive. But you have to wait for her till tomorrow. She hasn't come to the resort yet. She will be here before her engagement" Zhou Chang Hai informed. His eyes held a villainous smile when he said all his words. Did you really think that you both can ruin my plan? No way.  I won't let anyone get in between my plans. This wedding will become a success for both my life and also for my upcoming business projects. His words got on Daiyu's nerves. His words were clearly telling them that they wouldn't be able to ruin this wedding. An open challenge. Daiyu wanted to yell at him as she stepped forwards, pointing a finger out but Was held by Lifen. "We are okay with that Uncle. Since Guang is going to be the bride, how can we dare to go against her arrangements. We will meet her after she arrives tomorrow. Now we will take your leave. It would be best if we take some rest now", Lifen said everything in a very polite way but her eyes were continuously calculating Zhou Chang Hai.  Zho Chang Hai returned her words with a smile and then nodded his head. "Yes sure. Your rooms are this way. Should I get someone to guide you two there?" He asked as he looked around in search of someone to whom he can delegate this work. "It's fine. We will help ourselves. You don't have to take such troubles", Lifen said and then held Daiyu's hand to pull her in the direction where their luggages was taken. Zhou Chang Hai smirked when he looked at both the girls leaving. When he invited them he had already made his plans to stop them from ruining his plans. He wouldn't have cared to call them but if Guang's only friends would not have attended her wedding then people might gossip. And he doesn't want people to gossip any silly talks. It might affect his deal. When they were passing the corridor, Daiyu was about to ask Lifen about her plan to stop the wedding, without caring about the open environment where their talks could get easily heard. But suddenly she heard a laugh of mockery. She turned to look at the person. And the moment her eyes fell on the woman who was responsible, her jaws got clenched and the next moment she charged towards her, giving Lifen no time to react. "Chen Xing this time I am not going to spare you. You witch, you better be ready", saying this Daiyu lunged forward and wrapped her fingers around Chen Xing neck, making her suffocate to death. Chen Xing was the younger cousin sister of Guang, who never left any opportunity to push Guang in the pit. Daiyu has seen her acting all sweet in front of elders and at the same time all vicious when no one is around. She can be called a true witch. When Lifen realized what happened in a blink of her eye, she hurriedly rushed forward to stop her friend who was already losing all her mind. And she knew the reason behind it. It was because her heart was filled with anxiousness for her friend. Holding her friend from her shoulder, Lifen urged, "Daiyu leave her. Get yourself level headed. Guang is not here, we should wait for her. You can't lose your patience yet. Leave her:" Saying this she tried to pull her away from Chen Xing. After much struggle she was brought back. Lifen thought looking at her friend, 'from where did she get so much of strength?' Chen Xing started coughing profusely, trying hard to refill her lungs with oxygen. "Lifen are you really siding with her. Don't you know how much trouble she has brought to her. But you are supporting her", Daiyu said full in rage. She always becomes a short tempered woman when some serious thing comes in regards to her friends. "There is nothing like that. What are you blabbering. Do you really want to murder her and then go to the jail for the rest of your lives?  Take some deep breaths and calm down your anxious nerves. We don't have time to get ourselves involved with her. We have much better things to do", Lifen said giving slow pats on Daiyu's shoulders to calm her down. Hearing their talks, Chen Xing at the side snickered "Huh! Do you really think that you two can save your friend. Nope, not at all. She will be ruined this time, all her dreams that were making her so boastful will be ruined. Do whatever you want but none of your efforts will help" At this moment a rough voice of a man was heard at the end of the corridor as a man dressed in all formals came strolling towards them. One more man in a little casual outfit was accompanying him. "What's happening here? Is there something important going on that I need to know" There was a kind of silence after his words. Looking at the man in formals, Chen Xing quickly greeted in all sweet voice which was soft as well as seductive at the same time, "Brother in Law!" Lifen and Daiyu also looked at the man. So this was Ning Xui Ying, the businessman who was interested in their friend Zhou Guang. But Lifen's eyes got a little surprised when he looked at the man who was accompanying him. Those creepy gazes…. How can she forget that? The moment her eyes recognized the person, she started feeling uncomfortable.

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