The Undefined Love

Chapter 332: 332

As the two girls have thought, Ning Xui Ying wasn't any old fatty man who was marrying their friend for some business deal, rather he looked very handsome and charismatic. They have heard his Ning Investment Firm is a very long aged firm passed to him as his family legacy. And under his supervision, the firm was attaining new heights of success. Daiyu and Lifen looked at him trying to find any suitable reason for which he can oppose him. But there seemed to be none on the surface. He was not a bad looking guy, rather the kind who won't lack women in his life. His business was flourishing more than Zhou's family business, so there was no reason to think this marriage to be some kind of business deal, at least not from his side. And the most important thing, the air he was carrying was not a mysterious one, but very warm and clear which can easily make people feel his friendliness and warmth. So what was the reason for which he was marrying Guang forcefully. Was there something hidden which was still to come in light? This question has become really mysterious. After a very long gaze on Ning Xui Ying, the two women reverted their calculating gaze from him, only to find two weirdos around them. One was Chen Xing who was having her eyes focused on the man, her sister was going to marry in just a few days. Her expression was like if there wasn't anyone around then she might have pounced on him and have done the deed. Such a shameless expression and the other weirdo was the man who had come accompanying Ning Xui Ying. Lifen didn't know why this man again crossed paths with her but the gazes he was giving to her was making her urge to puke. She tried hard to ignore his dirty eyes because if she had seen him for another second then her hands were moved on its own to slap him hard on his face. "So Ms. Zhou's friends have arrived for the wedding. It's nice, it will surely make her feel happy", Ning Xui Ying said with his lips curling up to give a soft smile. Lifen looked at him and smiled back, "It's good to meet you Mr. Ning. With your words it felt like you care a lot for our friend's happiness". His smile got deepened on her words, passing a sincere light through his eyes, "Of course I care for her. If not her, then I don't know for whom I should care. She is going to be partner sharing my life and happiness, it would only be good if my care and sincerity reach her" His words gave Lifen unknown satisfaction. Though she knew Guang does not love him and has someone else in her heart, his words made her feel that he was not a wrong choice for her friend. And she was sure if Guang had met him before Su Yan she would have fallen for him. "Hey!! Why are you looking at him like that? Like you are dying to eat him. Are you really sure Chen Xing that you are a human and not a witch?" Daiyu mocked Chen Xing when he found her still lost in dreams looking at the man. Hearing her words, Ning Xui Ying coughed in order to clear his throat whereas the woman felt really embarrassed. She glared at Daiyu trying to put some words against her but nothing came out of her lips. "You … you …" Lifen could only shake her head. When her hard headed friend is on a mission to make someone embarrassed then there is no way she could be stopped and the person can be saved. One can only pray for the best and the after damage to be less. "What? Haven't you ever gone to any school? Don't say you have such a peanut size brain that you weren't able to learn anything apart from a single word? Oops! So sad your lack of vocabulary will really make people like me mock you. You should have taken some help from Guang. She has always been very academic in her studies. With her help and efforts, you would surely learn a few more", Daiyu continued with a snicker. Chen Xing's face turned more ugly. She felt humiliated to the extent where she wanted to dig a hole to hide herself inside. Without saying another word, she stomped her feet on the ground to show her agitation and then left. Looking at her leaving Daiyu chuckled and gave an ending blow with her words, "Chen Xing, sorry I misworded it. There is no way you could ever learn anything. For that you should have a decent brain to begin with and our friend Guang can't buy you that although she so wanted to do that for you" Chen Xing ran off with her tails between her legs. She can't stand there and be more humiliated. When everything was over, Lifen said with a suppressed chuckle, "Daiyu, that was enough. I think this time you really got to overboard." "As if I care", Daiyu shrugged her shoulders back without any care. "It looks like Ms. Li likes to have fun like this", Gao Ren said in a lazy tone, earning the attention of all three people. Lifen looked at the man who was still looking at her with his dirty l.u.s.tful eyes, "I don't think I have to answer any of your questions." Ning Xui Ying felt a little weird. He looked at the man and asked, "Mr. Gao, do you know her?" "Of course. How would I, Gao Ren not know such a beauty exists on this planet Earth", he said, still focusing his eyes on Lifen. His words made Xui Ying furrow his brows and Daiyu's lips twitched in disdain. She looked at the man who was openly showcasing his wasteful brain cells. "Hello Mister. I am curious about something. I am a big fan of Miss World who has participated as the showstopper in Milan Annual Fashion week. Can you help me with her number?" Gao Ren didn't understand her meaning behind such a request, but Lifen understood it very well. Her friend was in her mood to slaughter everyone with her words. And this man's words only made her change the direction towards him. She let out a chuckle at the coming consequences where this shameless person would be running off the same as Chen Xing has run off moments before. Seeing the woman laugh, Gao Ren felt like she was underestimating his powers, so he gave a quick boast to make her realize that he was no less than any other man, specifically Wang Deming. "Sure, Ms. Zhang! I would ask someone to bring her contact number for you. This is something that won't need much time", he said with a smug face, his eyes looking at Lifen who was not paying any attention to him but having a mocking smile playing over her lips. She was mocking him without any fear. That mocking smile irked him to the extent where he felt his ego got hurt. What did she think of herself? At this moment, Daiyu said with a surprise, "What? You still need someone to get her number. I thought you would have one because She has been crowned as the most beautiful woman in this world and you earlier said that you know every beauty. Sigh!! I really thought so high for you, my bad. It's okay" Gao Ren was speechless. He never expected that his words can be used in this way to humiliate him. Now the mocking smile on the woman's lips made sense to him. Daiyu really had enough for today. Now she was hell tired for real. He looked at Ning Xui Ying whose eyes were as clear as jade with no maliciousness inside. She doesn't know how to treat him. There was no reason to treat him in a bad lens since his only fault was that he was the reason for which her friend was pushed into this forceful marriage. "Now we would take your leave. After a long journey to reach here, we are really tired and need some rest", Lifen said, nudging Daiyu who was staring at Ning Xui Ying with her judgmental eyes. He nodded and Lifen pulled Daiyu towards their allotted room. Closing the door behind themselves, she looked at her friend and then let out all of her suppressed laughter. "Dear you were really out for a war there. But it was fun. Ig Guang was here she would have strangled you for being so rude and terrific with your anger just now. I would not be surprised if she had enrolled you to some anger management classes". Lifen said, looking at her friend. "That was not funny, Lifen. They deserved this and come on now tell me your plan. What should we do? Ning Xui Ying is not like what we have pictured him to be. And Guang is still not here. What are we going to do? The engagement is tomorrow, we are having no time", Daiyu was panicking, walking back and forth in front of Lifen. "Calm down, girl! We can't do anything now. We have to wait for Guang to come. Only then we can shape our plan. And one more thing, I don't think Mr. Ning to be a bad person, in fact I found him quite suitable. But at the end we can decide on behalf of Guang" she was still saying her words when suddenly she heard a knock at the door.

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