The Undefined Love

Chapter 339: 339

Ning Xui Ying made sure Guang got to her friend's room. All the way to their way, he could feel her eyes on him but he had no strength to look at her. Not after what she has said to him earlier. It has already been painful for him to know that even if she was engaged with him but still her heart was with someone else.

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When she got inside the room, she had turned to thank him but he ignored it and walked away like he never expected her to thank him.

"Dear, finally we got time with you", Daiyu sighed as she embraced her friend closing the door behind her.

"I missed you too" she said as she hugged Daiyu back and looked at Lifen who was standing at the back. But there was something in her expression that was not right. Like she was revealed to some facts that have made the mood sour.

She raised a questioning brow at her, asking if there was something she wanted to share but denying her expressions, Lifen shook her head in no.

Daiyu who was oblivious to their short interaction, didn't even care about it and directly got to the point, "So what's your plan? Are you going to marry Mr. Ning? If so then we are happy for you" There was a smile on her lips which made things more and more suspicious in front of Guang.

She narrowed her eyes at her as she gazed at both the girls. "What does that mean? What happy?"

"Ahh it nothing like that. You know this silly girl always gets excited in the wrong situations. She just meant that you don't need to worry, whatever will be your decision we are going to support you.", Lifen explained as she casted a glare towards the girl who never thinks to take her words into consideration before speaking.

Guang was not a fresher between them she could tell when her friends were telling the truth and when they were hiding the truth from her. She eyed them maintaining her suspicious eyes as her expression said 'Don't you two try to act smart in front of me'

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Lifen got her friend's expression and in return she casted her eyes towards Daiyu, with her lips pursed letting her know that it was all her fault for making the secret things  go so obvious.

Daiyu, becoming the target of two pairs of eyes, stomped her feet hard on the ground as she yelled frustratingly, "O god! Why are you two staring at me like that? I have not stolen any of your gems. Please spare me"

Saying this she turned and walked to get herself a seat. Lifen was expecting this but still her eyes popped out thinking how well her friend has done to shrug off her responsibility leaving her alone to deal with the suspicions she has created.

"Heyyy! What with your attitude? Come here and help…" before she could complete her words, Guang stern words came ringing to their ears.

"Girls, don't make me repeat my words. Just tell your words fast. We have only got this night to discuss our things. My father has already put Chen Xing in my room to have an eye on me. I am not sure if I would be getting a chance like this again"

Hearing the name of her cousin, Daiyu lost her composure and instantly stood up to dash out of the room. "That Chen Xing, I am going to strangle her to death".

But Lifen held her in her steps, "Enough Daiyu! If you are going to do any such things, then we won't be getting a chance to discuss things with Guang"

Not having any ways left, daiyu huffed and stopped, puffing her cheeks up as if she had been harassed by her siblings. 

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"Okay I am still waiting" Guang reminded her, tapping her foot on the ground anxiously.

Life looked at her and thought to not hide anything. She gestured to everyone to get on the bed. Though she does not want to hurt her friend's feelings, she can't hide things from her too. This was her life and she deserved to know what type of man she was believing in.

"Fine I will tell you what we are thinking but it's not necessary for you to think the same way. We just want you to take your decisions on your own without getting influenced by our words", Lifen made her words clear.

She could let her know the facts and let her decide on her own. She believed in her sensibility and way she sees the things. There was no way in which she would be taking a wrong decision for herself when her own life was depending on it.

Guang nodded to her words and asked her to continue.

"We don't think Senior Su Yan to be a good choice for you. The only reason that supports his presence in your life is your heart which thinks he is good for you. Whereas at the same time we find Ning Xui Ying as a good man who will ..." Lifen tried to explain but got interrupted by her friend's hurt expression in between. Though she has not cut her words in the midst but still …

"Guang, don't give me that expression. That is my thoughts. Your start with Ning Xui Ying might not be good. You might see him only as the person with whom your father had fixed a business deal but he is much more reliable than Senior Su Yan" she explained again.

"Lifen I never thought that you would also be like this. Are you just looking down on him because he has got no money? And have no status if compared to that man. How could you? I never thought these things ever mattered you", she said shaking her head denial.

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In her heart Guang was shaken. She never thought her friends would look down on the person she loves.

At this moment, Daiyu interrupted them. "Guang, we never meant it like that. You are taking Lifen's words in a wrong way. We never judged Brother Su Yan on his money nor talked about Mr. Ning considering his bank balance. It's been about the attitude of two men towards you"

Guang was taken aback by her words. There was no doubt that Ning Xui Ying was treating her better but how does that even matter when she already has someone else in her heart. Someone who also cherishes her in a good way.

"Enough Daiyu! Brother Su Yan never treated me in a wrong way. He has always done so many things to make me happy. How can you compare his attitude with some whom we know barely?" she reasoned

Lifen gave out a mocking chuckle at her words. She never thought that love could even have the power to blind a sensible girl as her. Guang was petrified when she got the look her friend was holding on her face.

This was her first time looking at Lifen with such expression. "Dear, though we don't know Ning Xui Ying for many years but still looking at him treat you with such care and respect we can guarantee that his attitude towards you is really admirable. But after knowing Brother Su Yan for years, I never expected him to disrespect you just because of some misunderstanding"

"What do you mean?"

Lifen looked at her and then told her all the incidents that happened at Black Drunkard's Club and his words from the next morning.

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Hearing all those things, Guang herself have never thought that Su Yan could say such things. If not for her friends, anyone else would have said these things to her then she would not have even believed. But since it was her friends, she would never mistrust the authenticity of the words.

Her brain felt its nerves clenching giving her a pain she, herself can't comprehend. She tried to find a reason to defend him. Finding one she said, "That can be understandable since he would have thought that I have cheated him. We can't blame him for everything. He must be suffering from extreme pain at that time that's why he would have said those words about me. Don't judge him for that"

Lifen looked at her friend who was trying to find excuses to defend the man who doesn't deserve her efforts, especially after what he had done last night.

"Really? If it's not his fault then who is here to be blamed? You? Okay fine I accept that he must be heartbroken that night thinking you have cheated him but what about yesterday? We have already told him the situation from your end. Then how are you going to defend her actions from yesterday?" she asked. Her expression was imitating the ruthlessness they have never witnessed in her.

Her expressions were not directed towards Guang but at the man whom her friend was trying to defend so hard.

Daiyu was also confused. What happened last night that brought Lifen out with such a dangerous aura?

"What happened last night?" both women asked at the same time.

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