The Undefined Love

Chapter 340: 340

"What are you talking about? If there is something, be clear on it?"  Guang said not understanding about what Lifen was so angry about.

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Daiyu too nodded at her words. Though Lifen has said to her yesterday night that she does not consider Su Yan to be a right choice for Guang, there was no anger in her eyes yesterday when she was explaining her reasons behind her thoughts.

This can't be simple as Lifen never loses her temper when she was around her friends. There must be something serious that they are still unaware of.

Lifen looked at her phone and then again lifted her eyes to look at her friends. "Do you remember Guang, once you told me that no reason can justify cheating in a relationship between two people. When Deming broke me in order to avenge for Jie. You told me to never support anyone for their actions if they cheat your feelings then the same applied to you too. We are not different, right?"

Though it was a question, Lifen never intended to listen to any answer from her. Without giving her any chance to respond, she continued her words, "What if I told you that he has cheated you? Then are you still going to defend him? What reasons are you going to give me to defend him, after I tell you that yesterday night he was busy with some other woman"

Guang was jolted at her words. "What do you mean?"

"Yes yesterday night he went to some hotel with a woman in his arms. And this time please don't even say that he was broken-hearted because none of your reasons can justify his act of cheating" she continued.

"How can you think such a man can cherish you when he is not ever loyal to you. In this relationship, there is no trust, no respect, no loyalty and no love. How can your future be full of happiness without any of these things? Tell me" Lifen asked.

Guang was all dumbstruck. She never thought that she would be hearing something like this. Su Yan has always been an ideal man in her eyes but she never thought that her ideal type of man would turn into a cheap jerk.

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Daiyu was the first one to react to her words. She was already annoyed with the words he has used for Guang the other day and now he has done something like this. Whom was he justifying that day calling as cheater, a heartbreaker and many more.

"That jerk did what? I am just going to kill her to death. That evening he was giving us a lecture on love. This is what he called love. Hooking up with another woman behind his girlfriend's back?" Daiyu yelled, clenching her fists at the side.

Lifen looked at Guang. She felt bad for her but this was something she had to decide on her own. These decisions were going to change her life and the responsibility of any wrong decision will only be borne by her.

Getting up she gave her back towards them and said, "Now it's your choice, Guang. I won't say anything. I am going out to get some fresh air" Saying this she left the room.

The news shattered the woman's heart. She didn't know whom to curse now. Her fate brought her to such a situation, her parents who never considered her as their daughter to deserve their love or the man whom she trusted with her life.

She was enveloped in an emotional breakdown which never thought to be coming in this way. Daiyu tried to console her but nothing was appeasing her heart which was feeling sharp piercing pain.


After saying all those stuffs to Guang, Lifen was feeling really bad inside. She never intended to give pain to her but this topic was bound to bring pain to her. To prevent her from pain she can't let her suffer for her whole life.

She was strolling through the garden, looking around thinking how unpredictable life was. The person whom you think of trusting with your life often gives you the most unbearable pain of life.

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Two years back, she trusted Deming with all her heart without putting any conventions but at that time he mercilessly trampled her heart, leaving her alone in the pain.

And now she has done the same thing with him. Though her actions were not meant to go that way but still she has hurt him, breaking his trust.

It's been already 48 hours since she last had a conversation with him. Looking at her phone she thought of making a call but wasn't able to gather her strength to do so.

After giving a good number of reasons to her mind, at the end she dialed his number.


At Wang Corporations,

From the moment Deming has come back to Country A, he was torturing himself and also his employees. He hasn't left his office for 40 hours now, which made his employees exceed their working hours too. None of the work was left for the next day even if they have to stay all night in the office.

The atmosphere was already dark and tense and no one has the strength to go and provoke the devil to come out for slaughter. The air was already very hard to breathe and they don't want to increase the torture.

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To have physical torture was far better than having a severe mental one.

In the CEO office, Deming was simply sitting on his chair. None of the files were open nor his desktop. He was just sitting there, looking out of the window and then reverting his eyes back at his phone.

"Huh! She is really something. It's already 48 hours 7 minutes and 32 seconds but still she hasn't called me once, nor left any text" as he looked at his phone for 34th time in the last one hour.

At some point of time he also thought of thrashing his phone hard on the ground but then suddenly went against it thinking of the possibility of her text coming after his furious actions.

Time passed but no calls came when suddenly his phone rang. Without even looking into the user id of the caller he picked up the call. His eyes and expression mirrored the desperation he was feeling in his heart.

He was happy that at last she had got some sense to give a call to him. It's not that he was looking for an apology or he wanted her to kneel in front of his ego and demands. But he just wanted to know that she was still looking for him. That she still cared for him.

But the moment he heard the voice from the other side, his eyes showed disappointment. He took his phone in the font of his eyes to look at the name displayed on the screen. It was not displaying 'Little Cat' rather was showing the 'MURPHY'.

"Hello, Deming! Are you listening to me? Hello?" the voice of Murphy asked from the other side when he did not get the response for his words.

"Yes, what is it?" he asked, clearly getting irritated that the person calling him was not Lifen rather was Murphy.

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"Hey is that the way, you are going to talk to your uncle. I am still on my leave holiday and haven't re – joined the job as your secretary yet. What do you think when you are talking to me like that?"

Sensing the irritation in his tone, Murphy asked a tone that could easily make one guilty but the one to whom it was directed showed not even a negative percentage of guilt on his face.

"If it is that difficult, then just come back to work. I don't think I have ever stopped you. Now if you have that answer and there is nothing else for you to say then I am disconnecting the call" Deming said without making any big deal.

"Hey, I have called you for something important. How can you threaten me to disconnect the call?" he said and then waited for him to reply but when he did not get any reply he continued his words, taking his silence as an indication to continue on.

"When have you sent Jie? She is a woman. You can be so harsh with her" he has got the news of Jie being shipped to Dark Force secret island. He has never thought this boy would take such measures against her. Murphy was not unknown to the rules of that secret island. There is no way Long Jie could survive there.

"I don't think I need to answer this question. If she hasn't thought before planning her actions, then it was her fault. Why should I bother with her actions? If that was what you wanted to know then I think I have told you everything I should and there is nothing left." He said and then without waiting disconnected the call.

The moment the call was disconnected another call entered and this time it was none other than Lifen. His lips instantly curled up as he received the call. "Hello!!"

"…" there was no response from the other side. Taking her silence as her hesitation, he spoke again, "Hello, Little cat". But there was still no response. And in the next second he heard the phone dropping on the ground and some muffled breaths, as if someone had put their palms over her lips to prevent her from speaking.

"Lifen? Are you fine? Lifen?" he asked anxiously but still there was no one to reply him back.

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