The Undefined Love

Chapter 349: 349

Guang was so absorbed in looking at the person in front of her eyes that she did not notice the scowling face on the man who was witnessing all this in front of his eyes. He was all proud moments before thinking that the woman for whom he was her was still under his control and in no way she would be betraying him in love.

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Su Yan looked at the pair who were so engrossed in looking at each other that they did not care for anything else. In order to bring them back, he walked forward to make them remember his presence, but this effort of his doesn't suffice.

So he cleared his throat and said, "Guang, can we have a talk?" He asked as he eyed her with a little irritation and then trailed his eyes to the man who was sitting beside her. Though there was no physical contact between them but still the way their eyes looked at each other, nothing else mattered apart from that.  It made Su Yan feel uneasy and also degraded the confidence he was having in himself.

Guang didn't bother to look at him anymore. Though she wanted to have thorough talk with him but at this moment she was in no mood to leave this room, leave her friend alone. Without looking at his face, she said in a very stubborn, demanding tone more like in a childish way.

"I am not going anywhere right now. We will see everything after Lifen wakes up"

Ning Xui Ying was relieved hearing her tone. At least now she was better and wasn't blaming herself anymore. His lips curled up into a satisfying smile. He was satisfied in himself that at least words were able to bring the calmness back into her.

Looking at that smile coming over his lips, Su Yan felt insulted. He thought that the smile was to mock him. Taking things according to his own perception, he blamed the stubborn woman for his insult.

Enraged in his own man's ego, he roughly grabbed Guang's wrist to make her stand in an instant. Due to the rough force applied on her wrist, the woman nearly yelped in pain.

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Ning Xui Ying wasn't a blind man to not notice the jerk's rudeness and roughness towards the woman. His hands got clenched as he stood up with fury in his eyes. "Mr. Su …"

"Su Yan, what kind of behavior is this?" Guang snarled slowly, taking in mind that her friend was still sleeping in the room. She does not want to disturb her peace of mind.

She tried to pull her hand back, but the more she tried the more he twisted it and gave her pain. "Are you crazy? You are hurting me. Leave my hand", she said as she tried to jerk off her hand out of his grasp.

At this moment, the man who was standing by her side with fury in his eyes came forward and swiftly wrapped his fingers around the hand that was roughly grabbing her hands. Gazing deep into Su Yan's eyes, he said "You better be careful around the women. Not all men can accept a jerk to come and ruin their name for the whole species."

His eyes were blazing with fury giving a clear sharp warning to not mess the things up or else there would be no one to hold him back. For the first time, from the moment he arrived in London Su Yan felt that this man not only had the backing of money with him but also a sharp intimidating aura to bully people around.

Guang was also taken back witnessing his sudden change in personality. All this time he was always so calm, composed and gentle towards her. Though she has known that being in the business industry no men can always be calm and gentle. They were bound to have different faces in front of different people. She has also imagined that Ning Xui Ying will also have his fierce side.

But she has never taken that side to be tenfold fiercer than what she has imagined. Seeing him in this protective form, a warmth of admiration crept into her heart without her noticing. It felt like he has seen a much more manly side of this man which has charmed all her senses.

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Her eyes twinkled when she looked at him. The way he has come and stood between her and Su Yan make her feel like she was kept very tenderly but strongly under someone's care. The wide strong back that was covering her behind himself gave her the best assurance of security.

Su Yan really felt agitated when he saw someone else showing the right on the woman who was his girlfriend. He gazed at the woman around whom all these things were revolving and looking at her smitten eyes trained on the person who was not him, he felt like a pang of betrayal and a jab on his ego.

"Guang!" he yelled, not caring about the place he was standing. This time his voice was really high pitched which made the woman lying on the bed wake from her rest.

Opening her eyes, Lifen looked at the three people standing in front of one another like they were having some kind of argument.

Her friend was in a reproaching pose, as if she was about to yell at someone for some misbehavior. "Guang!", Lifen called in a very frail and weak voice. The drug injected to her has really made her body go weak. Not only her limbs felt numb but she was feeling an excessive lack of energy.

Hearing the weak tone, Guang's eyes instantly went to take a look at her friend. Seeing her all conscious, Guang rushed forward with worry in her eyes, "Lifen ! How are you? Sorry I should be adamant to my own thoughts yesterday or this all things would not have happened". She apologized the moment she reached her.

Lifen smiled at her friend's words as she said "Of course not. If you haven't been like that yesterday. How would I be able to enjoy such an adventure in my life? What are you apologizing for? It's should be me thanking you instead"

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Her words were to lighten the mood of her friend. Based on her knowledge about Guang, she was sure all this her friend would have cursed herself to death for causing such mishap.

Guang's lips pursed her lips at her friend, not knowing what to say more. "You … you … better not say anything"

"What? I am really saying the truth. You don't believe me. It was really an adventure. Next time you come and try this out with me", Lifen said, supporting her earlier words.

"What you two are planning to enjoy, kicking me out of the gang. You both better not try anything without me or I would …" Daiyu came in after a really long time. She has really gone to ask the doctor about her health and when returning back she has made a call to Deming too.

"or you would?" Lifen was in her full mood to tease her friends. So without holding back she shot her tricks out.

"Or when I would become a ghost, I would definitely come to haunt you both"

All three friends laughed out loud. They really needed this fun time and laughter. After such a strong and heavy last night conversation, some light and easy was required to stabilize the things into its place.

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When the laughter died down she looked around in search of a particular man but he was nowhere in her sight. Her gaze met with Ning Xui Ying who was also smiling looking at them. He stepped forward and asked in a slight concerned voice, "Ms. Li, how are you feeling now? You were our guest and it was really our fault that we weren't able to take care of your safety. I really apologize for that"

Moving her eyes between the man and Guang, Lifen decided to check the measure of improvement. "What is this? Are you both planning to drown me in the stream of apology now. When the bride has already apologized then what is the need for the bride – groom to repeat those words again? Don't people always say that everything is equal between the couple"

After completing her words, Lifen trained her eyes on her friend trying her best to catch any change in her expression. But there was none. What was this? Has Guang also taken this marriage as a serious consideration now?

She was not opposing the fact that means that to some extent she has also started looking at Ning Xui Ying in a positive light.

Guessing the facts right, Lifen's lips arched up as she gave a meaningful look to Daiyu.

At this moment from behind Su Yan said desperately "Lifen if it is all okay with you now, can I take Guang out for a moment. I have some important talks to settle with her"

All attention instantly tuned towards the man. Gauang was about to reject him with her own words when suddenly Lifen said with all necessary authority in her voice. "Sorry Senior Su Yan! But I really can't allow my friend to be alone with some jerk like you"  

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