The Undefined Love

Chapter 350: 350

Lifen has already seen what type of person this Su Yan was. There was no way she would push her friend in the depths of dirty water after knowing everything. And previously too, when she woke up she had clearly seen that this man's eyes showed no feeling in love when looked at Guang, rather only contained a hurt ego.

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So when the man asked her about taking her friend out she rejected his request very politely "Sorry Senior Su Yan! But I really can't allow my friend to be alone with some jerk like you".  


Su Yan did not expect to hear something like that. His eyes widened in the mixture of confusion and shock. What does that mean? He looked at the woman who was on hospital bed but the arrogance and attitude she was holding in her eyes were nonetheless.

"What do you mean?", he asked, making his face and eyes go all innocent. Looking at him with such a face like that could make anyone feel like they have been unjust to him without any reason.

His pretense of such innocence and helplessness irked Daiyu to an extent that she could not control her scoff. "Huh? You still have the senses to apply those looks on her? What? Do you really take us that type of fools who won't even be able to see through your pretentious act?"

Ning Xui Ying who was standing in the middle of the room got himself a peaceful corner so that he could enjoy the scene perfectly. A corner from where he can get the look of the expression of his favorite woman.

He has already thought that if Guang can see the real side of this jerk man then he will back out from this marriage assuring her freedom from her family. He will make sure that her father doesn't get to repeat his actions of using her as some cheap business tricks. And she can live her life as per her dream and wishes.

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"Daiyu, Lifen … I am not getting your words. Are you two treating me like this because the events we got through back in Country A" he asked, still trying his best to sense where the track is leading to.

He looked at Guang trying to seek her help. Asking her to stand on his side but when his eyes met with hers, she did not spare any glance at him rather removed his eyes like her eyes could hold the look of his face. There was a type of disgust in her eyes.

"Guang, is there something wrong? I know I didn't believe you before but after Daiyu and Lifen told me there is no fault of yours in all this I really condemned myself for not believing you. That's why I came here to help you out from this", he said and waited to get a response but there came none.

"Guang, do you blame me? It wasn't my fault only. You didn't make any efforts to inform me that you were pressured into this marriage. If you had told me then I would have gone so overboard", he tried to defend himself.

While defending himself he didn't even notice that he was pushing all the blame on the woman when it was he who was at 100% at fault. Trust is the foundation of any relationship, whether it is love or friendship. One needs trust to make it successful.

Though it is the most important element of any relationship, it is the most fragile one too. It is tough like hell to build trust in someone's heart but it is very easy to ruin that hard earned content. Just a little poke of a simple plain needle and everything will rupture like an air filled balloon.

Ning Xui Ying's eyes were only trained on the woman. He was trying his best to read her each and every movement of her eyes. He has caught the change of pity into disdain and lastly into disgust. And Su Yan's last words broke the dam which the woman was patiently holding for such a long time.

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Guessing what is going to happen next, he simply shook his head and gave a sympathetic look at the person who has become the main focus of the entire scene.

"Yeah you said it right. It should be me who should be blamed here, not you. I was an idiot who considered you the best when the only thing you are is a whole – fat jerk without any a.d.u.l.tery" Guang said. Her each and every word was coming out like a venom, more and more poisonous.

Su Yan looked at her in disbelief. He paused as if he was trying hard to take in everything that was happening around him. Then sweeping his eyes over each and every person in the room, he gave out a loud mad chuckle.

"Now I got it. I was right. I never took you or your character wrong. You were as like as I have thought about you. A woman who swoons over any man who has got money in his pockets", he said in between his maddening laughter.

At the side, another man fists got clenched and this time Guang was the first one to notice her. She smiled in her head, thinking 'So I was correct. This man cares for me with all his heart. It is not just for a show or to impress me but he truly held the desired respect any girl can think of'

When she was confirming her thoughts about Ning Xui Ying, suddenly she heard another set of words from the man she once believed so much.

"Now that you have already got your target you have taken me as a dumb piece. And even your friends are also playing along with you great. Calling me a jerk when it is you in the scene who doesn't have any respectable character. Just great!" he said, clapping his hands hard.

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At this moment, the door was pushed open as a wave of extreme cold wind entered the room giving the hints of an arriving hailstorm.

Deming has heard the sounds of ruckus coming from the room. He has thought that Lifen would be having complete rest and peace of mind after that nightmare she had last night. But here someone has come to create a mess.

His eyes turned frosty as he scanned the people inside the room. As his eyes crossed over every single person, they felt a chill of shiver running down their spines. Daiyu shifted herself more towards Lifen as she was the only shield that could save her now.

Su Yan whose back was towards the door also shivered when he felt Deming's eyes on him. His words got struck in his throat as nothing came out of it.

Deming also looked at him and the first thing that he remembered was his words from that morning.

He scoffed in his breath as his exact brain came into his brain. "If you really don't want to ruin yourself, then never believe the promises of a woman. They love to lie and play with their words. The world called us, the men to be heartless and playboy in nature. But in reality, they are the ones playing with our heart and emotion"

He still remembered everything? All fresh in his mind. That day he just gave a friendly warning to him but it seemed like it didn't work for him. That's why he has come here again causing his nonsensical scene.

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"What's happening here? Did everyone lose their eyes to not find a patient resting here? And you …"he was about to reprimand Lifen when suddenly she interjected in a meek voice.

"Ahh I was all bored. Where did you went all of a sudden? Now since you have left we have arranged a show here. Come and enjoy it with us", she said as she patted the side of her bed, indicating to him to come and take a seat beside her.

Deming didn't understand what was going around but he still complied with her words and went to take his seat beside her. Though with his arrival the environment has turned a little tense but it got all well after Lifen's encouraging words.

"Guang's it's the only time to clear it all. Go for it"

Guang nodded as she looked at the man who had become all still with the sudden presence of someone in the room. She shook her head and then picking up her phone she strided in his direction. Tapping her fingers on some buttons, she handed her phone back to Su Yan so that he could take a look.

"Are you talking about this type of respectable character. If so then I am really sorry. I am not a woman who can take up something like this. I can't go around having flings with some other man thinking that my boyfriend is cheating on me with some other woman. That's not the type of person I am" she said with all attitude as she glared at the person who was shamelessly looking at the video trying to find the best excuses from his brain.

She wanted to slap him but looking at him now made her feel so dirty that she can't even bear to take another look of her face. Without giving him any chance to explain, she said in her clear words, "We are over!"

Saying this she turned her back on him and walked to the side, Daiyu and Ning Xui Ying were standing.

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