The Undefined Love

Chapter 365: 365

Erica shrieked in fear when she heard that close formidable call. She was just in the process to find the contact number of Vice President Huang Fei, so that the information can reach the ears of the old man. But she has never expected that efforts would seem so honest to God that before she could even execute it, the old man will be here.

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Lifen too was shocked to hear her grandfather's voice here. Did this man invite him here too? If he has then why didn't he inform her. Now what should she do? She passed a glaring glance at the man who was standing all nonchalant, looking at her grandfather.

Then reverting her eye back to the old man she said, "Grandfather! I …"

Li Liaoyuan looked at his granddaughter and then trailed his eyes to the wheelchair she was sitting on. Taking his steps to her, he said "Do you understand it now, where your stubbornness can lead you too? Look If only you have brought the bodyguards with you then this won't have happened?"

He reprimanded her but his voice was more concerned than angry. "Sorry grandfather! I never knew this would happen …." She was in the midst of completing her words when suddenly her grandfather interjected.

"You never knew that accident would happen. So I can let it slide. But did you also not know that you brought her to buy this brat to sign the marriage certificate? Why did you not tell me that you were planning this?" he asked furrowing his brows a little and making his eyes a little dark.

Lifen was truly at loss of words. Hiding her marriage from her own grandfather has never been in his mind. She has always opposed this thought but for some reasons today she wasn't able to ignore Deming's request.

Hearing her grandfather's words now, her eyes filled with guilt. "Grandpa! I am really Sorry. I didn't intend to …."

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"It's not her fault. It was me who forced her for this and it was you who have forced me to think of this secret marriage as an option" Deming butted in before waiting for Lifen to complete her words.

The moment his words left his lips, Li Liaoyuan shot his dark eyes towards him, "I forced you? Huh? Don't think to fool me with those words. You think that I would believe that my words can force you?"

"I never knew that Grandpa loves me to such an extent where he knows exactly what my thoughts, extents and plans are. I never knew by marrying her I would get such a caring grandfather – in – law as a gift", he mused, looking with intense playful eyes.

"You …" how can those words don't be irritating to the old man's ears. Elder Li tried to bring the words to retaliate the young bratty boy but no words came to out. This boy had really made him speechless.

But he also has an idea of his motive behind this sudden haste. This man would definitely have come to know something and this was just his plan to create a strong defense wall around his granddaughter.

"Since Grandpa is already here, why is he so grumpy. Since you love both of us so much then please give us the loving blessing for a beautiful life ahead", Deming said again as he turned and winked at the woman who was all embarrassed at the scene.

"Hmph! If this was not in the favor of my granddaughter's happiness I would have never let you be so daring. Remember my love for LiLi is saving you from me or else", the old man words ruthlessly warned the man but he forgot none of those words can compare to the ruthlessness Deming had in himself.

"Haha, I have always loved to be behind my wife's shield. Being under her protection is an honor to be shown the world", his words may have sounded shameless if it had come out from the lips of any other man. But since it was out from the powerful devil himself, nothing was to be shamed.

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If he said it was an honor, then it was definitely an honor.

The old man looked at the shameless man and at this point he really felt that for her granddaughter, no man could be better than him this shameless brat. Though his aged face was looking grumpy from outside but happiness can be clearly seen in his eyes.

At this moment, Qi Yuirong who has gone inside the office was back with the news, "Boss, everything inside is all ready. The marriage registrar is waiting for your arrival". She has gone in to check the arrangements.

Deming nodded and then looked at his lady of life, "So shall we proceed sweetheart?"

Lifen felt doubtful as she turned to look at her grandfather. Li Liaoyuan looked at her and sulked in an immature way, "Since you have already chosen this brat then there is nothing I could do. I am happy with the fact that you are happy. So proceed, don't look at this old man anymore"

Looking at him like that now brought the woman back to smile. Her grandfather's words freshened up her childhood memories. Her grandpa has always been this childish whenever she ignored his wishes.

"Grandpa I really love you. I am sorry I didn't mean to hide it from you", she still felt that with her grandfather loving her in such a way, she was really a bad granddaughter who was not the least filial.

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"I know. It's not your fault. This useless man has such influence that ruined your thoughts too. But sincerely I am quite happy for you. Don't resent yourself for anything. You are the best granddaughter I would have ever wanted from God", he said as he put his hands on her head to caress it at the end.

Her eyes filled with tears as she looked at her grandfather. "And you are the best grandfather I could have ever wished from God", she also said holding his hands.

Deming looked at the two and felt the air becoming a little stuffy. Though this wasn't a wedding but a day where they will be lawfully sealed as husband and wife. But he still never wanted it to become so heavy. So to ease the air he chuckled and said.

"And I am the best grandson – in – law and husband too. Now can we proceed or all my planning will be ruined. And then Grandpa will be the happiest one here, right?" he said as he looked at the old man.

Li Liaoyuan really felt his words getting on his nerves. He was about to lash out on him but before he could, Deming already made his way forward, pushing Lifen's wheelchair with him. "Come on, Grandpa. Let's go or we will definitely be late"

It only took a few moments and the marriage registration was done. Usually getting the marriage certificate takes time but since the one here was none other than Wang Deming and Li Lifen, the registrar offered to get it delivered the next day itself.

The couple got married and there was no way not Li Liaoyuan can ask him to not take Lifen with him. But still he asked, "It would be better if Xiao LiLi can stay in Li Villa. She could recover there in a better way"

Deming looked at the old man and contemplated his words for quite some time then said, "Umm … I can't doubt Grandpa's words and suggestions. It's okay. I have no problem if my grandfather – in – law wants me to leech off on my wife's money. I would love to be a freeloader."

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Lifen shook her head looking at the man whose shameless mode was on.

Soon the car drove the three inside the peaceful environment of Li Villa. Deming carefully brought Lifen in and helped her settle inside. Since they have just been from a long journey, Lifen was really exhausted. The moment she hit the bed, she got lost in the world of dreamland.

Deming looked at her and smiled. Finally, she has become his legally. Bringing that little girl from his childhood back into his life has not been easy. So many trials were given to them but at the end it was confirmed that they were the fated one.

Pressing his fingers softly he caressed her cheeks and put the stray strands of hair back behind her ears. "Now I have everything I have desired for. Everything has fallen back to its place. Now nothing can get wrong"

But suddenly he remembered something. A cold dark light flashed in his eyes as he added, "The one who is planning something evil for you will have to face the worst. I will make that come possible". Saying this he wrapped her protectively in the duvet and made his way towards the old man's study.

There were still many questions whose answers he can only get from him. And now he will make sure that nothing remains hidden. If this is something to Lifen's well – being, then he needs to know it first.

Thinking this he knocked at the study room's door.

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