The Undefined Love

Chapter 366: 366

Deming has determined to know every secret from Lifen's past. Especially the one which has been especially hidden from the eyes of everyone. He does not want to accept but to him, Lifen was a mystery that has become really hard to solve.

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He has tried his men's skills and power after her past but it would still require some more time. But guessing with the current situation it seems that there won't be any time to wait. He can sense the danger coming around her and he has to remain prepared for it.

When he reached the door of the Elder Li's study, Deming knocked for permission. But even after quite some time, there came no response like there was no one inside. But Deming was quite sure that the man was still inside, just not in the mood to accept him here.

But when did Deming required to listen to him. If that old man can be stubborn then he too can be like that. There is no way he will get into him this easily. When he did not get the response, he did not wait to be formal. Pushing the door open, he got in.

The old man was sitting at his desk, reading some book. He has seen his newly become son – in – law getting in but did not bother to show any expression. He just wanted to ignore him.

"Grandpa, don't you feel that it's kind of rude for you to treat me like that especially now when I have legally become your son – in – law", Deming said as he made himself comfortable on the couch.

Li Liaoyuan lifted his eyes to look at the shameless man and said, "Not at all rude. It's the exact behavior my shameless son – in – law deserves. And at the first place I never wanted you to become my granddaughter's boyfriend, so don't tell me how should I behave with my son – in – law and how not"

He said and then went back on the book he was reading. Deming looked at him and shook his head. This old man gets on his nerves exactly in the same way he gets on his. Sometime it felt like they were a match made in heaven!

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"Fine! Even if you did not want me, I am still here. And believe it as fast as you can, that way it will hurt you less. You will not be able to get rid of me in this life. I will be there to make your old age more and more lively one", he said with his raised brows in excitement.

His words were enough to ruin the calm mood of the old man. Slamming hard the book shut, he glared at the man who really never spared any opportunity of making him go crazy. "You … you better not use that one me"

"Fine I won't. I have many more things on the list. And for now I am here to ask something more important. What's there that you have been hiding from everyone" he asked straightforwardly. This time he won't be taking no as an answer.

Elder Li looked at him for quite some moment then said in a plain tone, "Not in any mood to solve mysteries. Neither ready to share my life with you. So just stand up and leave the room, like you never appeared here"

Deming looked at him, shook his head and stood up from his seat.  Li Liaoyuan thought that he was on his way out but going against his thoughts, the man took his steps towards his desk.

"This time I won't be listening to your words Grandpa. I want to know her past at any cost, whether you like it or not. I may not force you to give in since you are someone I really respect both as a person and as my grandfather – in – law. But I can always ask you persistently to reveal it. So tell me what was there in her past that you needed to hide in such extreme terms", he said, pulling out a chair to take the seat in front of her.

"…" there was no response. The man continued to ignore him like he has not listened to anything and the room has no one except him.

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"Huh? So you are still not going to reveal it. Then I …" before he could complete his words, there came a knock at the study's door.

"Grandpa Li!" a smooth voice followed the knock. Yang Yuzhe has come to take a check on Lifen. He was very well aware of her body after being her doctor for two long years. When he came to know about her current body condition, he wanted to go abroad and take a check on her but the woman herself restrained him saying, she will only let him check when she returns back.

"Ahh! Young Doctor Li is here. Come in!", Elder Li returned his greetings. He really sighed in relief seeing him here, at least now this bratty Wang boy was not going to pester him. He was still not ready to reveal that dark secret of the past. Most importantly, I do not want to let Lifen know about it.

Yuzhe smiled as he got in. He looked at the man who was sitting on the chair like he was the owner. And to some extent now thinking he was. "Congratulation on registering your marriage!" he wished the best wishes to him. His tone wasn't friendly, much like it was some obligation on him to follow.

Looking at his attitude, Deming almost rolled his eyes. The feeling in the man's heart wasn't hidden from him but he has never thought that competing with this love rival will be this easy. This man has himself given up on the woman like he has known from long ago that his failure in this competition was predestined.

"I was here to check Lifen once. I have known her body condition from two years back and also my medical prescription suits her well", he said looking at the old man.

The old man nodded to his words. He has never doubted his skills and there is no doubt this young man has always kept his granddaughter at a top priority. "I never had doubt in your skills. Let's go and take a check on her then".

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The two people were about to move when Deming halted their steps, "She is asleep at this moment. Don't disturb her rest. Check her when she wakes. Right now I think we need to clear some other things. Dr. Yang, please take your seat". Saying this he pushed a chair out of him and gestured to him to take it.

Yang Yuzhe looked at the Elder Li in confusion. And when he caught the different hesitation in it, he understood where the topic was heading to. He knew that one day this day would arrive, so now it was already here.

Since he has already expected this to come, he did not hesitate and went to take the chair. The old man who has just stood up to walk out already got settled back on the chair behind the desk.

"Didn't I already say that there is nothing to tell", Li Liaoyuan said half frustratingly.

"And didn't I say that this time I won't take no as an answer", Deming replied with a smile that was challenging the old man openly.

Then after some time he turned his eyes to the renowned doctor. "Since Grandpa is not ready, let him take a short rest. We can talk about our stuff, Dr. Yang. I really have lots to discuss with you"

Hearing his words, Yuzhe gave out a small laugh as he said, "I never saw this day coming Mr. Wang. A day where we would have things to discuss. But it seems like life is really full of weird surprises. Since this is what you want then I don't have any objections".

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"Great! So tell me when you took Lifen to London, why did you build the big wall of bodyguards around her?", he asked, suddenly getting impatient.

"Hohoho … I thought we were going to discuss but seems like this is some questioning session. Not bad", Yuzhe purposely tried to irritate the man, but Deming was in no mood to go appease him with his thoughts.

"Hahaha … Look I have also laughed along with you now, let's begin. I am desperate to know Dr. Yang's thoughts.

"Wasn't that always known to you. It was to prevent you from meeting her. She does not want you to let you even guess her whereabouts. So I was just helping her", he said plainly hiding one more reason behind.

"Is that so then why are your guards still following her in the shadows, giving you the details of her security every now and then. This time I doubt, the reason is not me as all this while I have been beside her", he mused with some thought.

Hunter has previously informed him about the two groups of guards around Lifen and by whom they were appointed. The group appointed by her grandfather can be said to be reasonable but why did he have to send an extra group. And both the groups are perfectly coordinating with each other. That meant it was planned in this way from the very beginning. 

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