The Undefined Love

Chapter 369: 369

Even after hearing the words of Li Lioyuan, Deming was not able to believe that was the only truth hidden in Lifen's past. 'Sigh! This man is really not giving up being stubborn', he cursed in internally.

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He was about to ask him again to not play childish tricks on him as he can see through his moves but then suddenly something else caught his attention. Not only his but also the others.

All three pairs of eyes went to look in the direction of the door from where strong heavy steps of someone coming running were heard. When looked, it was none other than Butler Gong who had come all anxious. "Old Master! Young Miss is not in the room. One maid has seen her leaving for somewhere".

The expression on Elder Li's face changed when he heard those words. "Where did she go?" he asked, getting all worried but before the butler can even say anything, Deming has already dashed out with a speed of light.

As informed, Lifen was not in the room. He pulled out the phone to call her but she was not receiving. He tried the location tracked but the locator was not locating her position. She might have switched off her location. He knew she was mad but never expected she would leave the home like that. If known then he would have followed her out without thinking of her words.

She was not in the condition to move around. She should have been resting here but now she was …

He rushed back to the study, "Butler! Do you have the number of the driver who is with Lifen at this moment?" he asked when he found Butler still standing at the door waiting for the orders to come.

The butler nodded his head to his words but suddenly Yuzhe replied, "Even if we had the numbers, there is no use of it. Lifen has already made the driver drop the phone out of the window. So that we cannot find her, this not the first time she did this so …"

Hearing this Deming again made a call to Lifen but she denied the call again. He was about to make a call to his men when he heard the old man say.

"Huang Fei! Ask the shadow bodyguards to look where Xiao LiLi is at this moment" Elder Li ordered on his phone. Since Lifen has just left the Li Villa, the shadow bodyguards must be already following her. With them around her, they can easily get the information of her location.

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Soon the phone rang again. Li Liaoyuan hurriedly picked up the call, though demeanor was calm and composed but one can still feel the anxiousness in his movements. "hmm … did you get the information? Where is she?"

Both Yang Yuzhe and Deming turned to look in the old man's direction to know the answer. There weren't able to hear what the person from another side was saying but the way his eyes were turning anxious with his brows furrowed, there is one thing known for sure.

Something has definitely gone wrong!

"Where is she?" Deming asked when he didn't hear the old man saying anything. Even after asking, the man did not reply. Growing anxious, Deming was about to make a call when suddenly heard, "She is at First People Hospital!"


The man did not wait to ask any question even though he wanted to know her well being. Wanted to know if she was fine or not. But he still did not, thinking that it would only waste his time.

Rushing out he quickly got into the car and made his way to the First People Hospital with the speed that broke all traffic rules. There is no doubt he will be costing heavily for every signal he broke. But was that his concern now? Nope, it wasn't. The only thing that was running in his mind at this moment was reaching the hospital as soon as possible.

Soon his car got parked in the parking of the hospital as he made his way in. "Do you know where is …." He was in the middle of his words asking the receptionist the room in which Lifen was brought to, when suddenly someone called from behind.

"President Wang!"

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Deming turned to look at the man. It was Huang Fei. He had come here the moment he was informed about the accident. The hospital was very close to Li Corporation so it didn't take much time for him to reach.

"Where is Lifen? Is she fine?" Deming asked.

Huang Fei already knew about the marriage registration so he didn't hesitate in informing her. "The doctors said that she is all fine, just a minor concussion. The accident wasn't that severe. Right now she has been kept on 19th floor VIP room".

Hearing that she was fine, the man sighed in relief and made his way towards the elevator. There is no way he will be leaving her now onwards. This woman really knows how to attract danger towards her.

Inside the VIP ward, when Deming got inside Lifen was still unconscious and the nurse was adjusting drip on her. At his presence, the nurse was about to raise the question but she could the man responded on his own "I am her husband"

The nurse looked at him and nodded. Looking at such a beautiful woman, she was sure that her husband would be someone very handsome. And to her Deming looked none less that any immortal God. So without any denial she accepted it readily.

"You don't have to worry. Your wife is all fine. She is just unconscious because of the sedative we have given to her and will come back to consciousness soon. For today's accident she was really lucky", the nurse commented looking at the woman lying on the bed.

Deming nodded and then without any word, went to take the seat next to Lifen. It was really a relief that she was safe otherwise he really did not know what he would have done.

The nurse took a last look at the couple and then quickly left the room.

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Taking the hand of the woman in his, he said "I never knew that my Little Cat loves to create adventures. Just wake up and I will make sure to let you know what adventure really means. You almost make me drop my breath"

Lifting his hands up, he caressed hairs. His eyes were very tender when he looked at her, revealing all his love for her. At this moment suddenly the door was pushed open and the old man strode in along with Yang Yuzhe and Huang Fei.

"President, don't worry. The doctors said she is all fine. Though the accident had been very severe but nothing happened to her. The driver has taken the tough blow to save her and also …" Huang Fei said but before he could complete his words, a faint voice attracted everyone's attention.

"Ahh!" Lifen winced softly as her fingers moved to graze her forehead that was bandaged.

"Is it hurting?" Deming asked, pressing her other hand lightly and was about to call the doctor when Lifen jerked off his hand away. She was still angry. "Why are you here?"

"I am your husband, of course I have to be here. If not me then who will be here?", he said as he again tried to hold her hand. But before she moved back before he could even touch her.

"I don't need you. You can leave. It's still not late, I think I should go the next day and make any application to cancel this marriage registration first. Or even a divorce will be fine", she said as she turned her head to another side.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something. Looking around she tried searching for something or someone. Soon she caught the glance of the nurse who walked in. "Nurse, where is the woman who has saved me? Is she fine?"

When Lifen asked this, there was a concern in her eyes. Like she was asking about someone close to her.

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All the other people were puzzled in the room. About whom she was asking. Even Huang Fei was confused. He also had no idea about this.

The nurse smiled, "Don't be anxious, Mam. That lady is alright. We have got her the best treatment"

Lifen heaved a long breath out. "Thank God! Can I meet her?"

The nurse looked at her and then said, "Mam, though you can meet her but I doubt that you would be still feeling a little weak. Rest a little more"

The woman shook her head in denial, "No no I am alright. I really want to meet her. If she wasn't there, then I doubt I would still be sitting here alive". As she said those words, Deming who was sitting on the side flung up to react.

But Lifen totally ignored him and continued her words to nurse, "So I will first go and show my gratitude to my savior"

Savior! Who is she?

Elder Li turned to look at Huang Fei in some askance but he shook his head in denial.

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