The Undefined Love

Chapter 370: 370

When Lifen left Li Villa, she was really upset. The house was making her feel the suffocation, so she left to take the breather. She knew that once they came to know about her going out, they will definitely be going to call her or the driver. Not wanting to be disturbed at this time, she has simply asked the driver to leave his phone back while she herself has switched off the GPS of her phone.

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But she has never thought that she would be going to meet an accident on her way. At that moment, she had almost thought that was her end until her savior appeared to save her.

She clearly remembered when the truck was going to hit her car, that woman has appeared in a superficial manner to push her car to the safe side with hers, not caring that by doing this she may be in danger. That woman has clearly staked her life to save hers.

How can she not ask for her when she was now all safe and sound?

That's why, when Lifen regained her consciousness and remembered the incident the first thing she asked from the nurse was about that woman's well – being.

Hearing her say all those words, everyone was confused. Huang Fei has not been informed about this woman. The only thing he has come to know was that if not for the driver's efforts, there might have been a very serious accident. He has not come to know about any woman that was also present on the scene.

That's the reason when Li Liaoyuan turned to look at him for askance, he shook his head in denial of any extra information. Looking at her granddaughter singing such high praises, the old man felt that something was not right. When everything around her is chaotic then how can there be any coincidence. Things can never be as simple as it looked.

Those thoughts were not only on Elder Li's mind but were mutually shared by everyone in the room except the woman who was involved as the center.

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After getting confirmed by the nurse that her savior was all safe and sound and people can go and meet her anytime, Lifen didn't wait for any other second. Climbing down the bed, she directed her steps in the direction of the room, the nurse has guided her.

Deming too followed behind her and so did the old man and Yang Yuzhe. When she reached the room, Lifen could see that the woman was already conscious and was talking to the doctor.

The woman in the room was middle aged but by her looks no one can tell, she was not looking any weak. She was looking all tough and fine like she hasn't been involved in any deadly accident.

Lifen smiled when looked inside. Pushing the door inside, she said in a cheerful voice "Hope I am not interrupting your talks?"

The woman who was sitting on the bed slightly so that she could take a look at the person who had come and the doctor who was standing in the front too moved aside. As she looked her lips curled up into a very beautiful smile, a smile that could easily attract anyone and her eyes also to the shape of crescent. Only the lines of little wrinkles at the side of her eyes were giving a hint of her age.

Lifen was almost mesmerized by that look. For some reason she felt that the look was somewhat familiar in her memories but nothing was clear. Deming was also surprised by that smile but his composure did not falter. In his expression nothing was out of the place.

"Oh! You are here … please come in. Are you fine?", the middle aged woman said as she gestured to them to come inside.

Lifen was snapped back to her senses. She smiled and nodded, pushing all those thoughts at the back of her mind. "Yes, I am all fine. Thanks to you, if you weren't there then I don't know if I would be there to see this moment"

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"Shh … What are you saying? You can't be casual with such words. Of course I was there, how can I let you die in front of my eyes. I have to save you. Come here … let me see you once. At least I deserve a good look of you", the woman said. Though her words were soft and gentle, much like as if she was talking to her daughter.

Her gentleness without any delay reached Lifen's heart and without any hesitation she moved towards her. "I am sorry. It's because of me that you are in this hospital. I have come here to show you my gratitude"

The woman reached out her hand to grab her as she pulled her to sit beside her. "Don't say much. It's okay, I can feel your gratitude and I am happy that I was able to save you".

Deming looked at them like he was trying to figure out something but he didn't think that was the right place to voice out his thoughts. For the time being, he felt that it would be better, if his voice was kept in his mind.

Lifen turned to look at the doctor as she asked, "Doctor! How is she? Did she also have any serious injuries?" There was a concern in her voice. That concern wasn't forced but was out of her nature. A nature where he can't see anyone getting hurt especially when the person was injured in the process of saving her.

The doctor looked at the lady and smiled, "She is absolutely fine. There were some serious injuries but now everything is already well taken care of. I must say, her body is really tough and strong to withhold everything" The doctor was really impressed by the woman body constitution. He can say that this woman was really immersed herself in daily exercise to toughen her system to this extent.

Lifen turned her eyes to look at the woman sitting all unfazed to all those compliments. By her looks, it was evident that the woman sitting in the front was someone very beautiful, independent, confident and strong. Her eyes filled with admiration as she looked at her. That was the type of woman she has always wanted to become.

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Though she can't say that she wasn't successful in her attempt, she can still say that she has yet to reach the level on which this wonderful woman was already.

When the woman found her staring with eyes full of admiration, she nearly laughed out. "Hey! Why are you looking at me like that? I am not that great."

Then she bent slightly towards Lifen's ears and murmured softly. Her eyes filled with naughty playfulness, "Don't mind this doctor's words. He must be trying to impress me with those words, you know I am beautiful right".

Hearing those words out, Lifen could not control her laughter. Who could have thought that women of that age can drop such bombs of jokes, so openly in the public without caring about her image.

The woman also followed the suited and accompanied Lifen in her laughter. With both women's combined laughter, the entire hospital room got filled with the melodic music, enough to calm anyone's heart.

Deming who was looking at his woman laughing so heartily was also overjoyed. This was after really long, he has heard her such laughter. At that time something struck him. For the whole time he has not noticed the Lifen was not on her wheelchair rather was walking on her own feet.

His eyes went wide as he said, "Little Cat, you are not using your wheelchair anymore. Your legs are healed".

Hearing his words, Lifen was also surprised. She looked at her herself and realized that his words were really true. The woman who was sitting on the bed was all confused. She looked at the couple with utter confusion.

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"Did something happen?" she asked.

But instead of answering her, Lifen stood up and confirmed that she wasn't dreaming. When she was sure she leaped in the direction of Deming to throw herself on him. She was really happy. Happy to the extent that she didn't care who was around her.

The man also reciprocated the hug will open happiness.

Looking at her like this, the woman smiled and gave a light whistle to encourage her.

At this moment the door was pushed open and Elder Li strolled in. He looked at her granddaughter all happy but did not understand the reason behind it until he heard her saying. "I am happy that I am back on my legs. This is amazing!"

Of course, The old man was also happy looking at her like this, but his happiness instantly disappeared when his old eyes spotted the woman sitting on the bed. His brows furrowed and his jaws clenched tight.

This woman was here? Why was she here?

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