The Undefined Love

Chapter 371: 371

When Li Liaoyuan entered the room, he came to thank the person who had saved his granddaughter but after finding the person who was there, his bros got furrowed. The woman was the last person he had expected to see anywhere close to his granddaughter.

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His hands got clenched at the side and he was about to lash out when suddenly he heard a voice from behind. "President Li!"

The old man turned to look at his secretary whose voice sounded a little anxious from behind. His anger which has waved higher up halted for a second but didn't drop. Walking out of the room, without anyone noticing he asked with gritted teeth, trying his best to suppress his anger.

"What is it? Why is that woman inside? What did she want now? Didn't she already have enough?" the old man snarled, keeping his voice at the lowest. He can't let his Lifen know any of it. It will only ruin this. That was his intention behind his lowered voice.

"President, I am sorry for my incapability. I wasn't able to find it before. But she was the person who has saved Ms. Li from that accident", Huang Fei said, lowering his head with guilt.

Hearing his words, the old man only seethed, "Save Xiao LiLi! Who is she trying to fool? Not me. I know her tricks very well". Saying this he turned to look inside the room through the glass. The woman was sitting there while having her gentle eyes on the couple.

"Look at her if anyone did not know her inhuman actions from before then they will also be tricked. Feeling that she is some kind hearted woman who loves the children around. But who would have known that this woman was so heartless that she has left her own infant child behind without giving any care. And now she is here to show her pretense of love and care", the old man commented.

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"President, I don't want to offend but maybe she might have changed. This time she has saved Ms. Li while taking her own life", Huang Fei said as his eyes also darted inside looking at the woman who was sitting on a hospital bed with bandages wrapped but was still not looking fragile. Her tough personality was the same as his memory remembered.

"Hmph! I won't believe even if God comes on Earth to say this. Get all these events wrapped up quickly and make sure this woman does not come near Xiao LiLi anymore. We can't let her know any of this?", the old man said as he strolled in the opposite direction of the room.

Inside the room, Lifen got her composure back. She was really happy knowing that now she can feel her legs back. The woman who has witnessed all that excitement said, "Whoa! It feels like I have encountered a couple who is deeply in love. Good, good … very good! But what happened to your legs, it seems that it is all fine"

Lifen looked at her legs and nodded, "Yes now, it feels like my legs have gone fine. But few days past, I wasn't able to feel them"

The woman looked and nodded then added, "It's looks good to see people in love. There was a time when I was in love too. Ahh those were really beautiful days". Her voice was a disappointment.

Lifen wanted to ask but going into someone else's personal life was something she has never been interested in. So she didn't probe and looked towards the doctor. "Doctor, if everything is fine then when she can get the discharged"

The doctor turned to look at the woman who had really charmed him and then said, "Ms. Rebecca is all well but still needs to get some good rest. It will be better if she has someone by her side to care for her. If not, then getting discharged this early will not be a good option. She can be here and the nurses will take care of her"

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The woman rolled her eyes without any hesitation and then said, "It's okay doctor. Thanks for your concern. I have no one by my side at his time and my only relative is also not in the city. My body feels all fine and I can take care of myself, so please process the discharge procedures"

Lifen looked at her and said with concern, "You are here all alone. What about your family?"

The woman's expression changed all of a sudden. Getting all soft and gentle when she looked at her, "Umm I have none. The only relative I have is my brother's daughter and currently she is not in the city. Don't worry I am all fine. You don't have to bother"

Deming, who was standing at the side looked at all this and then said gratefully. His voice was laced with little politeness which was really rare. But since the woman had saved the life of Lifen, he did not care but showed it in the form of gratitude.

"Thank You for saving Lifen. We are really grateful to you.  Now since you are yourself the injured one here, we won't bother and interrupt your rest. We will take your leave", he said as he tried to tug Lifen towards the exit but the next second got a warning glare from her.

"What are you doing? Is this how we should show our gratitude to someone who saved our life?", he whispered lightly near his ears, so that he was the only one to hear her words.

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"Wasn't I polite just now?" he asked, defending himself.

"Shh … enough now. Let me handle it. We can't leave her here alone when she has got injuries because of us. And also don't forget she has not one by her side now. We can't be insensitive", she said turning back to face the woman.

As she looked, she smiled, "Ms. Rebecca, we are really grateful for what you did for us. But won't be nice if we leave here all alone. You really need some rest. Please take the advice of the doctor and don't force yourself to get discharged yet". There was concern in her voice, anyone who hears those words can feel it.

Even Lifen did not know why but for some unknown reason, she can't help but feel concerned for the woman she had just met a few hours ago. It was like she was feeling some kind of connection with her.

The middle aged woman can also feel her worry, so shaking her head in denial, she hurriedly said, "Hey … no, no please don't feel pressured. I am really fine and living in hospitals is something that feels more like I am lying on my deathbed. Those feelings freak me out. I know I am all fine and can take care of myself. My niece has just gone to a neighboring city and will be back soon. So I will be all fine"

Lifen was still unsatisfied with her words. She looked and said in a little firm tone. More like a little demanding, "Fine I can understand that you don't want to live in this hospital and also that you are all fine. But those words are still not assuring me. Don't be this tough any more. If you want, then come and live with us for the few days, at least until your niece comes back"

Deming never knew that at the end her words would get to this track. It was something he was not in favor of. But the damage was already made and in no way he would be asking her to take her words back. He can only be more cautious from now on.

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He looked at the woman who was being so friendly and cheerful all this time. He can feel there was something amiss in her but was not able to point his finger on that. Was it for good or bad, it was still to be known.

The woman smiled as she heard those words, "You know you are much like the daughter I had once but still never had. I feel like I was the unfortunate one but now looking at you, it feels like I never lost that daughter instead have got you today. But still I can't accept your words, it will just create a burden"

Lifen too felt her words. Now since she has said those words, she too felt that all this while she was feeling the motherly love around her, similar to the love Mother Wu has always showered on her. Unknowingly she felt that her eyes were filled with some tears.

Why was she feeling like that now?

"That's enough. I am not going to be repeating again. Doctor, please help me prepare her discharge papers, she will be leaving with us", Lifen said in a firm term to which the doctor nodded after confirming with the woman.

Deming looked at the scenes going on and turned little suspicious but at the end went according to his woman's words.

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