The Undefined Love

Chapter 372: 372

Lifen brought the woman back to Li Villa. She was getting more and more comfortable around her. She can feel some strings connected; some familiarity between her; like they have shared some kind of memories together but nothing clear was not coming in front of her eyes.

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"Aunt Rebecca, this is my house. Please be comfortable around. Don't hesitate if you feel something", Lifen said as she brought the woman in.

The woman herself was happy. She smiled as she looked at her and then creating a chuckling laughter she said, "Do I look like a person who will hesitate in showing my moods and preferences? Don't take me as some narrow minded woman. Though I look a little older but I am still young with my thoughts"

Hearing her words Lifen too smiled. There was no doubt that this woman was not like those society gossipers, who getting on her age gets tired of living lively and will prefer to look into other lives with their shrunken thoughts.

"I doubt your age. You look much younger and beautiful. There is no way I can think like those oldies of the society", she said and then both the women laughed cheerfully.

As they got in, Butler Gong came to greet her. The maids have informed him that Young Miss has brought some woman with her who will be living with them for a few days. Since he was the butler, he has to look after the rooms and services. So he didn't hesitate and went up to greet them.

But when his eyes befell on the woman who has come with their Young Miss, it widened with surprise.

Lifen who was about to greet him and then ask him to show a room to the woman, also felt a little awkward with that expression. "Butler Grandpa!", she called out.

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But the butler was too lost to respond to her words. He was only back after a few minutes when he heard Lifen's second call. "Ahh! Sorry Young Miss. I was lost in some thought."

It was Lifen's first time looking at him so lost. Subconsciously her eyes turned to look at the woman, on whom the eyes of the old butler were fixed, like he had found someone from his past. Though she was confused with feeling that she was the one who was missing something but now looking at someone else like this, she has become a little surer.

"Butler Grandpa! Do you know each other?", she asked, looking between both people one after the other. Though the old Butler Gong showed some hints of knowing around but when caught the nonchalance plain expression on the woman's face, her thoughts again got uncertain.

Lifen waited to the words of the man, thinking that now only that could clear her doubt but what she received was denial. "Young Miss, there is nothing like that. This is my first time meeting this woman. How could I know her?" Butler Gong simple denied the expressions he had on his face.

At the side, the woman who was standing also supported his words, "Lifen, what are you thinking? This is my first time coming to your house. How could I know your house's Butler?" She said, giving off a simple smile.

Lifen still felt a doubt. She wanted to ask but that won't be any useful at the situation as both the parties have already denied it. So she didn't probe any further. She simply nodded and then turned to look at the Butler.

"Butler Grandpa, Aunt Rebecca will be living with us for some days. Please help in preparing a room for her. She has just returned from the hospital and still has minor injuries on her so also ask the maids to look after her properly" she requested politely.

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Butler Gong nodded at her words and was about to retreat to make the preparations when suddenly the woman at the side, who had already been amused to see Lifen's politeness said, "You have really been brought up with very good manners. Look at you, you are so soft and gentle with your words. I have never thought that the girls from rich families would be this subtle. Your parents must be very proud of you"

"Our Young Miss has always been different in the crowds, whether say about her talents or mannerism. And those things are something which she has not learned from somewhere rather on her own", the old butler said, filled in all agitation.

Lifen has never seen him like this. It felt like he was trying to prove something. Prove her to be the best in front of Rebecca. But why? Why does he have to prove something so hard that he himself did not care for his polite composure.

She just looked at him, seeking her answer but the man only nodded and made his way inside.

It was awkward. "Ah I am sorry. I have never seen Butler Grandpa like that. He has been with us from the time I was a child. So you can understand why he is so caring and possessive for me. His rudeness was not intentional. If you still find it offensive, then let me apologize you on his behalf"

"No, no I can understand. I wasn't offended. Just a little surprise to seem, how you have been the apple of their eyes. It's a kind of good", Rebecca said as her eyes move to look in the direction the old Butler has left.

There were some hidden mysteries in her eyes too. But those mysteries were not easy to reach anyone's eyes.

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At this moment, Deming returned and found Lifen still standing in the living hall. Earlier he had clearly asked her to take a rest but it seemed like his words have not been taken seriously by her. "Lifen, you are still standing here? Didn't I ask you to take a proper rest. It would have been better, if I would have listened to the doctors instead of going as per your words. That way you would be still resting in the hospital, not standing like this here"

Lifen turned to look at him with pursed lips then turned her head blatantly to ignore him. She was still upset with him. It's just that she was not ready to show this side of their relations to anyone else.

Looking at her like this, the man was confused. Did everything already get solved in the hospital? Of course they have hugged. If she was upset with him, will she ever run into his arms? He questioned himself as he tried to analyze where the things have again gone wrong between them.

No answers came to his head. He just stared and was about to ask about it but the woman has already decided to not give him any chance. As he opened his mouth to ask, Lifen asked, "Aunt Rebecca, so are you from this city?"

Rebecca turned to look at the man who was given a bitter cold shoulder. She almost smiled looking at him as she felt pity for him. Coming back to look at Lifen, she said "I have just shifted to this city a few months back. This city is something that I only have in my past. The city that has brought the love in my life and also the city that brutally snatched it away from me"

She said maintaining the smile on her lips but her eyes for the first time showed that fierceness in it. It was something she has tried concealing from the people around, but her emotions making her guards down revealed it at show.

Deming was waiting for this scene only. As he has thought there was something extra that was hidden behind. With those fierce eyes it came out clearer.

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Lifen was also taken aback with those words. She did not know how she should respond to those words. The woman who was in front of her clearly was not in need of any consolation. She was already tough and independent in her life.

"Ah! Did you make it sound like something serious? Please don't bother. It is something that happened in the past and we are currently living in the present and have to think of the future. So there is no need to be in the past", she said as she smiled.

"Yes, it is better to like in the present to make the future better. Now it's already late, and you need rest too. Let me ask Butler Grandpa to guide you to the room. I won't disturb you and rest anymore", Lifen said as she asked the maid to look if the preparations were made.

Soon the woman was shown her room. Lifen too returned back after making all sure about everything. But the moment she entered the room she didn't expect to get pulled strongly to crash into his firm muscled chest.

As his familiar cologne entered her nose, her breath got hitched. When she tried to look up, her eyes met with his sensual ones making her regret her actions. She should not have looked into those. It was a clear trap made for her to fall.

"What are you doing? I am still upset with you", she said trying her best to portray herself strong in front of his charms.

But his next words did not help but sent quick shivers of subconscious anticipation down her spine.

"We have registered to get married today. What do you think, I am planning?" 

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