The Undefined Love

Chapter 67: 67

Lifen pulled her bag to her front and unzipped it. She then pulled a stack of papers out of her bag and smashed it on his hands, "Here you go. I have given you, what you needed, so now please spare me". Her eyes filled with disgust. With that she turned to leave, but his wide palms grabbed her wrist and didn't allowed her to move.

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Deming was startled with her sharp tone. He had never heard her talking like this. He thought, was his intentions revealed. No that's not possible. And what's with these stack of papers.

He didn't care to look into the bunch of papers, "Little Cat, what are these?"

Lifen left a disgusting chuckle, "Huhh! Still pretending. Wow, I should suggest you something, you should try your career in the acting field too. You are really a good actor. Hats off to your skills. And this pretty face of yours is a bonus".

She flickered her wrist free from his grip, "And please, don't try to touch me. It's not a request, nor a suggestion but a warning".

She turned to walk away from him but suddenly felt she didn't had enough with him, still there was something left. She reverted her eye piercing gaze back to him and was amazed when came across his intense gaze. All this while, his eyes haven't left her for a second.

She spoke in a regretting voice, "I really regret, I met a person like you. I didn't thought my first live would turn into a mere drama of yours with zero veracity. I didn't ever thought you would turn someone like you are now". Her eyes were moist, few drops of tears were on her eyelids which were shining when rays of street lights were falling on her.

With one look he can say, her heart was shredded into pieces. He want that. He wanted to hurt her badly, so that she can feel the pain. The piercing pain in heart which he has experienced when he looks at Jie lying on the bed half dead.

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But why seeing her in pain, he is not happy. Why seeing the tears in her eyes, he is feeling that daggers are stabbing his heart. It is more painful from the one he has experienced in the past. The effect of her tears are somehow similar to tears of the little girl.

Her words, the disgust in her gaze was like a jab in his heart. His heart was aching, his fingers clenched hard on the papers which she has handed him.

She didn't care to give any further glance to him and rode her bike back to her destination.

Deming looked at the leaving figure till it disappeared in the midst of air. His eyes were portraying an wincing pain of his heart. He turned back, unaware of his own changing emotions , walked to his car and drove off.

The papers were thrown roughly on the shotgun seat.He was driving aimlessly, until he received a call. It was from Murphy. He readily received the call, without speaking any word to address the call.

Murphy was aware of this kind of behavior. He knew, his words will be heard, "Boss, the doctor wants to meet you".

That was all, he hang up the call and reversed the direction or his car. With a full speed he drove to the Long Mansion.

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Entering the mansion, he was greeted by the maids. A maid came forward, "Sir, today Master Long has called from overseas to know about the Young Miss and instructed by you previously, we didn't tell him about her condition". He gently nodded and moved upstairs towards Jie's room.

When Deming has met Long Jie for the first time, she has told him that after her parents death, shd has lived with is uncle and aunt who is currently settling their business overseas and they are always quite worried about her.

Deming gently pushed the door of the room, where Murphy was standing at a corner and several doctors were analyzing Jie's condition.

When he entered, everyone stopped their works and turned to bow in respect. "Doctor, how is she? Is there any improvement?", he asked hurriedly.

The doctors were wary to speak any further words, but there was no choice. It was there responsibility to inform the condition of the patient.

They decided to say it, "Mr.Wang, her condition is not stable. Even it is worst that before. We have lost all our hopes but still there is some percentage belief that can be turned good".

"What's the percentage for good", he asked in a deep hoarse voice.

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The doctor who was in his 60s said, "It's only 5%, and that too if we came to know what she was consuming otherwise we don't think she has a chance".

Murphy looked at Deming who was in a mood massacre the team doctors. He wanted to calm him down but before he could, he left the room with his strong steps which were really loud to hear until he left the mansion.

Murphy looked at the doctor and asked them to try their best to cure the patient. He turned to leave the room, when he turned slightly and take a quick look of Long Jie. He thought to himself, 'Why it's seems like something is amiss. How can someone change this much?'. He turned back and close the door behind him.


Returning home, Lifen directly went to her room after greeting and checking her mother. She had successfully hidden her pain from her as she has done with her grandfather. She has told her that she had a heavy lunch with her grandfather and wouldn't be to dine at night.

She closed her room and went to sit on the windowsill again. The moon has come out in the sight as the twilight was coming to an end and darkness was covering the sky.

She was thinking in her heart, 'How can he turn out like this after so many years? Was he the one she had known before? How can he become such a money minded person? He was not the same person for whom she has waited for'.

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Thinking about him she soon fall asleep on the windowsill, in an uncomfortable position. And then there she again reminisce about the most beautiful story of the world.

Their soft cute gestures towards each other. The caring boy of his dream, who doted on her more than anyone else. And then again came the pain of separation, "I promise I will soon return to you, wait for me little girl."

With that part of dream her expressions changed, she mumbled, "No, I won't wait for you again. I won't hurt myself again. You are not the one I waited for. I really regret".

At that moment the window got open, and a man in casual outfit with a leather jacket entered her room. The room was dark with no lights. He looked at her, the moonlight coming inside the room was illuminating her and the room. With the moonlight, the purity and innocence of her face was highlighted.

She was still mumbling something, unaware of the intruder in her room. He bent slightly to pick her up and tried to listen her words.

"I regret falling for you. I really regret coming across you aga....", the word was half completed.

"I regret everything. I really regret".

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