The Undefined Love

Chapter 68: 68

The moon was shining brightly out the window, when a black Maybach pulled up a little far from her house. His eyes were shining with fierceness in the midst of darkness. His hands were clenched on the steering wheel as if he intended to mold it till it gets useless.

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His black fiery eyes then shifted to the papers which where thrown previously by him without any care. He roughly grabbed the papers and flipped the pages to see what was in this that made that girl so bold. With every flipped page, his eyes were growing darker and darker, 'Was she thought him to be that petty. She thought that he after this land. Huh! what does she think of herself? No, she is so naive. Now it's time to let her know his exact motives".

With that, he stepped out of his car and walked like King Yama [●], out for seeking the souls of the humans. His one glare was enough to kill someone. He sneaked into her room through the window and found her sitting on the windowsill, her head supported by the edge of the wall and her eyes closed. Her breathing was soft, slow and stable.

Her petite face was shining in the light of moon radiating purity and innocence. With her one look, his whole aura was changed. The blazing fire which was storming in his eyes to burn her was gone. He took small soft steps and gently sat beside her.

He softly tugged her hairs behind her ears, attempting not to wake her up. His eyes were fixed on her, his heart was not allowing to move it, forcing him to be gentle and protective for her, but then everything got flashed again in his mind. And at last his mind won the battle against his heart. He stood up and dipped himself a little to grab and lift her through her waist.

When he lifted her up, her soft voice blossomed in his ears, "I regret falling for you. I really regret coming across you aga...., I regret everything ".

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The middle sentence didn't go unnoticed by him. He eyes got confused, 'What does she say? Have I misheard something? What does she mean coming across again?".

He shrugged his thoughts, thinking either he has misheard her or she was in her dreamland. And both the conditions doesn't concern him. He took her with him and sneaked out the same window from where he had entered.

He walked taking long strides, lifting her up in his arms. When cool winds touched her skin, she shivered and nuzzled closer into his arms. He placed her in the shotgun seat and went to the other side to drive.


Lifen opened her eyes gently, when the light bright enough to wake her up walloped her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and freaked out to find herself in a complete strange place. "Where am I? It's not my room, in fact it's not my house. How did I get here?".

She looked around in search of her phone but found none. She jumped off the bed and walked towards the door which was completely shut but to her relief, it wasn't locked.

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She hurriedly walked out to know what was happening. When she walked out of the room, passing through the corridor, she spotted a maid cleaning another room. She directly went to her, "Hey, can you tell me why I am here? Who have brought me here? Have I been kidnapped? ".

She asked several questions but none of them were answered. To her surprise, the maid didn't even lifted her head to look at her. Lifen suddenly noticed something, and then she got somewhat a clearer picture of the scenario.

She had noticed the badge on the left of the maid's cloth which she has seen before too. It was none other that the badge that signifies that the person is a worker under Wangs. She has seen it before in the Wang Palace and even asked the maids about it.

Her fists got clenched and she gritted her teeth. Without another word, she dashed out of the room to find him. 'That's enough. That bastar* hasn't got enough. He dared to kidnap. He is ridiculous. '

She was searching in each and every room of the mansion. She knew it wasn't the Wang Palace. It was some other property owned by him. She was slamming the doors hard to search him.

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The maids were staring at her but none of them came forward to ask her or stop her. She assumed that may be they were ordered by Deming.

After almost checking all the, she got the she was searching. She spotted Deming sitting on the couch of a room, putting his head at the back of the couch and blankly staring at the ceiling. She stepped inside and charged in a blazing tone, "Are you sick? What's the meaning of bringing me here and that too without my consent. What's....".

The words remained deep in her throat when she her eyes crossed over the bed and the lady lying on it. Several tubes and machines were attached to her body. But who was she? And why did he bring her here?

Deming lifted his head and looked straight at Lifen, "So now you know. What happened, you don't have any words to say any further? Where are your hallow accusations? Won't you accuse me or now you got who is actually to be accused?"

Lifen was confused with his words, "What do you mean?"

In another second, Deming stood up and lunged forward, grabbing Lifen's arm roughly, "Don't you know? Or do you want to pretend?"

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The grip of his hand was really tight and was exuding much strength. Soon the pain took over her eyes, "It hurts". And in the next second her arms were released.

Deming was shocked with his involuntary action but he didn't gave any second thought to it, "My mere tight grip hurts you so much. Then what about me? What should I do for the pain which you have charged on me?"

His eyes were filled with pain and helplessness. Lifen's heart ached, seeing him like this. Tears got tripped out of her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

She was still confused of his words. What does he mean by the 'pain charged on by me'? How have I cause in pain?

She gently stepped forward to comfort him but he swatted away her hand as if it was most disgusting thing to touch in this whole world. She wasn't able to collect anything from his words. She wanted to ask him but the way he is looking at her, filled with animosity and disgust, she wasn't able to form the sentences.

She was feeling itching pain in her heart. All these years, was she waiting for him to feel this pain? What was her fault after all? She can't tolerate this disgust look for her in his eyes.

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