The Undefined Love

Chapter 75: 75

In the cabin which can present the exact definition of solitary and the workaholic atmosphere, a man was sitting with his brows scrunched together. From afar, it would look like he is engrossed in stack of files, piled in front of him but in reality it was just his veneer to cover his real thoughts running on his mind.

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There was a sudden knock on the door. "What is it?", he said in a deep hoarse voice which was enough to show his dark mood.

The person standing out of the cabin took it as the allowance to enter the cabin. The dark hoarse voice of the devil didn't faze him . He gently twitched the knob of the door to open and then as gentle as before, he close it behind him.

"Boss, according to your schedule, you have to head towards the meeting room again after 20 minutes. The CEO of Xing Corporation is on the way to the Wang Corporation and will surely reach her in the next 10 minutes", Murphy informed.

Deming, without raising his head from the stack of files nodded his head absentmindedly. Seeing this, Murphy left out a chuckle. With one glance, he can tell this boy is fooling around the people with his workaholic look and dark demeanor. But little did he know that he can't fool his sharp eyes. He had known him for more than 20 years and has seen him growing in each phase of his life. How can he not identify his moods just by glancing him once.

Deming raised his head reluctantly only to shot him his deadly glare which had never worked on him. "You are getting more and more audacious with every passing day. I think I should really find a way competent to control you efficiently", he scowled.

Murphy's lips curled up in a pleasing smile, he was about to say his words but before he could, a buzz was heard with a deep dark melody ringtone. Deming swiftly averted his gaze on his phone.

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Murphy felt a slight pulsation in his left eye. She sneakily gazed over the cellphone and there he was right. The call showed the caller-id of one of the doctor who is monitoring Ms.Long's condition.

He had thought of this before but he never thought that the doctor would directly call Deming. He had thought, he would receive the call instead of him but little did he know, it would go other way round.

Deming put the call on speaker and gave a small hum to let the other side know that he was listening.

"Good afternoon Mr.Wang . It's Dr.Chen. I have called you inform that a young girl has come to visit Ms.Long today. We had let her sit in the room but we still think to report it to you", he said in a decent voice but one can still feel scared heaving breath in his voice. He was deadly scared of Deming.

Without giving him another word, Deming cut off the call. He can easily guess who was the girl, the doctor was talking about.

Murphy wanted to avert his thoughts so he tried his best to do so, "Boss, I think it's time to lead towards the meeting room, the clients and our team is waiting for our arrival"

"Cancel it", he said with wrapping off his files and grabbing his coat to leave.

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"Boss, it is already scheduled prior one month. It would be really unprofessional of us", he urged to stop him but it didn't work.

Deming dashed out of his cabin. No one can say what he was thinking of, whether he is in a grim reaper mode or the opposite of it. Murphy quickly passed the message of cancelling the meeting and rushed out elegantly, maintaining his composure to follow his Boss or to protect 'Little Lifen' from his wrath.


Carnation Hills.

Lifen felt a pair of scrutinizing eyes on her. She followed her way of instinct and gazed at owner of eyes. To her amazement, she knew the elder. She innocently blinked her eyes, thinking the way to react at this situation.

The elder's lips curled up in recognition but he reverted his gaze back to Long Jie.

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Lifen heaved a sigh of relief thinking that she has a little time to think of the way to escape from that elder.

After a perfect 20 minutes, the doctors dispersed from the room, leaving the elder behind. Lifen stood up in respect. She knew, it would be disrespectful to avoid him and she can disrespect an elder who was in the age of her grandfather.

"It is really long, since last I met you girl. But I must say, you are still the same. How is your that old lion grandfather?", the elder tittered.

Lifen gently bowed her head a little, "It's good to see you heathy, Grandpa Yang. My grandfather is healthy to but not as healthy as you". She let out small chuckle.

The elder gave her a sign to sit down while he took the seat on the other couch to have a short conversation with her.

"You are still as filial as you were in your childhood girl. I really envy your grandfather for that. You are equally competent and filial for the position of the heiress of Li Corporation", the elder Yang said with shimmering eyes. He was complimenting her genuinely.

Her lips curled up, "You are praising me without considering Brother Yuzhe. He is far better than me. He is the ideal of my dreams. I have always dreamt to become like him, you know. If you praise me like this than it won't be a genuine one". She pouted completing her words.

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"Aishh! why are you even mentioning that brat in between. He don't even deserve to be in these talks. He doesn't even care for his grandfather anymore, never thinking of returning from that foreign land", elder Yang said with a depressing tone.

Lifen left a small chuckle on which the elder pointed his finger to her face, "D-don't you dare take his side again. I know you have always idolize him for his work and character since childhood but now you are a grown girl. You can now side with this old man".

Lifen was smile at the elder's words. She gently nodded her head to him in acceptance. Her smile was enough to glimmer the eyes of the elder. "So, are you in contact with that brat? He is in Los Angeles, right now. He has always been very fond of you from your childhood days", he said in hope that she would say a yes to him.

But to his disappointment, she shook hed head in denial. "It's okay grandpa Yang, I will soon contact him. But right now, I need to ask a favor from you".

Elder Yang slighty squinted his eyes, "Are you still into chocolates? Don't eat too much of chocolate, it's not good for your glistening teeth".

Lifen lips gave a gentle laugh, "Yeah, I still love chocolates, but I am not asking that from you. I am asking you hide my identity from other. I don't want them to know my real identi... ".

At that very moment, the door of the room was flung open. And out stand a man with tough figure and eyes filled with fire. No one can say that his expression was the truth or a facade to hide the truth.

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