The Undefined Love

Chapter 76: 76

The door of the room was flung open. And out stand a man with tough figure and eyes filled with fire. No one can say that his expression was the truth or a facade to hide the truth.

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Dr.Yang stood up to show the mutual respect but didn't bowed his head, "Mr.Wang".

Deming eyes were glaring Lifen all this time but it was looking more like a stare than a fiery glare. She in return gave a blank expression to him with no warm expression, neither on her face nor in her eyes. But suddenly, her lips curled up a little to bear a warm smile.

Deming's eyes glisten at that smile. He was in search of that warmth on her face but soon his expression sank, the smile was not directed to him. He followed her eyes and it leaded to Murphy.

Murphy gave a same warm smile to her. The glowing satisfaction of Deming's eyes were snatched away from him. "How is she?" he asked roughly.

Dr.Yang's expression changed in that very moment. He never liked when people shoot even a slight disrespectful words to him. "Sorry, Mr.Wang. I don't think I ever allowed to speak that way to me. I am just leading my team here, if possible I won't ever spare a glance to this case", he said sternly.

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Murphy knew if not controlled now, things will soon get off everyone's hands.He bowed his head to Dr.Yang, "I apologize to Dr.Yang . My Boss didn't intended to offend you, he is just a way to concern about the Young Ms.Long . I hope you can let this slide off".

Deming glared Murphy but he knew too well that this was the best attempt at this moment. Dr.Yang was still infuriated. He reverted his gaze back to Lifen, gave a warm nod to her which didn't go unnoticed by the other two present in the room.

"I will ask my subordinates to let you have a follow up about the patient's condition. And the thing which I wanted to personally tell you guys is that be prepared for the worst because if we not get the real reason of her current condition soon. I doubt it will be impossible to save her", he left the room with looking back.

The words shook Lifen from within. Was her condition that bad. But what does Grandpa Yang mean by 'real reason'? Did they didn't find the real reason for her condition? Wasn't that depression and then accident? Or was there something else? There were several questions in her mind which was still unanswered.

She looked up to get the answers from Deming but he wasn't in her sight. He turned around to look for him. And as expected by her, he was sitting near Jie, holding her hands for dear life.

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She felt a pinch of pain in her heart but let the pain slide off. She can't cage anyone and demand them to love her with their heart. That's the most impossible thing on this earth.

Murphy gently patted on her shoulder. She tilted her head to give him a smile full of understanding. "What makes you come here?" he said in a loud ferocious voice which almost made Lifen stumble.

But she maintained her composure before it can slide off her control. She said in her equal stern voice, "I think you should keep a check on your tone at least when you are somewhere near a patient like this".

Deming gave a glare to her. She continued, "Don't look at me like that. I am here, not for you but because I wanted to know about her. Last day, because of the weak state of my heart I wasn't in the right state of my mind. Though I have plenty reasons to prove that I am not the reason for her condition but I know somewhere I am indirectly related to this, so I just wanted to look after her and help her recuperate. That was the only reason for my appearance today".

Murphy was stunned to know her reason. He never thought she could think this was. Who was she? Did she not know that doing thing to such extent will give her immense pain? Everytime when she will see them (Deming and Jie) together, she will be reminded of the betrayal she went through. What was she thinking of?

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"No, you can't", Deming said disapproving her thoughts.

"Huh, what make you think that you can control my decision and thoughts. You can't control my thoughts nor my decisions. And if you still think that you can avoid anyone coming to her just because you are her..." , she paused and closed her eyes for a few moments to open it again, "boyfriend and you love her then you again highly mistaken because it was you, who have involved me in this muddle".

Deming pinched the space between his brows, clenched hi teeth and stood up swiftly. With another switch movement, he closed the distance between him and Lifen , grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the room.

Murphy wanted to run after them but soon thought, it wasn't a right thing to do.He was the first one to see the spark between them and even after knowing that it was nothing but a trap for Deming's revenge, he still feel the same spark between them.

In other room, Deming yanked Lifen inside and slammed the door behind them. He pressed Lifen's back on wall adjoining the door and pinned her shoulders to it, "What's with you? Why are you hurting yourself like this?", he said in a desperate tone. He was desperate to get answer from her.

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He expected to get a flinch from her but she didn't him that happiness. Her eyes stared him like he was a stranger to her, that pierce a painful jab to his heart. "Sorry, but I don't think I am hurt anyone and why would I try to hurt myself?", she said plainly.

"Don't lie. I know you are blaming me for treating you unfairly in this whole scenario but believe me I was blinded by my love for her. And now I know you were falsely dragged in all this. You don't need to hurt yourself like this. You don't need to come and visit Jie from time to time...", Deming said, his eyes filled with concern for her.

Only he knew, how he felt after she left that day. He was desperate to know about her, about her wellbeing. He even asked his people to check her in the college but she haven't gone there. Today he has ordered his men to go to her neighborhood but now she is here.

Lifen easily swatted away his arms which were holding her shoulders, "Lie? I think I am not a person like you. I don't lie. And about feeling hurt, yeah I felt hurt the day when I came to know about your betrayal but now I don't feel anything. I don't blame you for anything. You don't have to feel that you are responsible for anything in my life or even in my work because now you don't have that right. It was my mistake for believing you. So just relax, doing this won't hurt me. I won't ever allow anyone to hurt me ever again". A small smile full of self contempt was over her lips, even eyes didn't betray her.

Deming was dumbfounded with her reply. He words were fully directed to hurt him but it was really fulfilling its work. As each and every word was like a dagger piercing deep into his heart. He never wanted her to slide off his betrayal like this. He wanted her to retaliate his betrayal with her harsh counterattacks.

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